Trading program uml diagram in Title/Summary

UML Diagram Maker
UML Diagram Maker is a powerful yet easy-to-use UML diagram drawing program. To create a UML diagram, you can either start from a blank page or from a ready-made template. The built-in symbol stencils will open automatically every time you start a new drawing. The Home menu provides quick buttons to add text boxes, to draw dynamic connectors, and to align and distribute your drawing.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2016

Edraw UML Diagram
Powerful file compatibility allows you to export and share your drawing in a variety of familiar file formats, such as PDF, Word, PPT, JPEG, Html, etc. Find symbols, icons and shapes to fit any purpose from over 50000 vector built-in graphics. Easy to further edit the symbols upon your needs.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 13th, 2018

Cadifra UML Editor
Cadifra UML Editor is a fast and lightweight UML diagram editor for Windows 2000, XP and Vista. Can embed diagrams in Microsoft Word (and others). Unlimited undo/redo. Supports Windows Drag&Drop. High quality diagrams. No Code Generation.
- Publisher: Adrian & Frank Buehlmann
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Trading program uml diagram in Description

EDraw Soft Diagrammer
EDraw is a new UML diagram and software diagram drawing tool. Easy to draw uml model diagram, COM and OLE, data flow model diagram, Jacobson Use Case, SSADM Diagram, Nassi-Schneiderman, Booch OOD, ROOM Diagram, Yourdon and Coad and Shlaer-Mellor OOA.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

StarUML is a fully fledged, open source, UML modeling tool that supports the ability to create software designs, from basic concepts, through to the coded solution. User should beware that this tool is more complex than a simple UML diagram editing tool, in that, through the use of the Model Drive Architecture (MDA) standard, the tool supports complex modeling which is realizable in code.
- Publisher: Plastic Software, Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Nevron Draw
Nevron Draw is a powerful yet easy to use software for creating diagrams. It provides a large selection of shapes, formula based engine like in Microsoft Visio, a lot of automatic layout algorithms and many other features.
- Publisher: Nevron Software LLC
- Last updated: February 15th, 2016

Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology. UML allows you to create diagrams of software and other systems in a standard format to document or design the structure of your programs. Umbrello supports XMI 1.2 file import and export (nearly compatible to UML 1.4).
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 6th, 2016

Advanced Cymatic Trader for Betfair
Advanced Cymatic Trader is a betting and trading program for Betfair, enabling bet placement and management. It's features include single click trading, compact Betfair-style trading grid and it is designed for professional traders, but easy for novices too.
- Publisher: Cymatic Ltd
- Last updated: March 11th, 2013
Additional Trading program uml diagram selection

EDraw Max
An all-inclusive diagramming software for Linux system that is capable for 260+ drawing types including flowcharts, mind maps, org charts, infographics, floor plans, network diagrams, Gantt charts, electrical schematics.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2021

Visual Paradigm
Visual Paradigm is a software design tool tailored for agile software projects. It supports UML, BPMN, ERD, DFD, SysML. It also supports use cases, wireframing, code engineering, etc. It's a UML CASE Tool supporting UML 2, SysML and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) from the Object Management Group (OMG).
- Publisher: Visual Paradigm International
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Band Diagram Program
This program is useful for visualizing approximations of energy band diagrams, and performing back-of-the-envelope calculations of their important parameters. Features: Draw band diagrams for MOS devices in static mode Draw band diagrams for MOS and MIM gate stacks with various dielectrics, including high-κ dielectrics Show band diagram movement for MOS and MIM
- Publisher: Boise State University
- Last updated: September 28th, 2014

PlantUML Viewer
PlantUML Viewer is a Google Chrome extension that renders PlantUML files. PlantUML is a UML diagram file, written in text format - it can be created using PlantUML progam (available on SourceForge). This extension automatically updates the diagram when the local file is changed.
- Publisher: Peter Prikryl
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 11th, 2015

FxPro cAlgo
FxPro cAlgo is an automated trading program designed for the FxPro cTrader ECN platform. Combining FxPro cAlgo with FxPro cTrader gives you access to a wealth of essential functionality required for successful technical analysis and automated trading. You can automatically place Buy or Sell orders and create customized technical indicators for technical analysis.
- Publisher: FxPro Financial Services Ltd
- Last updated: November 10th, 2014

vfxAlert is assistant for all traders in the Forex market, which provides the signals for binary options to CALL / PUT. The system loads the signals from a server and displays them in the left pane, the right is the built-in browser where you can open a trading broker platform and make trades. The vfxAlert is designed for beginners and experienced traders.
- Publisher: Aleksandr Mikolyuk
- Last updated: March 14th, 2024

2D/3D technical graphics plotting and data analysis software for your plotting needs. Curve fitting, FFT and a presentation software! Download a demo of our analysis and plotting software!
- Publisher: Dipl.-Phys.-Ing. Ralf Wirtz
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

TransActAT active futures trading platform is a trading program ideally suited for active futures scalpers and position traders. It offers access to TransAct Integrated Service, a dedicated support function providing a single, point of contact for traders seeking a TransAct professional to provide both technical and trade-related support.
- Publisher: TransAct Futures LLC
- Last updated: November 28th, 2014

MARLIVE for Windows
MARLIVE can trade on the Forex market 24/24, because Forex market operates in multiple time zones, so it can be accessed at almost any time. MARLIVE monitors Forex rates 24/24 and trades on the Forex market automatically using an API in accordance with the trading strategies of the many experienced traders included in it.
- Publisher: MARLIVE Ltd.
- Last updated: January 15th, 2016

InferenceTrade is a stock market charting, analysis, and trading system development program. It is a complete package, integrating many features, with an emphasis on writing, testing, and implementing custom program-trading systems.
- Publisher: MLM
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 10th, 2008