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Ultimate control para nokia n8 in Title/Summary

Ultimate Control

Ultimate Control

Ultimate Control works on Bluetooth and WiFi for a complete wireless experience. Often this wireless comunications bring complexity but in this case, it is presented to the user in the simplest possible way. Just select the computer you want to control among the ones available and take control over it!

  • Publisher: NEGU Soft
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2012
Total Game Control

Total Game Control

Total Game Control gives you exactly that - the ultimate control over your games. It works by mapping keyboard, mouse, and other events of your choosing to the controls on your game pad or joystick. You set up the controls the way you want. Tie complex moves to a single button, or map them to any combination of controls.

  • Publisher: Digital Transforms
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2011
h/p/cosmos para control

h/p/cosmos para control

To make the software as userfriendlyness as possible it has been designed in exactly the same style as the physical UserTerminal of the h/p/cosmos running machine. The great advantage (beside the nice looking) is that everyone who is familiar with the running machine, is also able to control the machine with h/p/cosmos para control 4.1.

Ultimate control para nokia n8 in Description

Oxygen FM Manager

Oxygen FM Manager

Oxygen FM Manager for Nokia mobile phones is designed to give you full control over FM Radio. Load FM station presets from the phone to the PC's memory, easily edit them and upload them back with couple of mouse clicks.

  • Publisher: Oxygen Software
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008


AMPHIOTIK ENHANCER is a powerful 3D-Audio system, which processes standard stereo audio and converts it into an enhanced, rich 3D stereo output, increasing the listening experience

  • Publisher: HOLISTIKS
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2008


A powerful and easy to use Proxy/Firewall for internet connection sharing. ComTun has many advanced features useful for both business and home use. With support for access control and banner blocking, you have ultimate control of your connection. A fully customizable firewall protects you from hackers, and works seemlessly with the proxy service.

  • Publisher: Linkbyte Software, LLC
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011


Main features: Multiple parts - 4 parts or ‘voices’ per note for complex layered sounds. - Each voice is a complete synthesiser engine with its own Timeline, oscillators, filter, modulation options and effects routing. Oscillators - Vector synthesis oscillators which mix between 4 waveforms - 4-part unison. - Noise oscillator can be mixed into the main waveform.

Tweaker for Outlook Express

Tweaker for Outlook Express

Tweaker for Outlook Express is a small freeware program that allows you to customize Outlook Express a bit more. The added customizations are grouped under either Outlook Settings or Outlook Dialogues. Some of the changes that you are able to make include: changing where the Address Book is stored, turning off the splash screen, block executables, or hide the Hotmail tab from the menu.

  • Publisher: MAPILab Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008

Additional Ultimate control para nokia n8 selection



import.io is a program that allows you to build APIs to all your favorite websites with just a few clicks of the mouse. It brings you live data from 1000s of websites tailored specifically to suit your company's needs. A Crawler will visit every page of a website and extract data into a large static data set.

  • Publisher: import.io
  • Home page: import.io
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2014


Software designed for calibration perfectionists with dual mode operation – wizard and expert console, unlimited calibration settings, and advanced gray balance algorithms. Fast and easy, full calibration takes only about five minutes to ensure color accuracy, less than half the time for periodic re-calibration.



BIGROOMKIXSYNTH is a VSTi specifically created for making kick drums and bass drums. It uses no samples only 100% synthesis to achieve a thick meaty UMPH to your track with ultimate control to the sound. The sound is split into 4 sections, SUB, BODY, TRANSIENT and HAT/NOISE with lots of controls to fine-tune each characteristic of the layer.

  • Publisher: Hintonandfairchild
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2016
Eclipse War Online

Eclipse War Online

Eclipse War Online is an MMORPG game. Here, you are thrust into a fantasy world where two races are battling for ultimate control of the continent, Karis. You can harness the power of the living world around you by transforming into any of the monsters and beasts you conquer.

  • Publisher: PLAYWITH Interactive, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2014


SafiWorkshop gives administrators ultimate control over their Asterisk (and now FreeSWITCH!) deployments. Users can create, debug, and deploy Saflets (call flow applications) all from inside the intuitive SafiWorkshop designer interface. SafiWorkshop combined with SafiServer is a powerful new architecture in telephony and communications system design and implementation.

  • Publisher: Safi Systems
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2011
Advanced Enterprise

Advanced Enterprise

Advanced Enterprise is a free ERP software designed to keep and track information regarding production orders and generate invoices goods are shipped to customer.

  • Publisher: Xpress Software Inc.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
WinGuides Tweak Manager

WinGuides Tweak Manager

With the WinGuides Tweak Manager you can take ultimate control of your Windows system with access to hundreds of powerful tweaks and hidden registry settings.

  • Publisher: WinGuides.com
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2009


CaseLinr is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows 95 application which prints and saves liners (J-cards) for conventional and DAT audio cassette boxes. Fussy audiophiles can now enjoy ultimate control over typefaces, fold lines, and annotation styles and view an on-screen WYSIWYG version of the liner before printing. The program can save multiple label formats and import bitmap graphics.

  • Publisher: Sonic Spot
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Red Giant Warp for Avid

Red Giant Warp for Avid

The six powerful plug-ins in Warp give you ultimate control over shadows, reflections, glows and corner point warps. The Shadow tool renders realistic shadows for text or subjects shot on greenscreen, while the Reflection tool creates perfect mirror-like reflections.

  • Publisher: Red Giant Software
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2011
Ultimate Sonic

Ultimate Sonic

Ultimate Sonic is an action game where you can choose to control Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, Knuckles, or Cream as your character. To complete each level you must reach the end. You must avoid the enemies, who will throw you objects, while collecting the rings that you will find along the way.

  • Publisher: Menace.ch
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2009