Tiny telnet server pic32 in Title/Summary

GoodTech Telnet Server
GoodTech Telnet Server is a software that turns a Windows system into a multi-user Telnet server. Features include support for both line mode (with scroll buffer) and screen mode, local printing on the client side, connection restriction based on Host or IP address and more
- Publisher: GoodTech Systems
- Last updated: February 15th, 2010

Quick Tftp Server Pro
Quick Tftp Server Pro is a multi-threaded tftp server and telnet server for Microsoft Windows . It designed to allow network administrators and users to save and write files from various network equipment , and allow users to login to the server to execute various commands, such as listing file and directory information, reverse ping network equipment.
- Publisher: TallSoft
- Home page: www.tallsoft.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

KpyM Telnet/SSH Server
KpyM Telnet/SSH Server free telnet and SSH server for Windows. KTS runs as a service; provides access to the host computer via the telnet or SSH protocol. Supports character graphics (applications like edit.com) and colours.
- Publisher: Kroum Grigorov
- Last updated: May 20th, 2011
Tiny telnet server pic32 in Description

.NET Telnet Shell Component CS VB.NET ASP
Easily add Telnet and Telnet connectivity to your .NET applications. In addition, it also adds exclusive Telnet and Telnet Terminal Emulation Controls to your WinForms App
- Publisher: ComponentPro
- Last updated: March 28th, 2013

Enterprise desktop
The program has been designed to organize working places in offices and at enterprises. It allows to connect remotely to the terminal servers(Citrix XenApp server, Microsoft Terminal server, NX server ? ?.?.) from the browser.
- Publisher: Grapecom Ltd.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Other important features:- Support of QSL-Manager Databases, local and Internet DBs - Save and Restore Logbooks Import and Export of QSO's Merge Databases Schedule Control Round-Table Support Display Information about the QSO-Partner Pivot-Tables Callbook Support, local and Internet DBs
- Publisher: Jordi Quintero
- Last updated: January 13th, 2015

Dynu Basic Dynamic DNS Service Client
Dynu Basic Dynamic DNS Service is a domain name service which provides real time resolution of your domain name to your current dynamic IP address. Host your own Website, FTP site, Email server, Telnet server, Chat server and more right on your computer with your very own domain name like yourdomain.dynu.com even if you have a dynamic IP address!!
- Publisher: Dynu Systems, Inc.
- Home page: www.dynu.com
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Connect and Shar Server
If you are sharing a Internet connection then Connect and Shar is a must-have tool. Internet connection and dis-connection can now be remote-controlled.Using Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) or any proxy server to share one Internet connection or modem across your local area network ? Now you can control your Internet connection and modem from any machine.
- Publisher: ppp infotech Ltd
- Last updated: October 6th, 2008
Additional Tiny telnet server pic32 selection

freeSSHd is a free implementation of an SSH server. It provides strong encryption and authentication over insecure networks like Internet. Users can open remote console or even access their remote files thanks to buit-in SFTP server. This application has an user friendly interface.
- Publisher: Kresimir Petric
- Home page: www.freesshd.com
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

Only the telnet server function offers the remote text control feature. As a telnet server, SMBridge is started as a background service (for Windows) or daemon (for Linux) on a system on your network. This is typically not the server with the BMC. You initially connect to the telnet server, then from there you connect to the BMC via the server Ethernet port. This is shown in the figure below.
- Publisher: IBM
- Last updated: December 31st, 2009

The NetSerial creates Virtual COM ports on a Windows PC, which can redirect to remote Serial Servers, Modem Servers, and other serial devices located on any TCP/IP network or over the Internet. NetSerial's Virtual COM port allows applications to access remote devices as if they were connected to the local PC, without needing any changes to the application.
- Publisher: PC Micro
- Home page: pcmicro.com
- Last updated: November 25th, 2013

It’s a fully featured IDE that connects automatically to your Pycom devices via Telnet Server or serial port, runs your code on the fly, manages the internal file system, synchronizes your code instantly and runs it with just one click. It also takes care of firmware upgrades and includes a built in console that interfaces with the MicroPython REPL.
- Publisher: Pycom
![KTS [ Miranda Plugin ]](https://windows.podnova.com/screenshots/378/378220_1_pad_1.png)
KTS [ Miranda Plugin ]
KTS [ Miranda Plugin ] a telnet server over ICQ gives you access to the host computer command prompt. Connect and manage your computer through your favourite ICQ program. No external IP required. Firewall friendly runs over the ICQ protocl. No client
- Publisher: Kroum Grigorov
- Last updated: January 7th, 2012

Tiny Server
Tiny Server is an open source HTTP server that can accept multiple requests at once. You can configure the default page, web page directory and port number by editing the SERVER.INI file. The server has been configured to accept a maximum of 100 connections.
- Publisher: Saurabh Gupta
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2013

Microsoft SQL Server
SQL Server 2022 is the most Azure-enabled release of SQL Server yet, with continued innovation in security, availability, and performance. Help ensure uptime with fully managed disaster recovery in the cloud through the link feature in Azure SQL Managed Instance. Continuously replicate data to and from the cloud.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: www.microsoft.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Jana Server
Jana Server is a proxy server that makes it possible for LAN members (one person or a group as a part of the LAN) to access the Internet via a Modem, ISDN, or DSL connection. It is also an e-mail server that permits the users on the local net to send each other e-mails or make it possible for every single user to send e-mails over the internet.
- Publisher: Thomas Hauck
- Home page: www.janaserver.de
- Last updated: April 29th, 2015

Remote Administrator Control Server
With RAC (Remote Administrator Control) you can work without any limits on a remote computer with operation system Windows®, as if working on your local computer. You can conduct remote administration and maintainenance of your computers, offer remote support and troubleshooting to your users.
- Publisher: Monika Novotna
- Home page: www.remote-rac.com
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Camfrog Advanced Server
This server allows you to host your own video chat room, not videochat. This program allows you to moderate your own video chat room and host tens or hundreds of rooms simultaneously on one server. It also enables you to invite a group of family or friends to video chat together, and add a video chat room to your website.
- Publisher: Camshare LLC
- Last updated: February 1st, 2013