Universal report wiki in Title/Summary

Universal Report
Universal Report is a generic source code automatic documentation tool. It generates a structured and highly formatted overview of a given set of source codes, including objects and database, after a few mouse cliks.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2009

Wiki Wiki Earth
Wiki Wiki Earth is a funny educational game for any ages. Participants in the game in turn call the words at certain subjects, for example, world cities, animals, great people, constellations, stars, et cetera. The new word must should start at the letter which ends with the title of the previous word.
- Publisher: Nikita Demidov
- Home page: wikiwikiearth.ucoz.net
- Last updated: February 13th, 2011

Send To Wiki
The Send to Wiki Add-In for Microsoft Word and Excel transforms and uploads your documents to a Confluence Wiki with ease. With a click of a button, your document along with embedded images are published directly to Confluence! The simple user interface allows you to choose documents to load and set the space, page name, labels and a comment all without needing to leave Word/Excel
- Publisher: Hiason
- Last updated: June 16th, 2010
Universal report wiki in Description

WP FreeStyle Wiki This plugin allows you to use FreeStyle Wiki syntax for typing up your posts and pages. WP FreeStyle Wiki is yet another markup plugin for WordPress. It lets you FreeStyle Wiki syntax in your markup. It includes original FreeStyle Wiki
- Publisher: WordPressFreeStyle
- Home page: wordpress.org
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

WikidPad is a wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down.What makes WikidPad different from other notepad applications is the ease with which you can cross-link your information.Real-time wiki WikidPad is not a web server, or application server, or groupware solution. WikidPad is a standalone notepad like application.
- Publisher: Jason Horman, Michael Butscher, Gerhard Reitmayr
- Last updated: May 29th, 2012

SONIVIS is an Eclipse-based open source software for analysing and visualizing virtual information spaces such as Wiki, Weblogs, or Social Network Sites. The objective is to investigate different development stages of these information spaces and therefore to recommend appropriate knowledge management activities depending on each stage.
- Publisher: SONIVIS
- Home page: www.sonivis.org
- Last updated: April 18th, 2009

ZuluPad is a notepad on crack. It's a place to jot down class notes, appointments, to-do lists, favorite websites, pretty much anything you can think of. The great thing about ZuluPad is that it combines the best parts of a notepad with the best parts of a wiki, a concept made popular by Wikipedia.
- Publisher: Thomas Gersic
- Last updated: January 30th, 2012

LabTool-48UXP is an intelligent universal programmer. Main features: - USB or parallel port interface with auto-switch power - Support 5V and 3.3V low voltage devices, 1.8V chip support through low voltage adapter. - Less then 2 seconds per Mbit Programming speed for high density flash chip. - No adapter required for DIL chip up to 48-pin.
- Publisher: Advantech Equipment Corp.
- Last updated: April 19th, 2013
Additional Universal report wiki selection

Right-Suite® Universal
Right-Suite Universal is a fully integrated residential and commercial software solution that is designed to save you time. The program can help you to properly calculate your loads, accurately design and size your system, produce parts takeoff lists and proposals according to your parts and pricing, and prepare professional documentation and reports all in one program, at the click of a button.
- Publisher: Wrightsoft Corporation
- Last updated: March 9th, 2015

The Universal Viewer displays and prints files created by recorders such as display, event, and report data files.Supported models: CX1000, CX2000, DX1000, DX1000N, DX1000T, DX2000, DX2000T, FX1000, GA10, GM10, GP10, GP20, GX10, GX20, MV1000, MV2000, μR10000, μR20000, DX100, DX200, DX100P, DX200P, MV100, MV200, AX100
- Publisher: Yokogawa Electric Corporation
- Last updated: June 17th, 2016

Universal Extractor
Universal Extractor is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE files, application installers, etc. Universal Extractor is not intended to be a general purpose archiving program. Allows you only to extract files from virtually any type of archive, regardless of source, file format, compression method.
- Publisher: Jared Breland
- Home page: legroom.net
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2022

Konica Minolta's Universal Printer Driver is a powerful new print solution that increases print productivity and reduces administrative costs by offering a single printer driver for all devices. Just select, set up, and print. A Universal Printer Driver is for you if you are a business manager, an IT professional or a user with multiple printers and devices.
- Publisher: Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U.S.A., Inc.
- Last updated: February 13th, 2014

Haihaisoft Universal Player
Having a multimedia player that supports a large variety of formats is quite a necessity as nobody likes facing incompatibility issues. One example comes from Haihaisoft Universal Player. This easy-to-use multimedia player will let you watch your favorite videos, listen to your music collection and check your photo libraries.
- Publisher: Haihaisoft Limited
- Last updated: May 29th, 2013

Konica Minolta's Universal Printer Driver is a powerful new print solution that increases print productivity and reduces administrative costs by offering a single printer driver for all devices. Just select, set up, and print. Installation program automatically installs the appropriate drivers based on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows operating system.
- Publisher: unknown
- Last updated: June 11th, 2012

Universal Document Converter
Universal Document Converter is intended to convert any kind of printable document into an image or a PDF. As many other tools, it works by installing a virtual printer, which you can access from any program that supports printing. Many image output formats are supported, including JPG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PCX and DCX.
- Publisher: fCoder SIA
- Home page: www.print-driver.com
- Last updated: December 26th, 2017

Universal Advance Unlocker
This is an application that allows you to unlock various phones from different brands in order to use them on different networks. For most of the models, the software will generate the unlock code based on an advanced algorithm that uses the IMEI. The connectivity method is through the available COM ports.
- Publisher: Josedavido & Dawood 1208
- Last updated: April 15th, 2013

Universal Viewer
Universal Viewer is designed for opening a wide range of file formats. It supports major graphic formats including JPG, BMP, ICO, and GIF. You can also open videos, Internet files, and file types supported by Total Commander Lister plugins. No additional software or codec is required for opening files.
- Publisher: UVViewSoft
- Last updated: December 8th, 2021

Universal File Organizer
Powerful file organizer, file sorter, file renamer, that will sort, organize, rename all your files, fast and easy. Support MP3, AVI, DIVX, OGG, MPEG, JPG, ZIP, RAR and HUNDREDS of other formats. High speed, flexible settings.
- Publisher: Music Organizing Software, Inc.
- Last updated: December 18th, 2009