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Tomtom tweaking tool in Title/Summary

Vista Tweaking Tools

Vista Tweaking Tools

VistaTweaker is, as its name says, a reliable, smart and yet easy-to-use Windows Vista tweaking tool. The interface is nice and simple. · Every tweak has its description so the user can see what each one does. · Tweaks are organized into tabs, each tab is subdivided in sections by group boxes. This way it is easy to find the tweak the user is looking for.

  • Publisher: JPA-Software
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2008


TomTom HOME is the easiest way to manage content on your TomTom device. Downloading and installing HOME is easy and quick. Once installed, simply connect your TomTom device to your computer by using your USB cable and get started. Every time you start up TomTom HOME, it will automatically detect if your TomTom device is connected and offer you any available updates.

  • Publisher: TomTom International BV
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2022
Media Studio for TomTom

Media Studio for TomTom

The Media Studio for TomTom 2.5 makes it possible to now watch movies and videos on a TomTom navigator. The converted files for the TomTom are stored in a small amount of space so that a 128 Mb memory card is sufficient. The Media Studio for TomTom 2.5 can convert just about any video type

  • Publisher: Makayama
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2008

Tomtom tweaking tool in Description

Simple System Tweaker

Simple System Tweaker

Simple System Tweaker is a program designed to help you boost speed, performance, and stability of your computer without running the risk of damaging important system files. This is achieved by changing a variety of settings and giving your Windows-based computer a tune-up.

  • Publisher: Tweaking.com
  • Home page: www.tweaking.com
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2012
XdN Tweaker

XdN Tweaker

Everybody wants to look different and feel special nowadays, even when they’re working with computers. With XdN Tweaker you get a quick and direct access to change many settings and configure the behavior you want for your operating system ordered in categories. This software is easy-to-use and you can access to it for free.

  • Publisher: Xenomorph dot Net
  • Home page: xenomorph.net
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2013


An easy to use yet advanced enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool for Windows Vista. With a clean and simple interface it brings you an All-in-One set of powerful and neatly classified tools, settings and tweaks.

  • Publisher: SeriousBit
  • Home page: seriousbit.com
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022


NitroXP is the tweaking tool designed for Windows XP. NitroXP can optimize your Internet connection, memory, and more. NitroXP can decrease shutdown time by decreasing the amount of time Windows waits for a program to close.

  • Publisher: RoadSide Software, LLC
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008


WinBubble lets you tweak various settings of your Windows 7 or Vista system with ease, giving you more control over even the little details of your computer. WinBubble lets you tweak and optimize your computer by letting you access and change those advanced settings that are usually hidden to the casual users.

  • Publisher: Lawrence Albert Ilao
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2010

Additional Tomtom tweaking tool selection

K-Lite Codec Pack

K-Lite Codec Pack

The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.

  • Publisher: Codec Guide
  • Home page: codecguide.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024


Tyre is a software program for searching, creating, and sharing GPS routes. It lets you create and copy routes directly to your TomTom or Garmin navigation system. Tyre comes with a built-in version of Google Maps. You can easily add points of interests, rename waypoints, and display routes on the map.

  • Publisher: Tyre2Navigate
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2018
Game Fire

Game Fire

Optimizes PC performance to achieve the best gaming experience ever.



xpize is a utility program for Windows XP (both 32-bit and 64-bit) and Windows Server 2003 (32-bit and 64-bit) that replaces most of the bits in Windows that didn't match XP's style with bits that do. It does not replace any files, system or otherwise. Instead it "patches" the files by replacing the old resources inside the files.

  • Publisher: XPero
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2010


MagicTweak is an application that will let you modify your Windows. It has a vast array of features that let you tweak every aspect of your Windows installation. This is half a cosmetic application and half a functional one. It allows you to modify the way Windows looks and the way if operates.

  • Publisher: Efreesky Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Tweak-10 is an easy-to-use professional Windows 10 tweaking tool. Main features: - Heaps of features to customize, optimize and tweak Windows 10. - No need to dig into the system registry: activate hundreds of tweaks by a mouse click only. - Performance tweaks and optimizations included. - Speed up your CPU, your Internet connection and much more.

  • Publisher: Totalidea Software
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2017
Advanced XP Tweak

Advanced XP Tweak

Advanced XP Tweak allows you to fine-tune your Windows XP and Internet Explorer easily and safely. It is the best way to tweak and optimize your Windows XP system. Advanced XP Tweak gives your system the look you want, and optimizes its performance.

EnhanceMyVista Free

EnhanceMyVista Free

An all-in-one set of powerful and neatly classified tools, settings and tweaks: Process Manager, Disk and Registry Cleaners and other. With a clean and simple interface it helps you to gain maximum performance from your Windows Vista.



An all-in-one set of powerful and neatly classified tools, settings and tweaks: Process Manager, Disk and Registry Cleaners, Defragmenter and other. With a clean and simple interface it helps you to gain maximum performance from your Windows XP

  • Publisher: SeriousBit
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
XP Utilities Lite

XP Utilities Lite

XP Utilities Lite is a powerful and handy set of tools for your every day use, allowing you to control and modify your system safely and easily. It has been designed specially for use with Windows XP Professional and Home editions.