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Transparent calculator gadget vista in Title/Summary

Transparent Calculator

Transparent Calculator

Transparent Calculator is a free program that enables you to calculate values while another command is active, and then pass the result back to the command line. The application is capable of solving complex expressions, and it allows you to store previously calculated data.

  • Publisher: Prokon Software Consultants
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2015
HDDlife Vista Gadget

HDDlife Vista Gadget

HDDlife Vista Gadget can monitor your hard disk's health status and report for problems which could mean a possible future failure. It makes use of the S.M.A.R.T technology, present in almost all new hard disks.SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology, or S.M.A.R.T.) is like a monitoring system in hard disks.

  • Publisher: BinarySense Inc.
  • Home page: hddlife.com
  • Last updated: April 4th, 2012
Transparent Screen Lock PRO for Windows XP 2003 Vista 2008

Transparent Screen Lock PRO for Windows XP 2003 Vista 2008

Transparent Screen Lock delivers system security measures that are essential in today's open-concept corporate offices with free movement of employees and visitors, as well as in high security environments such as financial institutions and banks, hospitals and pharmaceutical research facilities, government offices and military installations.

  • Publisher: e-motional.com software
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2014

Transparent calculator gadget vista in Description

System Monitor II

System Monitor II

Though many users are satisfied with the information and statistics provided by Windows’ Task Manager, others might find its overall values not accurate enough. System Monitor II is a free Windows desktop gadget that provides you with highly accurate real-time data of your system’s overall memory, RAM memory, and PageFile usage, as well as the CPU usage and temperature broken down per core.

  • Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016
ITWorx Prayer Times Gadget

ITWorx Prayer Times Gadget

ITWorx Prayer Times Gadget is a plug-in that you can add to your Windows Vista or Seven desktop. It will remind you of the five Islamic Prayer times for each day, regardless of where in the world you are at the moment. It can be customized to work properly in any city of the world. There are many city presets available, but you can also input the coordinates of a specific location.

  • Publisher: ITWorx
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Calendar Gadget

Calendar Gadget

Calendar Gadget is a simple application for your desktop that displays a calendar. The calendar can be moved across the screen, but you cannot customize its size, which is pretty big, nor minimize it to the tray. It allows you to add appointments, selecting a title, category, start date and time, duration, description, and you can even add reminders and recurrence.

  • Publisher: Blue Onion Software
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2009
ColorPicker Gadget

ColorPicker Gadget

ColorPicker Gadget is a small free gadget. It enables you to point at any area on your screen, and it will pick the chosen color's hexadecimal value. You can then copy the color hex code to your favorite designing application. This tool can only be installed on Vista or later operating systems that have the "Sidebar" feature.

  • Publisher: Andreas Zimmermann
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2008
Perfect Business Icons

Perfect Business Icons

Enhance your accounting or business-oriented software with readily available professional Perfect Business Icons. 424 professionally designed and carefully crafted icons representing various financial and business objects and symbols are included.

  • Publisher: Aha-soft
  • Home page: www.aha-soft.com
  • Last updated: February 9th, 2015

Additional Transparent calculator gadget vista selection

Analogue Vista Clock

Analogue Vista Clock

We live in a world that focuses a lot on time management, so a good alarm clock can be really helpful. Analogue Vista Clock is a small application that will display the system clock on your desktop. You can install it in just a minute and start using it right away. This application is easy to use and you will not have any problems in setting your alarm properly.

  • Publisher: 4Neurons
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2013
Numerology Calculator

Numerology Calculator

Numerology Calculator 3.4 is a useful application for people interested in Numerology. This software is able to provide a complete solution for calculating the numerical significance of the alphabet. Numerology Calculator 3.4 is based on the two widely used techniques, The Chaldean and the Pythagorean systems of numerology.

  • Publisher: C K Marketing Inc.
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2010
Vista Rainbar

Vista Rainbar

Vista Rainbar

  • Publisher: gavatx
  • Last updated: December 17th, 2012
Vista Battery Saver

Vista Battery Saver

Vista Battery Saver helps you to enjoy Vista eye candy aero interface and multitasking sidebar, enabling or disabling them depending on your power setting preferences (behaviors on battery or ac power) just like you normally do with the LCD screen brightness and standby / hibernation options.

Transparent Windows

Transparent Windows

Transparent Windows is a utility for Windows systems that allows setting transparency levels to any window of any running application. Windows 7 and Vista include this feature natively but these transparency settings can only be accessed from the Control Panel and not by a quick access.

Calculator Pro

Calculator Pro

Scientific Calculator for solving substantial mathmatical terms containing several single functions like cos, tan etc. as well as brackets

  • Publisher: Armin Richter
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2018
Cloanto SkinCalc

Cloanto SkinCalc

SkinCalc is a new skinnable computer based calculator that works seamlessly with the standard Windows Calculator common to most computers and enhances the tools accessible to the user. Standard to SkinCalc are basic arithmetic functions, as well as additional tools such as square, square root, reciprocal, and a drop down menu of units.

  • Publisher: Cloanto
  • Home page: www.skincalc.com
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2012
Vista Drive Icon

Vista Drive Icon

Vista Drive Icon, changes the drive icons shown in Windows "My Computer", to a nearly Vista drive icon, showing the drive's free space with a smooth colored horizontal bar. Well, not only that they have a more stylish look, but they also show the drive’s free space with the help of a bar placed underneath the icon.

Karen's Calculator

Karen's Calculator

Karen’s Calculator is a high performance calculator that has extremely high precision and is capable of handling operands containing thousands of digits and still giving very accurate and reliable results, thereby distinguishing itself from the rest.

  • Publisher: Karen Kenworthy
  • Home page: www.karenware.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2008
DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

DreamCalc is an Advanced Scientific and Graphing Calculator for Windows. It provides a fully featured and convenient alternative to using a separate hand-held graphing calculator when you are working on your PC

  • Publisher: Big Angry Dog Ltd
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2017