Tools utilities calculators api in Title/Summary

Alibi Power Tools
Alibi Power Tools is a set of utilities for Alibi surveillance devices. It lets you backup recorded files stored in remote DVR/NVR and DVS, and in the SD card of network camera. It can upgrade or configure multiple devices simultaneously. Its Focus Assistant helps you adjust the focus of connected network camera.
- Publisher: Observint Technologies
- Last updated: July 31st, 2017

Datgel Survey Tools
The Datgel Survey Tools gINT Add-In consists of a range of utilities for the processing and querying of 3D surfaces, alignments and tidal data. How It Works Once installed you simply select the Datgel Survey Tools from the gINT Add-Ins Menu. You can access the four tools below from this menu.
- Publisher: Datgel
- Home page:

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Teradata Tools and Utilities is the full collection of Teradata client tools for Windows. This includes SQL Assistant, load & unload utilities, database management, administration and drivers, and much more to be used to connect to your Teradata Express database instance (downloaded separately).
- Publisher: Teradata Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 24th, 2014
Tools utilities calculators api in Description

Meetings, passwords, birthdays, anniversaries, medical appointments, etc., tend to pile up on our memory until it can’t take any more. Then is when we start forgetting some of them. TotalReminder is that feature-rich software tool specifically designed to give our memory a rest. It comes with all the tools, utilities, and functions we need to never forget an important date, appointment, or event.
- Publisher: Béla Bokor
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Send-Safe List Manager
List Manager is an e-mail list managing software tool created by Send-Safe that allows you to perform different kinds of operations to help you manage your existing e-mail lists, regardless of how long they are. These operations include list cleaning, merging, splitting, filtering, sorting, counting, randomizing, and many more.
- Publisher: Send-Safe
- Last updated: November 18th, 2009

ArcGIS Military Analyst
ArcGIS Military Analyst is an ArcGIS extension consisting of a suite of utilities and API designed to enhance the geospatial analysis capabilities of the defense/intelligence user community, specifically those who want to manage and exploit National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency (NGA) Raster Product Format (RPF) data, Vector Product Format (VPF) data, and Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED).
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 9th, 2011

Microsoft DirectX SDK
Download the complete DirectX SDK, which contains the DirectX Runtime and all DirectX software required to create DirectX compliant applications.rnrnThis DirectX SDK release contains updates to tools, utilities, samples, documentation, and runtime debug files for x64 and x86 platforms.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: April 9th, 2011

Regulus Professional Platinum
The Professional edition of Regulus Platinum offers astrologers and consultants worldwide a plethora of tools, utilities, graphics, interpretations, and reports for them to study and to produce a wide array of charts, Astro Maps, statistics, etc. With a much longer list of features than those in the Basic and Student versions of the program, this Professional edition is not for the uninitiated.
- Publisher: Cathar Software
- Last updated: March 10th, 2016
Additional Tools utilities calculators api selection

Puran Utilities
Puran Utilities is a versatile system optimization suite. It can fix and defragment registry errors. Likewise, it can preserve your privacy by removing traces of your activities. It comprises various utilities to optimize disk and memory usage. It also has some tools to recover lost data from storage media.
- Publisher: Puran Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 6th, 2013

D-PDU API software tool enables the easy integration of Softing diagnostic and communication interfaces into diagnostic tools. In all EDIC interfaces the communication protocol stack is implemented as embedded software. The D-PDU API software program is available for both EDIC interfaces and CAN interfaces.
- Publisher: Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 10th, 2016

CryptoSys API
CryptoSys API is a toolkit of fast, efficient symmetrical cryptographic functions in Visual Basic, VBA, VB.NET/VB2005/8/x, C/C++, C#, and ASP. You can incorporate it in your own apps or call it from VBA applications like Access, Excel and Word. It provides four of the major block cipher algorithms, a stream cipher algorithm, key wrap etc.
- Publisher: D.I. Management Services Pty Limited
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2013

ApexSQL Log API programmatically reads SQL Server Transaction Log. View transaction log data and audit changes programmatically. SQL Server 2012 support.
- Publisher: ApexSQL Tools
- Last updated: January 17th, 2014

Financial Advisor
A collection of financial tools & calculators aimed at home and professional users. Features include Mortgage Analysis, Retirement Analysis, Personal Budgeting, Investment and Savings calculations, Future & Residual Value calculations, and much more.
- Publisher: The Other Software Company
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ACTi Bandwidth Storage Calculator
ACTi Bandwidth Storage Calculator is a free program that enables you to get a reference storage requirement. The program allows you to manage your storage plan and you can get the program from the downloads section by selecting the Software & Firmware Download content - the Tools & Utilities section.
- Publisher: ACTi Corp.
- Last updated: April 15th, 2014

VO Productivity Pack
The VO Productivity Pack is a vast collection of tools, utilities, and extensions to the Visual Object Integrated Development Environment that make software development faster, easier and safer. VOPP can greatly improve your productivity when working with Visual Objects.
- Publisher: Piko Computing Consultants Pty. Ltd.

Lasso Professional
Lasso bridges the gap between popular web servers (Apache, IIS, or any FastCGI-compliant server), data sources (MySQL, FileMaker, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Openbase, and more), and various other communication tools, utilities, and protocols such as email (POP, SMTP), directory services (LDAP, Active Directory), web services (SOAP, XMLRPC), and PDF generation.
- Publisher: LassoSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: July 27th, 2011

SlimDX SDK (March 2009)
The complete DirectX SDK, which contains the DirectX Runtime and all DirectX software required to create DirectX compliant applications. This DirectX SDK release contains updates to tools, utilities, samples, documentation, and runtime debug files for x64 and x86 platforms.
- Publisher: SlimDX Group
- Last updated: July 29th, 2022

Glary Utilities
Glary Utilities is a set of maintenance tools that help you keep a clean and fast system. This program allows you to correct common problems such as slowness, instability and system crashes, that may appear on your PC due to the accumulation of junk files and the fragmentation of your registry and file system, among others. In total, the program offers you more than 40 helpful tools!
- Publisher: Glarysoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025