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Tool to compare dll .net in Title/Summary



.Net library to convert Text, RTF documents to HTML 3.2, 4.01, HTML5 with CSS and XHTML using C# and VB.Net

  • Publisher: Sautin Software
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2014
Ultra Windows 8 Theme Tool

Ultra Windows 8 Theme Tool

Ultra Windows 8 Theme Tool patches DLL files in Windows 8 for customizing the appearance. It installs a modified version of Shell32.dll for personalizing background and Explorer-panel details. ExploreFrame.dll is for customizing Windows Explorer background. Remove Windows 8 Ribbon option removes the ribbon.

  • Publisher: Suck-Style
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2016
Video Comparison Tool

Video Comparison Tool

Video Comparison Tool help you compare two differently encoded videos of the same content side-by-side with this application.You can drag and drop files directly into the comparison window, and change the viewable portion of each video by dragging a the vertical divider line in the middle of the window.

  • Publisher: The Makers
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2013

Tool to compare dll .net in Description

Assembly Information

Assembly Information

Assembly Information is a tool designed for .NET developers that displays .NET assembly information on their projects. It will display the compilation mode debug\release, .NET assembly full name and .NET assembly references recursively. After installation you can double-click on any .NET Assembly (DLL) to get a popup window with useful information.

  • Publisher: .Net Tools
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Multilizer 2011 .NET Translator

Multilizer 2011 .NET Translator

Multilizer .NET Localizer is an extremely easy tool for translating .NET applications. With this new tool, Windows application written with .NET development tool are very easy to translate to foreign languages. The tool enables also outsourcing and crowdsourcing translations.

  • Publisher: Rex Partners
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
CT-Net Complete Optimizer

CT-Net Complete Optimizer

CT-Net Complete Optimizer keeps your PC running smooth and error free. Registry Cleaner, Drive Cleaner, Privacy Protector, File Splitter, and many other optimization/maintenance tools are included in CT-Net Complete Optimizer.

  • Publisher: CT-Net Software
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2009


csUnit is a free and open source unit testing tool for the .NET Framework. Unit testing is tightly associated with test-driven development (TDD), refactoring, and other practices from agile software development approaches such as Extreme Programming or Scrum.

  • Publisher: Csunit
  • Home page: www.csunit.org
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2009
SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for Microsoft .NET

SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for Microsoft .NET

SAP Enterprise Services Explorer tool for Microsoft .NET (ES Explorer for .NET) is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 that helps to leverage SAP ESOA by enabling .NET developers to discover SAP enterprise services and consume them in their applications. It is an important element of SAP – Microsoft interoperability.

  • Publisher: SAP
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2009

Additional Tool to compare dll .net selection

Devart Code Compare

Devart Code Compare

Code Compare is a free powerful tool designed to compare and merge differing files and folders. It can be used as a Visual Studio add-in and as a standalone application. It contains folder synchronization and Code Compare options customization.

  • Publisher: Devart
  • Home page: www.devart.com
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2019
Creative Docs .NET

Creative Docs .NET

Creative Docs .NET is a vector-based graphic design tool with support for rich text, ideal to quickly write short documents, manuals, posters, illustrations, schemas, plans, flow charts, and much more. The interface is tailored for high productivity: it does never get in your way. Creative Docs .NET tools are simple, yet powerful.

  • Publisher: Epsitec SA and OPaC bright ideas
  • Home page: www.creativedocs.net
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2011
Free Dll Viewer

Free Dll Viewer

Free Dll Viewer is a program that lets you visualize DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files. This program also offers support for EXE, DRV, OCX, and FON. In the end, all these files are executables. The program lets you see resources like Cursors, Bitmaps, Icons, Dialog, Menus, etc. contained in files.

  • Publisher: Bright Access
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2010
JetBrains dotCover

JetBrains dotCover

JetBrains dotCover is a .NET unit test runner and code coverage tool for Visual Studio. This application can visualize code coverage for your convenience; you can see highlighted statements covered and uncovered in particular snapshot right in Visual Studio.



DBeaver is a software solution for developers, analysts and database administrators that have to manage different types of databases. It provides support for lots of popular databases such as MS Access, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, PostreSQL, Teradata, or Firebird.

SQL Delta

SQL Delta

SQL Delta loads the schema of two SQL databases and quickly locates the schema differences in tables. With this program you can synchronize the data within two databases, generate snapshots for offline comparisons, run scheduled comparisons and control SQL Delta using command line scripting and much more

  • Publisher: The Australian Software Co.
  • Home page: www.sqldelta.com
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
SCard Spy Tool

SCard Spy Tool

SCardSpy lets you monitor the APDU exchanges between an application and smart card readers present on the system. It consists of two parts: a "fake" winscard.dll , present in the installation directory and a configuration tool. The DLL must be copied to the same folder as the application that youu want to spy on.

  • Publisher: IDRIX
  • Home page: www.idrix.fr
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2014
Drawing Compare

Drawing Compare

Drawing Compare is a powerful utility that quickly identifies the difference between two CAD drawings, raster images, or PDF files from dozens of different applications. You can even create an animated GIF of the differences in the two files in order to share these with others.

  • Publisher: IMSIDesign
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020


tkdiff is a graphical front end to the diff program. tkdiff software provides a side-by-side view of the differences between two files, along with several innovative features such as diff bookmarks and a graphical map of differences for quick navigation.

  • Publisher: John Klassa
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2012
SQL Delta for SQL Server

SQL Delta for SQL Server

The data compare now provides two result views, the original view with the source row and target row following on and now a side-by-side view displaying the source and target rows merged into one long row. Smarter schema scripting for column name changes. New filters and filter window so you can easly customize the display filters.

  • Publisher: The Australian Software Company
  • Home page: www.sqldelta.com
  • Last updated: June 12th, 2011