Torsion properties xls in Title/Summary

Section properties calculator, stress analysis, shape database customization. Get torsion properties, cracked section properties, concrete section capacities and interaction diagrams. ShapeBuilder shines in a number of areas: * Integrates with the IES Shape & Material database systems * Exports custom shapes to VisualAnalysis
- Publisher: IES
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2012

Torsion is a 2D survival where you are a lonely and simple Gear, lost in space, and have found yourself on a strange new world. The creatures of the new world give you a great power and ask to save them from the invasion of creepy monsters. Now your
- Publisher: Falco Software Company
- Last updated: May 8th, 2023

XLS Repair Kit
XLS Repair Kit is an all-in-one solution for quick, reliable and fully-automated recovery of data from corrupted MS Excel documents.
- Publisher: Repair Kit, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 5th, 2015
Torsion properties xls in Description

ShapeDesigner is a useful tool for structural engineers, for the design or analysis of steel, aluminum, and polymeric or composite materials sections. ShapeDesigner calculates the stress distribution including normal, warping and shear stresses, the equivalent Von-Mise, principal and residual stresses.
- Publisher: MechaTools Technologies Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 1st, 2010

Advancd Excel to PDF
Advancd Excel to PDF is a fast, affordable utility to allow you to batch convert Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into professional-quality documents in PDF file format.
- Publisher: Advanced PDF Converter
- Last updated: August 19th, 2011

RISASection allows the user to define any type of complex cross section either by combining standard shapes or by defining new shapes. Multiple materials are permitted in the same section. RISASection calculates all the section properties, including the torsion constant.
- Publisher: RISA Technologies, LLC
- Last updated: November 22nd, 2009

This program calculates the cross-section properties for thick-walled sections of any shape and determines their stresses. Besides, a reinforced concrete design can be performed for axial force, shear forces, torsion and biaxial bending moments according to DIN 1045-1, ONORM B 4700 and Eurocode 2.
- Publisher: Dlubal Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2014

CHECKSTEEL is a structural steel design tool that can be used for bending, torsion, shear, bearing, compression, tension, and combined action design checks as per to AS 4100 and NZS 3404. It can calculate the section properties for Symmetric I-Beams, Taper Flange Beams, Monosymmetric I-Beams, Tees, Parallel Flange Channels, etc.
- Publisher: Revolutio PTY LTD
- Last updated: July 18th, 2017
Additional Torsion properties xls selection

MS Excel File Properties Changer
When using MS Excel File Properties Changer, you don not need any version of Microsoft Office Excel installed in your computer. MS Excel File Properties Changer supports Microsoft Office Excel from version1997 to 2010, include xls and xlsx files. MS Excel File Properties Changer can change Microsoft Office Excel file properties in single and batch mode.
- Publisher: VaySoft LTD
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 29th, 2010

Universal Document Converter
Universal Document Converter is intended to convert any kind of printable document into an image or a PDF. As many other tools, it works by installing a virtual printer, which you can access from any program that supports printing. Many image output formats are supported, including JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PCX and DCX.
- Publisher: fCoder SIA
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 26th, 2017

MDSolids is software for topics taught in the Mechanics of Materials course (also commonly called Strength of Materials or Mechanics of Deformable Solids). This course is typically a part of civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering programs and a number of related programs. The software also features a number of modules for topics taught in the Statics course.
- Publisher: Timothy A. Philtop
- Last updated: January 9th, 2009

PDFTOEXCEL is an excellent tool to convert any PDF (Portable Document Format) to Excel (.xls) format (spreadsheet). This program runs individually, its configuration is easy and fast. The Main Menu has all the elements to transfer your PDF Format into Excel format.
- Publisher: Blue Label Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Convert XLS
Convert XLS can perform file conversion of MS Excel, TXT, HTML, XML, and CSV file formats. It features an intuitive interface where you can specify the list of source files, sheets to convert, range to convert, etc. This program can also merge data from multiple sheets/workbooks during conversion.
- Publisher: Softinterface, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Smart PDF Converter
Smart PDF Converter is a versatile software tool that allows you to convert your PDF documents into a variety of other formats. These include DOC (MS Word), JPEG, HTML, XLS (MS Excel), PPT (MS PowerPoint), and more. The program allows you to convert multiple PDF files at once as well as to tweak the output settings of every supported output format.
- Publisher: SmartSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2012

Convert XLS to PDF For Excel
Convert XLS to PDF For Excel is a program that allows you to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. The program supports Font embedding, resolution and compression. The program works as a plug-in to the Excel application.
- Publisher: 8848SOFT, Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 7th, 2008

Bytescout XLS Viewer
XLSViewer is intended to view the contents of various types of spreadsheet files. The program is extremely easy to use, all it does is open such formats as XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV and tab-delimited values TXT. It does not require any other spreadsheet program installed on your system.
- Publisher: ByteScout
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Directory Lister Pro
Directory Lister Pro allows you to list and print folder contents. It can create the list of files from selected folders on hard disks, CDs, USB storage, and network shares. Lists can be saved in HTML, TXT, XLS, and CSV formats or stored directly into databases.
- Publisher: KRKSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2019

XLS to DBF Converter
This program is, as its name clearly implies, a utility for converting XLS documents to the DBF format. The tool supports batch conversion, brings command line interface for professional PC users, and provides you with quality output files in no time.
- Publisher: WhiteTown Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 24th, 2018