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Traffic analysis demo in Title/Summary

NetFlow Traffic Generator Demo

NetFlow Traffic Generator Demo

Netflow Traffic Generator (Netflow Packet Generator) allows to generate large amount of NetFlow packets for protocol versions: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 as if they were coming from real routers or switches. Win32 GUI provide control for every single parameter of the packets. Randomizaton of flow data. Support for multiple collectors. Simulation for up to 5000 routers.

  • Publisher: Virtual Console, LLC
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2009
BTU Analysis Plus - Demo - 32 Bit

BTU Analysis Plus - Demo - 32 Bit

The PLUS and REG programs are commercially distributed program and is marketed through professional organizations, trade advertisements, and word of mouth. They are designed to make difficult heating, air-conditioning, heat pump (PLUS only), and commerical studies are easy to do and understand.

  • Publisher: Enchanted Tree Software
CAP Demo

CAP Demo

Community Analysis Package (CAP) is a general multivariate analysis package suitable for for undergraduate and post-graduate students, and researchers. A unique range of analyses are available, covering both metric and non-metric methods. It can be used in various fields of research including biology, geology, and anthropology.

  • Publisher: PISCES Conservation Ltd
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2014

Traffic analysis demo in Description

ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus

ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus

ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus is a web-based analysis and reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Servers. It provides profound insights on an organizations Exchange Server, Mailbox, Messages and Traffic.

AthTek NetWalk Free Edition

AthTek NetWalk Free Edition

AthTek NetWalk is recognized as the most excellent packet sniffing and network monitoring software in the world. With this software, both experienced and new network administrators can enhance their network management efficiently.

  • Publisher: AthTek Software
  • Home page: www.athtek.com
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012
Microsoft Exchange Server Reporting and Email Traffic Tracking Tool - ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus

Microsoft Exchange Server Reporting and Email Traffic Tracking Tool - ManageEngine Exchange Reporter Plus

Exchange Reporter Plus is a web-based analysis and reporting solution for Microsoft Exchange Servers. It is comprehensive and complete MS Exchange reporting software that provides over 100 different reports on every aspect of MS Exchange Server.

ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer

ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer

NetFlow Analyzer is a unified solution that collects, analyzes and reports about what your network bandwidth is being used for and by whom. NetFlow Analyzer is the trusted partner optimizing the bandwidth usage of over a million interfaces worldwide apart from performing network forensics and network traffic analysis.

CDR Analyzer - GSM Analyzer

CDR Analyzer - GSM Analyzer

It gives you a complete overview of the performance of your GSM network. It is the perfect tool for analysis of the Quality of Service, trouble shooting, reporting, traffic analysis as well as analysis of radio parameters. Now with improved handling of affected CDR functions available.

Additional Traffic analysis demo selection



QSR NVivo facilitates advanced data management, analysis, and visualization. You can ask complex questions regarding your data to this program and identify patterns and connections. It can help you find common themes and evidence-based insights to present your research results.

Forensic Toolkit

Forensic Toolkit

Forensic Toolkit is a court-accepted digital investigations platform built for speed, stability and ease of use. It provides comprehensive processing and indexing up front, so filtering and searching is faster than with any other product. The database-driven, enterprise-class architecture allows you to handle massive data sets.

  • Publisher: AccessData Group, Inc.
  • Home page: accessdata.com
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2015
VT Explorer

VT Explorer

VT Explorer is a vessel tracking system based on collecting, processing and displaying real time vessel tracking data received from vessels' AIS transponders. The program provides real time vessel tracking to all companies and organizations involved in maritime business. You have access to over 50,000 ships online and you can receive vessel traffic analysis.

  • Publisher: Astra Paging Ltd.
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2015
Synchro Studio with Warrants

Synchro Studio with Warrants

Synchro is a signal timing, analysis, and simulation software package for road traffic. It supports the Highway Capacity Manual’s (HCM) 6th Edition, 2010, and 2000 for signalized intersections, unsignalized intersections, and roundabouts. It implements the Intersection Capacity Utilization method for determining intersection capacity.

  • Publisher: Trafficware, Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2018


Use global email traffic-analysis on Exchange 2013, 2010 and 2007, not word-filtering, to stop spam: because legitimate mail won't be near identical to millions of others worldwide - but spam will.

  • Publisher: Exclaimer Ltd
  • Last updated: May 13th, 2016
USB Monitor

USB Monitor

Software USB port sniffer, monitor tool with protocol analyzer and data logger. This Universal Serial Bus monitoring utility can spy, capture, view, log, analyze, test usb device activity performing connection traffic analysis with data acquisition

  • Publisher: HHD Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
PTV Visum

PTV Visum

PTV Visum is a program designed for traffic analyses, forecasts and GIS-based data management. It consistently models all road users and their interactions and has become a recognized standard in the field of transport planning. You can model transport networks and travel demand, analyze expected traffic flows, plan public transport services

WildPackets EtherPeek Demo

WildPackets EtherPeek Demo

EtherPeek is the first and only LAN analyzer that allows you to simultaneously perform network-wide analysis, employ expert problem diagnoses, drill down into specific problems, create on-the-fly filters, and report across all 7 layers of network traffic.

  • Publisher: WildPackets
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
PTV Vistro

PTV Vistro

PTV Vistro is the all-in-one solution for all of your traffic analysis needs. With PTV Vistro, you can analyse traffic operations, evaluate new development impacts, and optimise signal timing. It can be used to analyse an intersection, a corridor, or an entire network.



Fastest, most powerful and detailed solution for analysing your web server logs. High-speed processing, low disk space requirements, built-in IP mapping, unique filtering capabilities and more. Fast, powerful and professional.

  • Publisher: ZY Computing,Inc
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020