Uninstall fonts using vbscript in Title/Summary

VBScript Maker
Create VBScripts That Use Microsoft Sam/Anna To Speak With This Utilaty. VBScript Maker is a handy and easy to use application that allows you to create VBScripts. You can easily input VBScript text just by the push of a button, and even save the project.
- Publisher: Zaplots Games, Inc.
- Last updated: June 30th, 2011

FontLoader an utility to make your TrueType font installation a snap. It consists of a shell extension and a font loader module that sits in the system tray, providing you to quick acces to font groups that can be loaded/unloaded on the fly.
- Publisher: Moon Software
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

Uninstall Winner
Uninstall Winner is a powerful and fast alternative to slow and unfriendly "Windows Add or Remove Programs" applet. Uninstall Winner does make uninstalling multiple programs a bit easier than it is with Windows' built-in tools. The application's main window also displays information such as version, publisher, and install date.
- Publisher: UninstallWinner.com
- Last updated: January 29th, 2011
Uninstall fonts using vbscript in Description

Agfa Font Manager
Because it can handle TrueType and Postscript Type 1 fonts, it provides a single comprehensive program that allows you to:- Install and uninstall fonts in MS Windows - Load new fonts from distribution diskettes - Search your local and network drives for fonts - Preview the fonts on your computer or network - Create font groups for personal or workgroup projects
- Publisher: AGFA Monotype Corp.
- Last updated: April 14th, 2016

AMP Font Viewer
AMP Font Viewer 3.82 is the latest version of this free utility we can download directly from the developer's website. Setting up is quite easy and takes no time. We can use this application to view,manage and categorize all the fonts installed and not installed in our computer.
- Publisher: Alberto Martínez Pérez
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

X-Fonter is a font manager for Windows, which allows you to view and organize all installed fonts. It can be also be used to search for font files on your hard disk and create custom collections. You can also use this program to compare fonts with custom text samples.
- Publisher: Blacksun Software
- Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Font Xplorer
Font Xplorer is a useful tool for those who have an innumerable number of fonts installed on their system and need to find a specific one. Not only does this application have the common functions that are built into Windows, it also has tools you would rarely use.
- Publisher: Moon Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Typograf font manager
With Typograf, users can manage TrueType, OpenType, and PostScript Type 1 fonts on an individual PC or network PC. Typograf allows users to display all meta data for a font file, view different character sets, and find similar fonts.
- Publisher: A. & M. Neuber Software
- Home page: www.neuber.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Additional Uninstall fonts using vbscript selection

NexusFont is intended to help you manage the font libraries in your system. Although it’s a very simple program that anyone can use without much difficulty, it’s not advisable for inexperienced users, who might end up erasing essential font files. Fortunately, you can always consult the help documentation available online.
- Publisher: JungHoon Noh (xiles)
- Home page: www.xiles.app
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

WikFonts is a simple application that simplify the tasks of installation and removal of system fonts. By using WikFonts you can avoid the bloat your system with rarely use fonts. The application allow to use fonts that are not installed on your system. WikFonts provide informations about fonts and their characters map. The application is really simple to use.
- Publisher: WikMail.com
- Last updated: October 25th, 2009

OT1 Font Manager
Display font previews of the font files scattered in your disk folders (local or remote). Install and uninstall fonts in a click, individually or in managed groups. Detect and correct font installation problems. Search in your font files for specific font or family names. Filter on specific Unicode ranges, characters, font widths and weights.
- Publisher: OT1Manager
- Last updated: January 29th, 2010

Advanced Fonts Viewer
Advanced Font Viewer 5.1 by Alexander G. Styopkin is the latest released version of this program for Windows. Now we can select the program language between Brazilian Portuguese (New Feature), English, Russian and German. Language selection can be done on the go, from the user's interface. It is possible to download the trial version available from the developer's website.
- Publisher: Alexander G. Styopkin
- Last updated: August 4th, 2022

Uninstall Tool
Remove unwanted software, make your computer clean and even faster with an effective, powerful and easy-to-use Windows app. Completely remove unwanted software by removing leftover file system & registry items. Install apps with real-time tracing. View and record which files/registry items are created.
- Publisher: CrystalIdea Software, Inc.
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

Japanese Fonts Support For Adobe Reader
This Japanese Font Pack is necessary to correctly display a document in Adobe Reader when an author does not embed the appropriate Japanese font in to the document. It is also necessary when the author does embed the font, but the reader of the document wishes to interact in some way with its content – e.g. collaborating, commenting or filling out forms.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems
- Last updated: January 21st, 2014

Inno Setup
Inno Setup lets you build installers for your Windows applications. It supports Windows versions from Vista to 10, including 64-bit editions. The x64, ARM64, and Itanium architectures are all supported. Built-in support for "deflate", bzip2, and 7-Zip LZMA/LZMA2 file compression greatly reduces the size of setup packages.
- Publisher: Jordan Russell
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Total Uninstall
Neither Windows’ uninstall utility nor manufacturers’ built-in uninstallers are willing or capable of removing all the files involved in the installation of certain software tools completely and for all. Total Uninstall will not only remove all traces of any app or program that you decide to remove, but will also revert any changes performed on your computer (Windows Registry included).
- Publisher: Gavrila Martau
- Home page: www.martau.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Uninstall Hardcopy
What can u do whit this software:You can characterize the application by a text in the title line of the window;You can insert one or more mouse pointers into the image. (This is very advantageous for a documentation.);You can store the Hardcopy also directly in a database,this can be also your database of the SAP® system.
- Publisher: Siegfried Weckmann
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

Manage My Fonts
Manage My Fonts is a program that will help you to manage the fonts installed in your system. It will show you the list of installed fonts. You can type any text you want to see how it looks if you choose to use the selected font. Manage Manage My Fonts will show you the complete Character Map for each font. It will also let you install or uninstall any font.
- Publisher: Manage My Fonts
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020