Titanic technical drawings in Title/Summary

Hidden Expedition: Titanic
Hidden Expedition Titanic is a game in which you must find objects. You´ll have to explore the wreckage of the Titanic ship to collect antique artifacts for the Titanic Museum. The player needs to dive into 17 ship locations for clues that are deeply hidden but will lead you to the ultimate artifact: The Crown Jewels!
- Publisher: Bigfish Games
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: May 1st, 2008

1912 Titanic Mystery
1912 Titanic Mystery is a hidden-object game in which you must find a bomb hidden in a replica of the famous cruise ship, Titanic. Throughout the game, you will visit different locations of the cruise looking for clues that lead you to the bomb. The scenes are not so well created, since some of the objects seem to be thrown in the scene while others look somewhat camouflaged with the environment.
- Publisher: Joindots
- Home page: www.joindots.com
- Last updated: July 6th, 2010

Monument Builders: Titanic
Relive the great moments of the creation of the legendary Titanic and be a part of its incredible story in Monument Builders: Titanic! Use your Time Management skills to produce wood and metal that will be used in the construction of the world’s most famous ship.
- Publisher: ANUMAN
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2012
Titanic technical drawings in Description

Diagram Studio is a complex tool that allows you to design a large variety of diagrams, flowcharts, schematics and other technical drawings in an easy manner, without requiring you to have any prior experience in this matter. It makes the creation of a diagram or flowchart a simple task.
- Publisher: Gadwin Systems, Inc.
- Home page: www.gadwin.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

ViewPro allows you to integrate print preview and report generator into your .NET and VB6 projects as well as others. You can use ViewPro to build graphics and text-based reports or technical drawings, display the results in a scrolling and zooming viewer on your form and then print it.
- Publisher: HexaTech
- Home page: www.hexatech.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015

Canvas X Pro
Canvas X Pro is a powerful program that allows you to create, enhance, and share technical illustrations. Canvas X Pro comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create scale drawings, floor plans, architectural designs, and other technical drawings with measured precision and placement.
- Publisher: Canvas X Software Inc.
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2015

Batch convert your scanned A-size drawings to CAD format. GTX OSR EZ will let you convert dozens of scanned technical drawings to CAD format overnight. OSR EZ will convert drawing sizes up to ANSI A or ISO A4 at 400 dots per inch resolution. To convert full-size engineering drawings, you can use GTX OSR
- Publisher: GTX Corporation
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Canvas X 2017
Canvas X 2017 provides a diverse, efficacy-driven design environment. Canvas X 2017 comes loaded with tools and techniques that allow you to easily create scale drawings, floor plans, architectural designs, and other technical drawings with measured precision and placement.
- Publisher: Canvas X Software Inc.
- Home page: www.canvasgfx.com
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2017
Additional Titanic technical drawings selection

QCad is a 2D CAD program that can be used to create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams. It comes with a part library containing over 4800 CAD parts. You can also make use of the 35 CAD fonts. It supports opening and saving of DXF and DWG files.
- Publisher: RibbonSoft GmbH
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

VectorEngineer Quick-Tools
VectorEngineer Quick-Tools is a mini cad system that offers all the basic features required to make technical drawings, working drawings, designs, plans, and diagrams in a simple point and click environment.Requirements: Pentium P.C. with a minimum resolution of 800 * 600 pixels, (1024 * 768 recommended). Windows 95+. 6mb of free drive space.
- Publisher: VectorEngineer
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

R2V is a tool for converting raster images to vector by drawing centerlines and outlines.R2V converts architect, mechanical and various technical drawings, maps and other types from raster to vector format. A vector format can be imported into your CAD/CAM or drawing program.
- Publisher: MR Soft
- Last updated: June 11th, 2014

CADEMIA is a powerful CAD application with a full functionality for civil engineering and architecture. It is a program designed for true-to-scale technical drawings and documenting. The program also offers training, customization and individual application development.
- Publisher: Bauhaus University Weimar
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

Keeprite Design Tools
KeepRite Refrigeration Design Tools is a suite of programs created to help refrigeration professionals make accurate calculations, access product information, choose components and print technical drawings. It contains the following apps: Air-Cooled Condenser Designer, Certified Print Generator, Service Parts List and Document Browser.
- Publisher: National Refrigeration
- Last updated: November 14th, 2018

Print Exec LT
Océ Print Exec LT is easy-to-use, entry-level print management software. It offers a convenient platform to create jobs consisting of sets of technical drawings and submit them to a single large format printer. This printing software provides job submission and previewing of documents, right through to print management with online information about job and device status.
- Publisher: Océ-Technologies B.V.
- Last updated: November 5th, 2008

Every aspect of CoPlot has been designed around one basic goal: to make a program that is so versatile that scientists and engineers can easily get exactly what they want. CoPlot includes CoStat for data handling and statistics. CoPlot is ideal for creating genetic maps, field maps, flow charts, apparatus diagrams, circuit diagrams, chemical structures, etc.
- Publisher: CoHort Software
- Last updated: October 8th, 2009

MTS TOPCAD is a powerful program that can be used for drawing sketches. It is a program designed for the interpretation and creation of technical drawings. It allows you the simulation of control specific programs on different virtual machines by setting up the target simulation machine.
- Publisher: MTS GmbH Berlin
- Last updated: June 25th, 2014

Cameo Apparel Software System
Cameo Apparel Pattern Software is a program that can be used for making customized dresses and standard-sized apparel production. It allows you to draft and edit patterns, custom size or grade patterns, lay markers and create technical drawings and specifications.
- Publisher: Wild Ginger Software, Inc.
- Last updated: June 16th, 2013

Grapholite is an easy to use, touch-friendly, inexpensive, yet very powerful alternative to Visio that can be used for all types of business graphics: flowcharts, floor plans, office layouts, uml diagrams, organizational charts, mind maps, venn charts, bpmn diagrams, web-site structures and wireframes, technical drawings, network layouts, ui mockups and much more.
- Publisher: Aphalina
- Home page: grapholite.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021