Timing solution natal chart degree in Title/Summary
Timing Solution Natal Charts Viewer
When you run Timing Solution Natal Charts Viewer, you see immediately that it is totally different from other programs for natal charts . The most programs deal with PAST explanation of movement and HOPES that the FUTURE movement repeats the patterns revealed and explained for the past.
- Publisher: Timing Solution
- Home page: www.timingsolution.com
- Last updated: April 8th, 2011
MB Free Astrology Natal Chart
MB Free Natal Chart Software is a free astrology natal chart generator software based on the principles of western astrology. This program tells us in detail the accurate astronomical locations of planets at the time of an individual's birth.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com
- Last updated: July 16th, 2010
Timing Solution Calendar
The program displays the effect of the most significant events for the day, the time and how this event most likely affects the price (upward arrow means that the price tends to go up, while the downward arrow indicates that the price tends to go down).
- Publisher: Timing Solution
- Home page: www.timingsolution.com
- Last updated: June 27th, 2011
Timing solution natal chart degree in Description
The SE Aspectarian software provides information that is useful for both astrologers and programmers. It is capable of calculating all the planetary data that you need. There is much data that goes into the calculations done by the program. It is an astrological aspectarian software that uses the Swiss Ephemeris for all calculations.
- Publisher: Allen Edwall/AstroWin
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: June 6th, 2017
ZET is a utility created for professional astrologers that includes astronomy data and functions, making it a good tool for learning astronomy also. Interactive natal, transit and synastry charts can be created by the application. A sky view can be used for learning the constellations.
- Publisher: Anatoly Zaytsev
- Home page: www.zaytsev.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012
AstroWin PHP Scripts
Download AstroWin PHP Scripts in order to be able to set up a website. This scripts allow your users to generate and read the interpretation of their natal chart/natal horoscope, to generate and read their daily transit interpretations, or to see the planetary positions RIGHT NOW.
- Publisher: Allen Edwall
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: April 25th, 2010
Astro123 combines the following programs into one convenient, easy-to-use program: N_Interp (for natal chart analysis), MEandYOU (for understanding composite chart meanings), YOUandME (for understanding synastry chart meanings), Transits (for transit interpretations - includes a new transit report for up to 366 days of transits), and Keywords.
- Publisher: Allen Edwall/AstroWin
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: April 19th, 2011
MB Free Janam Kundali
MB Free Janam Kundali is an advanced and effective birth chart software based on Vedic Astrology. It tells you accurately the astronomical location of planets at the time of an individual's birth.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008
Additional Timing solution natal chart degree selection
Timing Solution Advanced
Advanced version of Timing Solution is designed for existing users of Timing Solution software. You have bought it; it means that you know how to work with major modules of Timing Solution, you are able to create your own models and used to get the projection lines.
- Publisher: Timing Solution
- Home page: www.timingsolution.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2012
Junior Jyotish
Junior Jyotish is a beginners astrology program using basic principles of the classical Parashara system of Indian. It has also been designed to include elements of the Systems Approach (SA) to Indian Astrology by Professor V.K. Choudhry. Junior Jyotish is used by students and practitioners of Indian Astrology all over the world.
- Publisher: JyotishTools
- Last updated: November 8th, 2011
- Publisher: Astrology5000
- Home page: www.Astrology5000.com
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008
Are you interested in learning more about the planetary influences that occur each day in your life? Now you can with my program called TRANSITS. TRANSITS calculates your natal chart, then lists your daily transits along with text that you can use to learn more about planetary energies. Don't forget to change OPTIONS and enter YOUR birth data so the transits will be personalized for you.
- Publisher: Allen Edwall
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010
ProgTran is an astrology calculation program that calculates a natal chart, then calculates secondary or tertiary progressions plus transits and solar arcs, then tells you what influences you are currently under. Files are stored in a REPORTS directory so that you may view or edit them according to your choosing
- Publisher: Allen Edwall/AstroWin
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: November 10th, 2008
Capricorn PROMETHEUS is an astrology program that displays clear charts and graphics. It contains a vast number of points for all schools of astrology, support for more than 1000 asteroids, 6000 fixed stars and more than 100 Arabic parts. It also provides the fully configurable point and aspect system.
- Publisher: Capricorn Astrology Software
- Home page: www.capricorn-astrology-software.com
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2015
seaPro 3000 lite
This easy-to-use system combines high quality charts with practical navigation functionality. seaPro Lite is designed for those who wish to get to grips with PC based chart plotters without the initial expense of a fully featured system, or feel that the amount of sailing they do does not justify a more costly solution.
- Publisher: Euronav Limited
- Home page: www.euronav.co.uk
- Last updated: April 10th, 2017
AstroSrc contains natal chart interpretations, daily transit interpretations, single and dual chartwheels, two types of keyword features, 7 different house systems. AstroLine graphic planetary display, a meanings form that allows you to select and read various natal interpretations for any planet in a house, sign.
- Publisher: Edwall&Percec
- Home page: www.astrowin.org
- Last updated: December 17th, 2009
MB Vedic Astrology
MB Vedic Astrology is a comprehensive astrological software, which mainly focuses upon Rashi, Lagna, Nakshatra, Muhurta, Janam Kundali, as well as other Vedic astrological divisional charts. The application is capable of forecasting all the important incidents and possible opportunities that may arise in the life of an individual, including the charts in the North, South and East Indian Styles.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
CyClockWizard is a software tool that enables users to customize Cypress timing solutions to meet their unique requirements in three easy steps: - Identify the right timing solution through a parametric search engine - Custom-configure the device using an intuitive GUI - Program the field-programmable devices for engineering evaluation
- Publisher: Cypress