Torrent swf avi gif converter in Title/Summary

SWF-AVI-GIF Converter
SWF-AVI-GIF Converter allows you to convert Flash SWF/FLV and Video AVI files to animated GIF; Flash to JPEG/PNG; and Flash to AVI. With just 5 easy steps you can capture selected frames of Macromedia Flash or AVI Video file and save them to GIF, or create AVI file from Flash. You can also record JPEG/PNG/BMP image series from Flash.
- Publisher: IwantSoft
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Flash-SWF to AVI GIF Converter
Flash-SWF to AVI/GIF Converter is a useful application for converting video or animation files created as Macromedia Flash/SWF format, to more practical AVI or GIF formats for web pages. The program is easy to use, it can crop frames, create animated GIF files, capture individual frames, change the FPS rate and the frames size, remove frames, etc.
- Publisher: MiniHttpServer
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter
WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter is an application used to convert flash a SWF file to animated GIF image. With this software, just few click to complete the converting process (Load swf > Set part of swf > output). You can also capture any frame and save it to all popular image format such as gif jpg, bmp, png, tga, etc.
- Publisher: WonderFox Soft.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 28th, 2016
Torrent swf avi gif converter in Description

SWF to GIF is an SWF to GIF converter, which can change the file format of flash from SWF into GIF. It will be more suitable for transmission, using chat tools to release dynamic picture and any situations which can not use flash document.
- Publisher: Watermark Software
- Last updated: November 15th, 2013

Aleo SWF GIF Converter
Aleo SWF GIF Converter is a fast and easy way to convert Flash SWF to animated GIF and animated GIF to Flash SWF. SWF to GIF Converter Convert Flash SWF to animated GIF. Convert to JPEG, PNG and GIF image series. Set loop times of GIF. Two kinds of conversion modes: Real time playing and Frame by frame.
- Publisher: Aleo Software Inc.
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2010

iPixSoft SWF to GIF Converter
iPixSoft SWF to GIF Converter is a lite version of iPixSoft SWF to video converter. It helps to convert Adobe Flash SWF to GIF format file with rich editing functions such as crop, add watermark.
- Publisher: iPixSoft Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

AVI GIF Converter
AVI GIF Converter is a conversion tool that enables you to convert AVI files into GIF files and vice-versa. The program has got an extremely intuitive interface, so no user will have any kind of problem figuring out how to convert files from one into another. On the program's main window there are two menus that will allow you to convert your files.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

Aoao SWF to GIF Converter
Fast and easy way to convert Flash SWF to animated GIF with Aoao SWF to GIF Converter. It will be more suitable for transmission, using chat tools to release dynamic picture and any situations which can not use flash document. SWF to GIF can optimize the output, ensuring the same quality, the smallest document.
- Publisher: Aoaophoto Digital Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2014
Additional Torrent swf avi gif converter selection

Powerpoint-PPT to AVI-GIF Converter
The application transform the PowerPoint presentation to a movie AVI file, with the hability of recording narrations or vocal guides using a local microphone, so the users can prepare an MS PowerPoint presentation for creating a wizard or tutorial guide, add their own voice (or sound) and later on conver the document to an AVI movie that can be displayed without MS Office PowerPoint installed.
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

ThunderSoft SWF to GIF Converter
ThunderSoft SWF to GIF Converter is a professional converter for SWF file to animated gif conversion. User interactive flash movie is also suitable for conversion.
- Publisher: ThunderSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

123 AVI to GIF Converter
123 AVI to GIF Converter is a conversion tool that help you to convert video clips to user-defined GIF animation. Support most of popular video formats, like AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, FLV, ASF, MP4, MKV, VOB etc. You can use this software make animated GIF image as your forum avatar or something easily.
- Publisher: bitsoft
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2010

Video-AVI to GIF Converter
Video Capture to JPEG, WMV/AVI/ASF/MPEG to Amination GIF convert, DV/DVD/CD Amination Thumb Maker
- Publisher: Minihttp
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 21st, 2009

Convexsoft Animated GIF Converter
ConvexSoft Animated GIF Converter is capable of converting animated GIF images into other video or picture formats. The application has a neat interface that will leave no room for doubts as to its operation. The designers have used tabs to separate the main action of conversion from other features like resizing, splitting or adding effects.
- Publisher: ConvexSoft
- Last updated: July 31st, 2009

Free AVI Video Converter
Free AVI Video Converter allows you to convert one or more video files simultaneously. The supported video formats for the output files are AVI, MP4, MKV, WMV, MOV, WebM, FLV, SWF, M2TS, and MP3, and each format includes different quality presets to select the one that best suits your needs. You can accelerate the video encoding, or turn off the computer when the conversion process is finished.
- Publisher: DVDVideoSoft Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Sothink SWF to Video Converter
Sothink SWF to Video Converter is a program to convert SWF files to AVI, MPEG, iPod/PSP (MP4), 3GP, animated GIF, image series and other popular formats. Once you have chosen the file to convert, it will play it, showing you information about the flash version that was used to create it, total length, frame rate, and movie size.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Last updated: March 21st, 2008

iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter
iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter is a professional Flash converter for Flash SWF to video conversion. It helps to convert Macromedia Flash SWF to AVI, MPEG, iPod/PSP (MP4), MOV, MKV, WMV and more other popular formats with rich editing functions.
- Publisher: iPixSoft Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

GIF to AVI SWF Converter
The software has the ability to define size and quality on converted output files are available in just few clicks. Taking Snapshot is another useful tool to take capture of animated GIF and make it editable as an image. This is an easy to use and powerful conversion tool.
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019