Uml personal in Title/Summary

MagicDraw UML Personal Edition
The MagicDraw Personal contains all of MagicDraw's powerful UML diagramming capabilities. It also includes full UML 2.3 support and extensibility features, basic reporting functionality and image export. You will find everything you need to draw, edit and publish your UML 2.3 models.
- Publisher: No Magic Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2009

Visual Paradigm for UML Community Edition
VP-UML Community Edition (VP-UML CE) is a free UML drawing tool which allows you to create professional-look UML diagrams easily and quickly through its award-winning diagramming interface. VP-UML CE supports not only UML but also ERD and SysML. VP-UML CE's extension mechanism allows you to add your own functions to VP-UML by developing plug-in.
- Publisher: Visual Paradigm International Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 25th, 2013

The UML stencil for Microsoft Visio supports complete UML, i.e. UML use case diagram, class diagram, package diagram, object diagram, interaction diagram, sequence diagram, communication diagram, interaction overview diagram, activity diagram, state machine diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, profile diagram, timing diagram, and all symbols of the UML.
- Publisher: Pavel Hruby
- Home page:
Uml personal in Description

EDraw Soft Diagrammer
EDraw is a new UML diagram and software diagram drawing tool. Easy to draw uml model diagram, COM and OLE, data flow model diagram, Jacobson Use Case, SSADM Diagram, Nassi-Schneiderman, Booch OOD, ROOM Diagram, Yourdon and Coad and Shlaer-Mellor OOA.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

StarUML is a fully fledged, open source, UML modeling tool that supports the ability to create software designs, from basic concepts, through to the coded solution. User should beware that this tool is more complex than a simple UML diagram editing tool, in that, through the use of the Model Drive Architecture (MDA) standard, the tool supports complex modeling which is realizable in code.
- Publisher: Plastic Software, Inc.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

UML .FRI is visual diagram editor. It's aimed towards diagram types commonly used by people involved in IT.Main Features:Currently, it's possible to create and edit:- UML class diagram - UML object diagram - UML activity diagram - UML use case diagram- UML state diagram - Flow chart diagram
- Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010

Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology. UML allows you to create diagrams of software and other systems in a standard format to document or design the structure of your programs. Umbrello supports XMI 1.2 file import and export (nearly compatible to UML 1.4).
- Publisher:
- Last updated: September 6th, 2016

UML Diagram Maker
UML Diagram Maker is a powerful yet easy-to-use UML diagram drawing program. To create a UML diagram, you can either start from a blank page or from a ready-made template. The built-in symbol stencils will open automatically every time you start a new drawing. The Home menu provides quick buttons to add text boxes, to draw dynamic connectors, and to align and distribute your drawing.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 21st, 2016
Additional Uml personal selection

Splashtop Personal
Splashtop Personal is the easiest way to access all of your content from any device from anywhere. With this app you can create on-screen shortcuts for Microsoft Office apps, games, media players, browsing, file navigation, etc. There are built-in profiles for popular apps, plus you can create your own.
- Publisher: Splashtop Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 25th, 2016

Ad-Aware SE Personal
Ad-Aware gives you the power to combat the cyber threats of today — and tomorrow — with proactive real-time protection, rootkit removal technology, and easy-to-use "set-and-forget" functionality — so that you can use the Internet how, when, and where you want, knowing you're safe online.
- Publisher: Lavasoft
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Advanced ID Creator Personal
Advanced ID Creator allows you to create photo ID cards in minutes. With this program you can create professional ID cards, badges, loyalty and membership cards and other personal identification items. The personal edition comes with limitations on the types of ID cards that you can create and the quantity of them that you can print at a time.
- Publisher: Xpress Software Inc.
- Last updated: May 1st, 2016

Folder Security Personal
Almost all computer users have some personal data they don’t want to share with others. Such data should be carefully secured especially if computer is used by other people. Folder Security Personal 4.1 is a perfect tool for providing such protection. It includes many ways for securing your data.
- Publisher: Y0YS Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Personal Ancestral File
Personal Ancestral File is a genealogy program developed to help you collect, store and organize family history records and information. It is an exquisite tool to build a detailed family tree. It permits you to create and store an ancestral database with individual data entering for each ancestor with demographic information, notes, references and pictures.
- Publisher: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Last updated: May 6th, 2011

Personal Backup
Personal Backup allows you to create and run file backup operations. Backups can be done manually or automatically at scheduled times. This program uses Windows Task Scheduler to configure backups. Differential and incremental backup modes can save time by backing up on the files that have changed since last backup.
- Publisher: J. Rathlev
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

PowerPanel Personal Edition
owerPanel® Personal Edition for Windows software features a user-friendly interface for controlling and monitoring any CyberPower UPS system with a USB or serial port. It provides configurable settings for managing automatic shutdowns during power events, scheduled shutdowns and restarts.
- Publisher: Cyber Power Systems, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

SQLite Expert Personal
SQLite Expert Personal is a powerful administration tool for your SQLite databases. It includes a visual query builder, an SQL editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, visual table and view designers and powerful importing and exporting capabilities.
- Publisher: Bogdan Ureche
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

VirtualDrive Personal
VirtualDrive Personal is a CD/DVD emulation software for Windows. With this application, you can forget about ever inserting a DVD or CD into your computer more than once. What this little program does is create an ISO image of your discs and place it on your hard-drive. Once the image is done, Virtual Drive Personal mounts it as a virtual CD or DVD drive.
- Publisher: FarStone Technology Inc.
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Copernic Agent Personal
Copernic Agent Personal will help you perform effective Internet searches. Instead of using just one engine, this application works as a web meta-crawler, as it is capable of targeting results from multiple search engines. What is more, this program shows neat results by removing broken links and duplicates.
- Publisher: Copernic Inc.
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024