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Universal samsung tool in Title/Summary

Samsung Tool

Samsung Tool

Samsung Tool is a free program that enables you to unclock your Samsung phone. The program has support for various Samsung devices. It allows you to repair the IMEI and to flash your phone. This version has experienced some changes, making it better.

  • Publisher: z3x-team
  • Home page: samsungtool.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2023
Samsung 3G Tool

Samsung 3G Tool

Samsung 3G Tool is constantly updated, providing flashing support for more devices: I5700, I5700L, I5700R, I5800, I5801, I6500U, B7510, B7510L, I5500, I5500B, I5500L, I5503, I5503T, I5508, I5510, S5570, S5570L, S5578, S5660, S5660L, S5660V, S5670, S5670L, S5830, S5830B, S5830D, S5830L, S5830T, S5838, I7500, I9001, T939. Also its code is being optimized to provide a more stable workflow.

  • Publisher: z3x-team
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2017
Samsung Simple Upgrade Tool for SCH-I500 EH09

Samsung Simple Upgrade Tool for SCH-I500 EH09

The tool installs the latest Android update for the SCH-I500 EH09 model. The package already contains the update which makes it more efficient since no download is required to install the firmware.

  • Publisher: Samsung Electronics
  • Home page: www.samsung.com
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2011

Universal samsung tool in Description

dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL

dbForge Studio for MySQL is the universal MySQL and MariaDB client for database management, administration and development. With the help of this intelligent MySQL client the work with data and code has become easier and more convenient.

  • Publisher: Devart
  • Home page: www.devart.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


DbVisualizer is a universal database tool for developers, database administrators, and analysts. It comes with support for DB2 LUW, Informix, JavaDB/Derby, H2, Mimer SQL, MySQL, Netezza, and many other database systems. You get a SQL editor with features such as auto completion, parameterized SQLs, SQL formatter, visual query builder, and command-line interface.

  • Publisher: DbVis Software AB.
  • Home page: www.dbvis.com
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023


The universal cheating tool for Windows95,98 & NT. Cheat all games without buying expensive hardware. FAST & EASY TO USE!

  • Publisher: Nico Ebert
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008


DtSQL is a universal database tool which can create, alter, browse and search database objects, execute SQL scripts and edit tables. It allows you to browse objects such as schemas, tables, columns, primary and foreign keys, constraints, views, indexes, triggers, stored procedures, functions and sequences, tools to edit table data including binary or BLOB and CLOB data types.

  • Publisher: DigerTech
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2013
GM - UniversalSync

GM - UniversalSync

GM - UniversalSync is a universal synchronization tool for Windows OS. Main features: - Multithreaded. - Produces reliable results. - Tidy and easy to use user interface. - Unlimited number of synchronization profiles. - Each synchronization profile may contain two or more locations to be synchronized.

Additional Universal samsung tool selection



DBeaver is a software solution for developers, analysts and database administrators that have to manage different types of databases. It provides support for lots of popular databases such as MS Access, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, PostreSQL, Teradata, or Firebird.



mDraw is a universal, generic visualization system for automatic generation of highquality drawings of directed networks. mDraw primary objective is to provide a universal visualization tool for directed biological networks and visualization of the network motifs embedded in them.

  • Publisher: Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2010
LogView Studio

LogView Studio

LogView Studio is an universal visualizing tool designed to record and analyze data. The program can operate and display any number of windows, all data are stored in one database (MySQL) and most different data ports can be used (Serial, USB, Network, Web).

  • Publisher: Logview
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2014


Blue Jeans is an universal interoperability tool that connects your rooms, people, and devices. Blue Jeans is the cloud video platform that delights end users, engages visionary leaders, and supports the IT organizations that make businesses productive, manageable, and secure.

  • Publisher: Blue Jeans
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2016


EsInventory is an universal inventory tool with multilocation feature. You can use this system in your business,office,rental store and home. This program will guide you through the creation of items list, tracking receiving, shipping and rental.

Offline Explorer Pro

Offline Explorer Pro

Offline Explorer - download whole sites, online image galleries, news and usergroups from the widest variety of supported Web sites. The best ever support for the modern Internet technologies, Flash, scripts and active contents.

  • Publisher: MetaProducts Corporation
  • Home page: metaproducts.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Samsung PC Studio

Samsung PC Studio

Samsung PC Studio is a professional tool that allows you to manage, edit and transfer different files between your Samsung mobile phone and your PC. It offers many features such as a Networking Wizard, which allows you to connect to the Internet; a Multimedia Player to play different files; and many other options to manage and organize your files, your phone contacts and your messages.

  • Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2018
Samsung SideSync

Samsung SideSync

You can spend the whole day jumping from your laptop or PC to your Samsung Galaxy phone or tablet, or you can connect them together using Samsung SideSync. This free and simple Samsung utility will let you put your mobile device and your PC or laptop in connection with each other so that you can use your phone from your computer just as if it were one more of your apps.

  • Publisher: Samsung
  • Home page: www.samsung.com
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2020
Samsung Printer Diagnostics

Samsung Printer Diagnostics

Samsung Printer Diagnostics is a tool that helps you solve your printing issues and updates your printer application to the latest version. The tool performs an advanced analysis procedure of your printer and detects the issues of your device and automatically fix them or guides you to manually do it.

  • Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: July 4th, 2020
Samsung Easy Wireless Setup

Samsung Easy Wireless Setup

Samsung Easy Wireless Setup works for wireless connection establishment between your personal computer and printer. You can set the configurations of the link easily with the help of this tool. This is probably the best choice for Samsung device owners.

  • Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2014