Top mp3 burn in Title/Summary

CoffeeCup MP3 Rip & Burn
CoffeeCup MP3 Rip & Burn is an all-in-one CD ripper for Windows. Who doesn't love all-in-one applications. They are like shopping malls. You can just go in there and do whatever you need to do and then go back home. CoffeeCUP MP3 Rip & Burn is all you need to handle your Audio CDs and your MP3 Files.
- Publisher: CoffeeCup Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Free Burn MP3-CD
There are still many CD players out there that don’t offer MP3 playback capabilities. For example, your old Discman or car stereo system may be may be one of those. If this is your case, you probably wish to create your own audio CDs, containing all your favorite tracks from your MP3 collection. Free Burn MP3-CD allows you to achieve this in an easy and intuitive way.
- Publisher: NBXSOFT
- Last updated: July 30th, 2007

MP3 CD Burn Magic
MP3 CD Burn Magic is a professional and powerful MP3 CD burner software which helps you burn CD, burn music CD, burn MP3 CD, from almost all popular video and audio formats.Available audio formats- WAV, RealMedia (RM, RA, RMJ), AIFF, AU - Creative VOC, PVF, SVX, IFF, APE, FLAC, OGG, VQF, MP1, MP2, MP3, WMA, WMV - ASF to WMA, MP3, VQF, OGG, FLAC, APE, WAV
- Publisher: AudioEditMagic Soft Development Team
- Last updated: September 4th, 2008
Top mp3 burn in Description

MP3 CD Converter
MP3 CD Converter is a program to transform MP3 files into CD audio tracks to be burned on a regular CD disc. This works as follows; a panel on the left shows a file and directory tree with a tiny search box to locate files faster. This is used to select the MP3 files you'd like to burn in your CD, as easy as selecting the file and click on "Add".
- Publisher: Thomas Yuan - Yuansoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 24th, 2010

Sony ACID XMC (Xtreme Music Creation) is a music compositions creation tools. It’s ACID family’s program. Using this software you can create remixes, record vocals and burn your mixes on CD, export music to MP3, share music online at (the Internet's premier site for sharing original music and video). You can record and loop unlimited audio or Midi tracks.
- Publisher: Sony
- Last updated: November 16th, 2009

101 All to CD Burner
101 All to CD Burner is powerful and easy-to-use cd burning software for data CD, MP3 data CD, Audio CD. Burns MP3, WAV, WMA, APE to Audio CD. It is also a CD cloning tool.
- Publisher: Silver Eagle Software, Inc.
- Last updated: January 26th, 2011

DART CD-Recorder
Achieve high quality audio from any source. CD-Recorder is an audio recording and sound improvement system that is fast, easy and most affordable to use. Three tools in one - Audio recording from any source, powerful sound quality tools and burn CD
- Publisher: DARTECH, Inc
- Last updated: July 9th, 2007
- Publisher: Audiotool.NET
- Last updated: March 11th, 2008
Additional Top mp3 burn selection

Windows Media Player
Many people would agree that Windows Media Player has proven to be one of the most reliable and convenient tools to manage one's media library. There is a lot it can do: organize your files, play videos and music, burn CDs, stream your media to other devices... the list of features is very large and very impressive.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

BurnAware Free
BurnAware free is a burning software that you can use to create all types of CD, DVD, and Blu-ray discs. The program covers all daily burning tasks, such as disc burning, back up, verification, image creation, copying, erasing, data recovery, and audio track extraction. It supports a wide range of optical disc data storage, including CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs, Double Layer discs, and more.
- Publisher: BurnAware
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

Winamp Pro
Winamp Pro is a program that allows you to listen, watch and manage music, video, podcasts and Internet radio on your desktop and devices. The Pro version of the program has native video support including the most popular file formats for H.264 encoded video, unrestricted audio CD burning and ripping up to 48x and MP3 encoding.
- Publisher: Nullsoft Inc.
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

mp3-2-wav converter
mp3-2-wav converter is a conversion tool that enables you to convert Mp3 files into WAV files. The program consists basically on a small graphical interface without any advanced settings. All you can do with the program is to add files and then convert them to WAV without any other option.
- Publisher: Mp3 Center
- Last updated: September 24th, 2010

MP3 CD Converter Professional
MP3 Converter is intended to record music CDs from MP3 files. This program’s interface is quite similar to other CD burners’. There is a navigation pane from which you select the MP3 files you want to include in your CD. It will let you adjust the burning speed or simulate the process before it actually starts burning the disc. In addition, you can ask the program to normalize the tracks.
- Publisher: Thomas Yuan
- Last updated: March 31st, 2007

Features: -1,000,000 Song Lyrics Synchronizations - See the music -Skins - Attractive skins & skinnable interface -Language Learner - Slow down to easily listen -Multi-format Music Support - MP3, OGG, WAV, APE, FLAC, CDs and more -Create Mixed Music Albums - Organize portable music -Free Music Downloads - Get free music in ALSong albums
- Publisher: ESTsoft
- Last updated: April 14th, 2012

Ashampoo MP3 AudioCenter
With Ashampoo MP3 AudioCenter you can do much more than just creating MP3 files. This fast and reliable suite of tools allows you to rip your CDs to WAV, OGG, FLAC and MP3, to convert your audio files from any of the supported formats to a different one, to normalize their volume, to edit your audio tracks information, and even to repair broken audio files.
- Publisher: ashampoo Technology GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Free MP3 CD Burner
Free MP3 CD Burner is a Windows program that helps you burn your favorite MP3 files to CDs. It features: full drag and drop support, erase functionality, ability to save image as ISO file and write disc from ISO file, ability to add files or delete unwanted files before burning, ability to set desired burning speed and burning mode, and more.
- Publisher: AVD SOFT, Inc.
- Last updated: May 14th, 2017

Free CD Ripper
With this program you can to extract audio tracks from your CDs to some of the most popular formats and keep them in your hard drive. You can also create an image of your CD in your drive and burn it to keep security copies of your audio CDs. Free CD Ripper works on Windows platform.
- Publisher: Koyote Soft
- Last updated: October 25th, 2008

Power CD+G Burner
Power CD+G Burner helps you prepare Karaoke parties by letting you easily manage Karaoke discs and files. It lets you burn and rip CD+G Karaoke discs containing various types of song files: BIN, CDG, MP3G, ZIP, KMA, and MCG. Almost any kinds of CD-R drives are supported.
- Publisher: Doblon
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023