Topcom xplorer 151 in Title/Summary

Topcom Webtalker 100
The WEBT@LKER 100, the ideal solution to make free internet calls from PC to PC. Simply plug the WEBT@LKER 100 into the USB port of your PC, download Internet telephony software like Skype, and you can start making FREE calls over the internet. In no time, youre connected to your friends, family or colleagues all over the world.
- Publisher: C-Media MiddleWare
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Topcom Webtalker 200
To use Skype® with the Webt@lker 200, your computer must meet the following minimum system requirements: • PC running Windows® 2000 or XP. • 400 MHz processor • 128 MB RAM • 15 MB free disk space on your hard drive • Internet Connection This USB phone provides you more conveniences to make free calls over the Internet from PC to PC.
- Publisher: TOPCOM
- Last updated: October 11th, 2008

xplorer² lite
The free lightweight version of xplorer² offers dual panes and folder tabs for efficient and trouble-free desktop file management. It lets you browse everywhere (all shell namespace), preview documents, pictures, music, videos and enjoy side by side views for easy file management. You can filter and select with wildcards, or synchronize folders.
- Publisher: Zabkat
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Topcom xplorer 151 in Description

Barcodesoft Aztec Barcode Encoder (Demo)
Aztec bar code is a high-capacity 2D matrix barcode symbology. It is able to encode both ASCII and Extended ASCII characters. Aztec Bar Code is defined by ISO/IEC 24778:2008 standard. When using Full Range Mode of 151 x 151 modules and with 25% error correction, Aztec bar code is able to encode up to 3000 characters or 3750 numeric digits .
- Publisher: Barcodesoft
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

xplorer2 Ultimate
xplorer² ultimate is a desktop file manager combining the efficiency of the legendary norton commander and the ease of use of windows file explorer. You can keep your xplorer² ultimate in a USB stick and save the settings in a portable file, without touching the windows registry. The ultimate version has the edge on xplorer² pro, especially for large scale file operations.
- Publisher: Zabkat
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

TNC Emulator
With TNC 151 Emulator you can Write and edit Heidenhain format text files off line. Ideal for professional programming and training purposes. This program was developed for use with the TNC 151 control and covers all the command sequences including Qdefs, all cycles and polar programming.
- Publisher: CNC Developments
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Font Xplorer
Font Xplorer is a useful tool for those who have an innumerable number of fonts installed on their system and need to find a specific one. Not only does this application have the common functions that are built into Windows, it also has tools you would rarely use.
- Publisher: Moon Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Butler 4812
With Topcom Butler 4812 VoIP program, you can make and receive calls over the Internet, provided you have an Internet connection and one of the following programs installed: Support Skype, MSN, Net2Phone, Sj-Phone, VoIPBuster, Netappel, VoIPStunt, VoIPdiscount, SipDiscount, Poivy, VoIPCheap, Internetcalls, and SparVoIP.
- Publisher: TOPCOM
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 9th, 2008
Additional Topcom xplorer 151 selection

xplorer² professional
xplorer² is a desktop file manager combining the efficiency of the legendary norton commander and the ease of use of windows file explorer. It is tough as boots, rock solid stable, industrial strength for large-scale file management, lightweight in size and system resource use, and fast.
- Publisher: Zabkat
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Font Xplorer Lite
Font Xpplorer LITE 1.2 is a very useful program which helps you to manage fonts. Its main window consists of a toolbar and a long list of all fonts that are installed in your system. Each row presents one font. So it is very easy to compare them and to choose the most suitable for your needs, like writing a letter to you business partner or a greeting card for your friend.
- Publisher: Moon Software
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Orbit Xplorer
Educational orbit and gravitation simulator for high school, college and beginning university physics and astronomy. Easily create, run, print and save a simulation. Includes 40 premade simulations with activities page in html-format.
- Publisher: Ottisoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 5th, 2019

BSE Xplorer
Presenting the BSE Xplorer, developed on the basis of an extensive user feedback …your free, real-time voyager for all BSE Notices, Announcements and Circulars., which are the lifeline of the capital market providing timely information on Corporate Actions, Listings, Suspensions, Results, Announcements, AGMs, Board Meetings, and a host of other market sensitive information.
- Publisher: BSE
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

xBIM Xplorer
xBIM Xplorer is a free, open-source IFC viewer written in C# in order to demonstrate the capabilities of The xBIM Toolkit. Main features: - Navigate through a model to see detailed information of the building such as thickness of roof, a number of doors, etc. - Show and hide parts of the building. - View a model in 360° degrees. - Export the IFC files as .ifcXML, ifcZIP files.
- Publisher: Steve Lockley / OpenBIM
- Last updated: April 10th, 2015

xplorer is a desktop file manager combining the simplicity of Windows explorer with the speed and efficiency of traditional dual pane orthodox file managers, helping you be productive with your documents, pictures, music, source code and other files.
- Publisher: Zabkat
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

Surface Xplorer
Surface Xplorer is a program designed to help you work with 3-dimensional time-resolved spectroscopic data. It contains features that allow for the visualization of the experimental data, correction of artifacts (e.g., chirp correction), as well as advanced analysis procedures such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and global fitting.
- Publisher: Ultrafast Systems LLC
- Last updated: October 19th, 2017

dnaTools Xplorer
Supported formats include: ABI, FSA, SCF, FASTA and sequence files. View, search, print and edit your sequences with a few clicks of the mouse. Scan for mutations, analyze FSA peaks, and perform multi-sequence SNP discovery. With Xplorer, analysis is easy and accurate. Xplorer can convert between many popular file formats in a single click.
- Publisher: dnaTools, Inc
- Last updated: December 28th, 2010

Image Xplorer
Image Xplorer is a web browser designed specifically for images only. All you do is simply enter a URL (website address) into it’s address bar and, instead of seeing the webpage like normal, you will see all of the images on it and be able to download and print them as well!
- Publisher: Catzware
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 15th, 2009

WunderMoosen Calendar Xplorer
It supports Ancient Roman, Bahai, Chinese, Coptic, Ethiopic, Fasli, French Republican, Gregorian, Hebrew, and Indian Civil, Islamic, Japanese, Julian, Mayan, Persian, Quadimi, Shenshai and Viking calendars. It understands multiple Gregorian reforms and can display them not only in current years but in the reform years as well.
- Publisher: WunderMoosen
- Home page: