Universal box complete full image in Title/Summary

Full Image Info
Full Image Info is an easy to use program targeted to view and retrieve information about images and photos taken with digital cameras.
- Publisher: GraphicRegion.com
- Home page: www.graphicregion.com
- Last updated: December 19th, 2009

VoluMill Universal
VoluMill Universal is a full-featured 2- and 3-axis toolpath engine for any geometric configuration, including open shapes and islands. Part geometry is received from any CAM system in popular neutral formats, such as DXF, IGES, and STEP, and an integrated post processor outputs popular G-code and CL data formats.
- Publisher: Celeritive Technologies, Inc.

Complete File Recovery
Complete File Recovery is a universal file recovery software. Undelete files from hard disks, USB flash drives, CD/DVD disks, CF, SD or Memory Stick cards and other storage media. All types of files are supported: images, documents, music.
- Publisher: Ariolic Software, Ltd.
- Home page: www.ariolic.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Universal box complete full image in Description

Free Webcam Watcher Full
A program that will allow you to watch several webcams at once. This way, you will be able to keep an eye on each of them, knowing instantly if something changes in the place they are monitoring. You can zoom in or out any of the webcams, refresh them instantly or set a different refresh rate for each of them, save any frame as a picture, or even set a webcam as your screensaver.
- Publisher: Free Software Downloads
- Home page: www.ksourcerer.org
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

Picturenaut was born in the German photo community. It has been in the works for four years, with consistent improvements according to user feedback. It has always been freeware, thus setting the standard for making high quality HDR Imaging accessible and easy. Picturenaut's consistent multi-threaded architecture makes it the fastest tone mapper in the world.
- Publisher: Marc Mehl, Christian Bloch
- Last updated: April 7th, 2012

True Image
True Image 2013 by Acronis is a complete PC backup and recovery solution. It protects your data and returns your entire system to the exact way it was before a crash. It syncs files across computers and devices, comes with free mobile apps, and more.
- Publisher: Acronis, LLC
- Home page: www.acronis.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Merlin Plus Remote
The Options control toggles between 5 display modes listed below: - Full CCTV image - Full computer image (if VGA signal valid) - Split screen between computer and CCTV image (if VGA signal valid) - Full image with external camera (if camera attached) - Split screen between computer image and external image (if camera attached)
- Publisher: Enhanced Vision
- Home page: www.enhancedvision.com
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Recycle Bin Laden
Recycle Bin Laden is an icon replacement application for Windows computers. The application serves only one purpose and it might be considered of bad taste for more than 250 million people around the globe. It replaces your default Recycle Bin icon with an image of 2001 War-on-Terror target Osama Bin Laden.
- Publisher: Zamaan's Software
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Additional Universal box complete full image selection

PC Image Editor
PC Image Editor offers you four interesting and simple tools to edit and enhance your photographs and other image files for free. By using this app, you will be able to adjust common exposure mistakes, add filters and effects to your shots, as well as rotate and resize them in a simple, straightforward, and rewarding way.
- Publisher: Program4Pc Inc.
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Image Resizer Powertoy Clone for Windows
Image Resizer Powertoy Clone is a very handy Windows utility that enables you to resize images very quickly. The program directly integrates itself into Windows’ contextual menu, giving you the fastest access possible to it. Unlike other image resizing programs, with this tool you do not need to locate your images or create lists of them beforehand.
- Publisher: Brice Lambson
- Last updated: September 30th, 2010

FULL-DISKfighter is an easy solution for getting an optimized computer system. Without your will, the hard drive is cluttered with all sorts of junk and temporary files that makes the system run slowly. Since this happens with every usage of the PC, it is advisable to have a program specialized in scanning the disk and removing unnecessary files.
- Publisher: SPAMfighter ApS.
- Home page: www.spamfighter.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2020

Win32 Disk Imager
Win32 Disk Imager is a utility for reading and writing a disk image file to an external storage device. The application is open source and free to use, so you can use the program for as long as you like, without any limitations whatsoever. The program works with various external storage devices (USB sticks, flash drives, etc.).
- Publisher: Tobin Davis
- Last updated: April 12th, 2022

SureThing CD Labeler Deluxe
CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, labels, case inserts, and covers in any size and shape can be easily produced and printed with SureThing Disc Labeler Deluxe. This comprehensive design tool supports all the most common label types and manufacturers, and comes with a set of useful tools to help you create professional-looking disc labeling projects.
- Publisher: MicroVision Development, Inc.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2017

Beauty Box
Beauty Box Photo is a new kind of digital skin retouching tool. The Beauty Box skin retouching plugin provides photographers and digital artists with an easy and powerful way of smoothing out skin. This application can be use for a glamor shoot, senior portraits or just a personal photo.
- Publisher: Digital Anarchy
- Home page: www.digitalanarchy.com
- Last updated: October 29th, 2021

ISODisk is a disc image management application for Windows. It comes in a rather small package, but ISODisk has the potential to become a really great tool over time. ISODisk tackles two main tasks: it allows you to mount disc images and it creates ISO images from CD-ROM discs.
- Publisher: ISODisk.com
- Last updated: November 13th, 2008

Virtual Image Printer driver is based on the Microsoft universal printer core, which is included with Windows. Image Printer also adopts the universal printer driver user interface that is supported by the Windows platform. This ensures that ImagePrinter will work with any Windows application that provides a print function.
- Publisher: Ibadov Tariel
- Home page: code-industry.net
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011
- Publisher: PANalytical B.V.
- Home page: www.panalytical.com
- Last updated: December 9th, 2011

More often than not, at some point of time or the other, a user may lose precious data such as sweet memories of a outstation trip, or even critical information such as business data, project details, etc., due to accidental deletion and in all such cases, MediaRECOVER comes to the rescue of the user, which is essentially a complete digital image and file recovery utility package.
- Publisher: MediaRECOVER, LLC.
- Last updated: April 10th, 2010