Trend on windows gui in Title/Summary

IPCheck Server Monitor Windows GUI
This Windows-based software makes it easy and affordable to detect network and website failures early. IPCheck Server Monitor helps organizations monitor critical network resources and immediately detect system failures or performance problems to minimize downtimes and avoid economic impact.
- Publisher: Paessler AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 16th, 2008

Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software
Amazing Stock Trend Signal Software catches stock trend change signal and alerts stock buy sell signal when stock trend is changing. You know when to buy or sell stocks from 4T stock trading strategy.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 23rd, 2008

Trend Micro Internet Security Pro
Trend Micro Internet Security Pro is a complete security solution for your computer with all the security tools like, Anti virus, spam filter, firewall and parental control. Trend Micro Internet Security Pro enables you to browse the web safely and also keeps your identity and private data safe.
- Publisher: Trend Micro Inc.
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010
Trend on windows gui in Description

CrashFinder is a Windows GUI automation and test framework. CrashFinder has two main components: an automated testing tool that learns about your application GUI and a GUI recorder. Use CrashFinder to stress your Windows application and verify that the application performs reliably. The automated test is well suited to any desktop or embedded applications where defects can be disastrous.
- Publisher: NeoCom LLC
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

thinBasic is an interpreted modular programming language that allows you to quickly and easily develop programs for Windows. You can use it to develop Windows GUI programs, high-speed OpenGl games, Windows programs (GUI or Console), task automations, and more.
- Publisher: thinBasic
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Genius Vision NVR
Genius Vision NVR is a powerful all-in-one enterprise-IP video surveillance platform. Genius Vision NVR runs on any version of Windows operating system. High-performance native Windows GUI with full and complete remote control functions. Supports multiple brands of IP cameras, including AXIS, Arecont Vision, VIVOTEK, ACTi, IQinVision, JVC, SONY as well as USB web cameras and RTSP video sources.
- Publisher: Genius Vision Inc.
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011
- Publisher: SecurityXploded
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Stardock SkinStudio is a program that allows users to create visual styles for Windows 7, Vista and XP. These visual styles are applied by the popular GUI skinning program, WindowBlinds. A fully complete visual style will change the title bars, borders, push buttons, scrollbars, Start bar, Start menu, and virtually every other part of the Windows GUI.
- Publisher: Stardock Systems
- Last updated: November 15th, 2011
Additional Trend on windows gui selection

Quincy 2005
Quincy is freeware open-source. It is a simple programming environment for C/C++ on Windows. It contains an editor, a compiler, a debugger, and graphics and GUI toolkits. Because of it's simple interface, Quincy is ideal for learning C or C++ programming.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2011

SciTE4AutoIt3 is a modified version of SciTE code editor with a customized lexer for syntax highlighting and syntax folding for the AutoIt3 language. It contains SciTE, wrapped into a single installer with all needed configuration settings and a set of utility programs like AutoIt3Wrapper, SciTEConfig, Tidy, and Au3Stripper.
- Publisher: Jos van der Zande
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 9th, 2018

It is amongst other things, an excellent SNMP tool that allows you to collect and graph information from SNMP devices. These devices include (but are by no means limited to) Windows 2000 (using the SNMP4NT or SNMP4W2K or SNMP-Informant extension agents, of course!), and other OS's as well as devices manufactured by most major network companies (i.e. Cisco, 3COM, Dlink, Nokia, etc., etc.).
- Publisher: Philippe Simonet
- Last updated: March 10th, 2008

AstroGrep is a Microsoft Windows GUI file searching (grep) utility. The application provides powerful features such as regular expressions, versatile printing options, it stores most recently used paths and it has a context option designed for looking at source code.
- Publisher: AstroComma Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

The wxMacMolPlt is an open-source, cross-platform (Mac OS X, Linux and Windows) gui for preparing, submitting and visualizing input and output for the GAMESS quantum chemistry package. Features include a graphical molecule builder, GAMESS input generation, animation of output and visualization of molecules, normal modes, orbitals and other properties.
- Publisher: Brett Bode
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 10th, 2022

This program is an unofficial Windows GUI shell for UPX (Ultimate Packer for Executables). UPX is used to compress executable files such as .exe .dll .sys and others. UPX is rated #1 in the ACT - EXE Packer Compression Test. But unfortunately UPX is a console application and though the official GUI frontends are being developed now, until then you can use this Shell.
- Publisher: iont
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

SearchDiggity is the primary attack tool of the Google Hacking Diggity Project. It is Bishop Fox’s MS Windows GUI application that serves as a front-end to the most recent versions of our Diggity tools: GoogleDiggity, BingDiggity, Bing LinkFromDomainDiggity, CodeSearchDiggity, DLPDiggity, FlashDiggity, MalwareDiggity, PortScanDiggity, SHODANDiggity, BingBinaryMalwareSearch.
- Publisher: Stach & Liu
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 31st, 2012

SuperPutty is a Windows GUI application that allows the PuTTY SSH Client to be opened in Tabs. Main features: - The docking user interface allows personalized workspace and managing multiple PuTTY sessions easy. - Export/Import session configuration. - Upload files securely using the .scp or .sftp protocols. - Layouts allows for customizing session views.
- Publisher: Jim Radford
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

WinLess is an easy-to-use Windows GUI for LESS.js. Main features: - Automatically compiles LESS files on change. - Minimizes to tray. - Shows tray message on compile errors. - Option to start with Windows. - Can be called with command line arguments.
- Publisher: Mark Lagendijk
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 15th, 2013

Dr.Salman's Windows Power Tools
Windows Power Tool is the No. 1 System Optimizer for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP. It not only increases Internet Speed but also make Windows Run faster and Smoother. It gives more RAM, enhances memory,frees up wasted memory and boosts Performance.
- Publisher: Digital Millenium Inc
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2009