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Treesize runas in Title/Summary

RunAs Professional

RunAs Professional

RunAs Professional is a substitute for Microsoft's command runas.RunAs Professional solves the problem that normal runas does not support the commandline parameter password. RunAs Professional has a lot of more features too.

TreeSize Personal

TreeSize Personal

TreeSize Personal is a powerful and flexible hard disk space manager for Windows OS. Main features: - 3D charts and tree maps for optimal overview. - The size including subfolders. - The allocated disk space. - A detailed analysis, right down to directory levels.

Encrypted RunAs

Encrypted RunAs

Microsoft provides a command line utility called runas, this command allows programs to be run with other user credentials. The problem with Microsoft runas is that the password needs to be typed each time it is run, therefore it is not ideal for scripting or use in a corporate environment.

Treesize runas in Description

TreeSize Professional

TreeSize Professional

TreeSize lets you visualize the space usage of your storage system using charts. It can scan Windows folders, FTP, WebDAV, and SharePoint servers, mobile devices, Amazon S3, and also Unix/Linux systems via SSH. You can see the size of all folders including sub-folders and break it down to the file level.

  • Publisher: Joachim Marder, JAM Software
  • Home page: www.jam-software.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Steel RunAs

Steel RunAs

Remove local administrator privileges on Windows servers and endpoints. Effortlessly elevate applications for standard users with on-demand, time-limited permissions..

  • Publisher: SteelSonic Technical Services
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2024


Impersonator is an automated "RunAs" program that provides a part of useful options not included in Windows. Whis Impersonator you can create a list of programs you need to run with other's users account.

  • Publisher: DimaWare
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2010


The command-line Runas utility is handy for launching programs under different accounts, but it’s not convenient if you’re a heavy Explorer user. ShellRunas provides functionality similar to that of Runas to launch programs as a different user via a convenient shell context-menu entry.



UltraSearch is designed to avoid the limitations present in Windows built-in file search feature. It has the advantage of providing very quick results without the need to index the contents of a drive. Instead, the application uses the information stored on the Master File Table of NTFS partitions. Unfortunately, this comes with a disadvantage: the tool only supports NTFS.

Additional Treesize runas selection

TreeSize Free

TreeSize Free

Even in the times of cheap terabytes a final truth remains: Sooner or later every hard disk will near capacity. But there is help! TreeSize Free tells you where precious disk space has gone. Use the treemap to keep an eye on your disk space. Available in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese.

SizeExplorer Pro

SizeExplorer Pro

It provides you with a complete set of tools to help you manage your disk space easily. Features include folder size, duplicates finder, graphical charts, file distribution statistics and reports,biggest files, network support, snapshots, file management, printing of file listing, compress into ZIP file, Unicode support, exports to Excel, html, xml and text files, compare of snapshots, etc.

  • Publisher: JSD Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Sudo for Windows

Sudo for Windows

Sudo for Windows (sudowin) allows authorized users to launch processes with elevated privileges using their own passphrase. Unlike the runas command, Sudo for Windows preserves the user's profile and ownership of created objects. This project is open source and comes in handy for when you want to protect files.

  • Publisher: Schley Andrew Kutz
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012


RunAsDate is a small utility that allows you to run a program in the date and time that you specify. This utility doesn't change the current system date and time of your computer, but it only injects the date/time that you specify into the desired application.

  • Publisher: NirSoft
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022


RunitAs runs an executable using the specified credential (domain, user and password) from a limited or guest account. Similar to the Windows RunAs function with more features. Once all the required fields are set, it is a snap to create shortcuts for the current user or all the users of the computer.

  • Publisher: Chessware SA
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2009
Smart-X RunAsGUI

Smart-X RunAsGUI

Runas - Run As Administrator - FREE, Smart-X allows you to configure execution parameters, save them in an encrypted configuration file (RAG extension), distribute it to end users and run applications, scripts and commands using the configuration file.

  • Publisher: Smart-X
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2009
Run As Date

Run As Date

Run As Date 1.41

  • Publisher: Nir Sofer
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022
RunAsUser DLL

RunAsUser DLL

RunAsUser DLL is used to run programs under a different user account. RunAsUser DLL performs all the necessary actions required to run the program in the security context of a user on the specified desktop and terminal session.

  • Publisher: Southsoftware.com
  • Home page: Southsoftware.com
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2010


RunAsAdmin is a small 32-bit program for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, that allows to run other programs with administrative privileges. It is especially well suited for use on portable devices such as USB drives. RunAsAdmin doesn't add entries to the Windows registry, nor does it alter anything else on the system.

  • Publisher: Jürgen Lüthje
  • Home page: www.ctech.net.br
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2019
Pirmasoft RunAsSvc - mo'stream

Pirmasoft RunAsSvc - mo'stream

RunAsSvc runs normal programs as services so that they are running in the background, even when no user is logged on. RunAsSvc has been tested on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but it should also run on Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2003 Server. You can use this program free of charge on as many computers as you want. You use it on your own risk!

  • Publisher: Pirmasoft - Dieter Schmeer
  • Last updated: December 25th, 2011