Trellian imagemapper in Title/Summary

Trellian ImageMapper
Trellian Image Mapper is the quickest way to create image mapped images for your website.Full support for hyperlinked rectangles, circles and even polygon regions is provided and you can import all your current image maps.
- Publisher: Trellian
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2008

Visual Imagemapper
Visual Imagemapper is an image mapping tool made to help HTML programmers creating clickable images for their web pages. It is easy to use for the amateurs, but still powerful enough for the professional developers. An image map is an image that contains one or more clickable areas, also known as hotspots. Each of the areas are linked to a url directing to a page on the site or the internet.
- Publisher: Vicentas
- Last updated: May 21st, 2015

HTML ImageMapper NG10
HTML ImageMapper NG10 is the easiest, fastest and most comfortable solution to convert ArcGIS projects into attractive and interactive Online-GIS-applications. With the Wizard-based ArcGIS-Extension, you export maps from ArcGIS to the internet or intranet as well as to CD or DVD for use.
- Publisher: alta4 Geoinformatik AG
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Trellian imagemapper in Description

Trellian Toolbar
Trellian Toolbar is a comprehensive application that includes multiple tools and can be disabled or enabled at any time. It allows you to obtain search results from multiple search engines such as Altavista, Fast, Google, Inktomi, MSN, Teoma, among many others. What is more, with the PPC Meta Search, you can search in three PPC search engines at a time, with Findwhat, Overture and Kanoodle.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: April 12th, 2008

Trellian WebTidy
Trellian WebTidy is the perfect solution to optimizing and supercharging your websites. With Trellian WebTidy you take a page from your website and the program will carefully analyze all of your code and begin correcting all errors, line-by-line.
- Publisher: Trellian
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008

Trellian FTP
Trellian FTP is a file transfer client that allows you to transfer files between your PC and any FTP server on the Internet. Trellian FTP also stores your web host's profile to make future uploads a breeze. It has an intuitive interface so that uploading your website, transferring files and downloading data from web servers becomes simple and easy.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Trellian Button Factory
Trellian Button Factory allows you to take predefined button styles and tailor them to your own needs for your own website. With Trellian Button Factory you can quickly and easily create stunning buttons, menus, logos and icons for use on your website or multimedia presentations. No previous graphic design experience required.
- Publisher: Trellian
- Last updated: July 13th, 2008

Trellian CodePad
Trellian CodePad is a text editor with many features. It has all the necessary features to produce Rich-text Format documents. It also includes syntax highlighting for most of the web-based languages, such as Java, JavaScript, HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, PERL, PHP, VBScript and C++. The program allows you to insert components for any of those languages through the Insert menu.
- Publisher: Trellian Software
- Last updated: May 4th, 2008
Additional Trellian imagemapper selection

Trellian SEO Toolkit
SEO Toolkit is developed by Trellian Limited. The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Toolkit includes everything you need to optimize and promote your web pages, to increase your web site traffic and search engine visibility. The easy to use interface of this software makes promoting your web pages more productive
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: May 24th, 2010

Trellian WebPage
Trellian WebPage is a standard HTML editor with basic features. Main Features: -Intuitive Interface. -Imports pages compatible with today's browsers. -Absolute positioning of HTML elements. -Color Highlighted HTML Editor. -Meta Tag editor. -Drag & drop interface. -Imports all major image formats including PNG & JPEG. -Support for current Internet technologies.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2015

Trellian SubmitWolf
SubmitWolf is an easy to use, professional website promotional tool, which automates the process of promoting your web pages on the Internet. It can dramatically increase the number of visitors to your web site. With this program you can automatically submit your websites to hundreds of engines and directories and thousands of link pages.
- Publisher: Trellian
- Last updated: November 13th, 2008

Trellian Trace
With Traceroute, you can easily find out where the heart of a server problem is. If you have a slow server or a timeout error, it may not always be the server where the site is located that is causing the problem. Trellian Traceroute can help you to find out for sure.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

Trellian SiteSpider
Trellian SiteSpider is a powerful, yet simple to use program which is loaded with sophisticated search, web crawling and site mapping functions.
- Publisher: Trellian
- Last updated: May 4th, 2008

Trellian SiteMapper
Site Mapper will analyze the contents of a web site, and create a detailed map with an indexed listing of all resources by page and category. Site Mapper is a perfect tool for Webmasters, but can also be used by anyone wishing to see their favorite web site presented in a simpler form. Site Mapper is a great site map creator which boasts an extremely intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Trellian
- Last updated: May 12th, 2008

Trellian SpellCheck
Trellian SpellCheck is an extremely efficient spell checking utility that allows you to thoroughly check documents from the outside - in.Features: - Simple, attractive interface - Direct editing of source code - Clear, concise correction methods. - Basic color highlighted HTML editor - Copy/Paste support
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: July 13th, 2008

Trellian WebSafe
Trellian WebSafe is a HTML encryptor, which will turn the HTML of your website into encrypted code (garble), so that it will be safe from light fingered intruders, uninvited information collectors and spiders. Trellian WebSafe provides a welcome solution for the protection of your valuable and hard work!
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: July 13th, 2008

Trellian WorldTime
World Time is a simple to use but intelligent graphical utility that displays in real time, not only the time in cities around the world, but it also features viewable time zones, which displays night and day around the world. World Time features cloud maps, which allow you to view animated cloud formations from around the world using satellite imaging technology.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Last updated: April 15th, 2012

Trellian BidTracker
With Trellian BidTracker you can instantly and easily scout multiple pay per click engines for the top bids on any keyword. Trellian BidTracker is an extremely effective tool that will save you time and most importantly, money. Clear, concise explanations and suggestions.
- Publisher: Trellian Limited
- Home page: