Update blog automatically in Title/Summary

Logitech Drivers Update Utility
Logitech Drivers Update Utility automatically updates your drivers for Logitech devices. The program identifies your specific computer to provide you with the most accurate drivers available. It will scan your system first then download and install Logitech official drivers to let your Logitech device work properly.
- Publisher: DGTSoft Inc.
- Home page: www.dgtsoft.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Free Blog Traffic Generator
With this program you can automatically submit your blog posts to major media aggregators and generate free traffic to your blog, get new pages indexed in seconds, generate backlinks to your pages easily. Free Blog Traffic Generator works on Windows platform.
- Publisher: BlogSolutionsX Inc.
- Last updated: September 9th, 2011

ATI Drivers Update Utility
ATI Drivers Update Utility updates your drivers for ATI devices automatically with just several clicks.It will scan your system first then download and install ATI official drivers to let your ATI device work properly. Drivers Update Utility Machine Intelligence identifies your specific computer to provide you with the most accurate drivers available.
- Publisher: DGTSoft Inc.
- Home page: www.dgtsoft.org
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Update blog automatically in Description

Update for Microsoft Office 2013 (KB3115154) 32-Bit Edition
KB3115154 update for Microsoft Office 2013 contains stability and performance improvements. This update also applies to Office Home and Student 2013 RT versions. To apply this update, you must have Microsoft Office 2013 Service Pack 1 installed. You can download this update using the link given here.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: June 30th, 2016

Microsoft .NET Framework Security Update (KB953297)
KB953297 security update is for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1. It rectifies the security issue that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system through Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1. This update is automatically installed if Windows update is turned on in your Windows XP. Alternatively, you can install it using the given download link.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page: support.microsoft.com
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

fi Series Online Update
fi Series Online Update is a software pack that provides support for Fujitsu scanner models. The scanner set for the update must be connected in order to perform the search and install of the update. It automatically detects, downloads, and installs the required updates.
- Publisher: Fujitsu
- Home page: www.fujitsu.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2023

DriverBoost can detect device drivers in your PC and update them automatically. It uses a driver database of over 100,000 devices. It has a simple user friendly interface which shows you exactly what you need to do to update your drivers in just a few clicks of a mouse button, even if you've never done it before.
- Publisher: DriverBoost
- Last updated: November 30th, 2011

Security Update for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2956073) 32-Bit Edition
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Office 2010 32-Bit Edition that could allow arbitrary code to run when a maliciously modified file is opened. This update resolves that vulnerability. This update is automatically installed if you have turned-on Windows Updates. Yo can also manually download an install it if automatic updates do not work.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: support.microsoft.com
- Last updated: March 31st, 2015
Additional Update blog automatically selection

Wise Driver Care
The importance of having all your system’s drivers updated and working correctly can’t never be stressed enough. They connect your hardware with your software, keep your peripherals working smoothly, and they control your Internet and network connections. Wise Driver Care is capable of scanning, updating, and fixing all your drivers and make sure that they are kept in perfect condition.
- Publisher: WiseCleaner, Inc.
- Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery
ZIP RAR ACE Password Recovery is a program to recover lost passwords on ZIP, RAR and ACE archives using Bruteforce, Mask or Dictionary attack. Supports Multi-volume RAR archives; Supports a user-defined character set. Autosave feature. Auto Update.
- Publisher: Keylack Software
- Home page: www.keylack.com
- Last updated: May 28th, 2015

KRyLack Archive Password Recovery
KRyLack Archive Password Recovery easily recovers lost passwords on encrypted ZIP, RAR and ACE archives using Brute-force, Mask or Dictionary attack. Supports Multi-volume RAR archives; Supports a user-defined character set and many other features.
- Publisher: KRyLack Software
- Last updated: January 9th, 2018

DriverHub is a program that scans your computer for outdated or corrupt drivers. The program allows you to monitor and manage your driver profile, it automatically finds the right drivers and downloads them. The program also enables you to choose which updates to install and which ones to ignore.
- Publisher: DriverHub
- Last updated: July 31st, 2013

Update for Microsoft Office 2013 (KB2880977) 32-Bit Edition
Update for Microsoft Office 2013 (KB2880977) improves the integration of OneDrive and other Office 2013 applications so that conflict issues are handled better. It updates the Wxpnse.dll file to version 15.0.4691.1000. You can use Windows Update to automatically download and install the update; you can also install it manually in case of any problem with automatic updates.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: www.catalog.update.microsoft.com
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2021

Fibotrader assists you with all your questions concerning securities. Many powerful tools offer both beginners and professional investors various opportunities for chart and portfolio analysis. The development of Fibotrader is a ongoing process. The AutoUpdate Function allows you to update Fibotrader automatically.
- Publisher: Fischer Finance Consulting AG
- Last updated: September 12th, 2011

JavaScript Code Library
JavaScript code library helps the users in managing their source codes. The software supports more than 30 languages and also helps the user to store the code in an organized way. It makes provision for the user to save the data in an encrypted database with higher security levels and paste the favorite code snippets very quickly, and then synchronize the changing data quickly.
- Publisher: OverZone Software
- Last updated: November 1st, 2012

Time Viewer
Time Viewer is an application that captures your system time and displays it. The program's interface consists of only one tiny window. It appears every time you launch Time Viewer and shows your system current time. What is interesting, the program doesn't update time automatically and shows only the time it was launched at.
- Publisher: Stupid Apps
- Last updated: October 12th, 2008

Data Everywhere
Data Everywhere is an application that enables the user to share data easier. You can share data between Excel spreadsheets over the cloud, update sheets automatically from local databases such as Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL or Access. This program also enables you to put Salesforce reports directly into Google Sheets.
- Publisher: Data Everywhere
- Last updated: August 14th, 2015

EZ Scheduler
EZ Scheduler can be used to launch favorite programs or display reminder messages at the time you desire! Run your programs or display your reminders when Windows starts, once, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and in minute intervals. You can also play a sound (WAV File) when your reminder or programs runs! The program minimizes to the taskbar tray so it takes up very little space. Now includes Live Update technology. Live Update will automatically upgrade your current version of EZ Scheduler to the newest available
- Publisher: Tennyson Maxwell Information Systems, Inc.
- Home page: www.americansys.com
- Last updated: April 11th, 2008