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Uppercase lowercase in Title/Summary

HTML Tags Change To Uppercase or Lowercase Software

HTML Tags Change To Uppercase or Lowercase Software

Change case of HTML tags in multiple HTML files. For example, change <TITLE> to <title> and </head> to <HEAD>

Generate Random Strong Passwords Software

Generate Random Strong Passwords Software

Generate many passwords with uppercase, lowercase, numbers and/or specified characters. Save results as Excel or text files.

Uppercase lowercase in Description

Fast Folder Rename

Fast Folder Rename

Fast Folder Rename allows you to rename multiple folders at once (first of its kind!) just by dragging and dropping from an explorer window. Options include changing of first letter to uppercase, all letters to uppercase/lowercase and more!

ASAP Utilities

ASAP Utilities

ASAP Utilities is a powerful Excel add-in that helps you perform various Excel tasks to speed up your work. You can select cells based on content, formatting and more; change the text to UPPERcase, lowercase; deselect cells in your selection; apply a formula to selected cells, delete leading, trailing and excessive spaces; sort the sheet tabs by name or color and more.

File Renamer Pro

File Renamer Pro

File Renamer Pro is an advanced yet simple utility to batch rename your files and folders. It supports renaming according to the ID3 tags found in MP3 files. Bulk renaming supports adding a string at the start or at the end of the file name. You can also bulk change multiple files extensions and insert or replace a fixed text inside the file names at once.



HashX is a simple tool that calculates checksum values for individual files. The most helpful use for it is, probably, to check whether a file you have downloaded is error-free and undamaged using the checksum value provided. The program can calculate checksum values using all popular algorithms, including MD5, SHA1, and CRC32.

  • Publisher: BoilingBit Software
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008


Press writers tool integrating News monitoring for Press Agencies news wires using NewsML. Create articles in XML, metadata, manage related formats from anywhere, send to editor via mail, ftp, exports to prepress NewsML , NITF, InDesign

  • Publisher: Soft Experience
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Uppercase lowercase selection

BatchRename Pro

BatchRename Pro

"BatchRename" is for you to rename files freely with all kinds of rules you defined as many as you like.

  • Publisher: foryoursoft.com
  • Home page: foryoursoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Ken Rename

Ken Rename

Ken Rename is a wonderful tool with extra utilities to rename number of files at a go. Ken Rename has directory tree to select your files from. Ken Rename enables you to batch rename files, using a set of custom rules. You can insert or remove a part of the file name, add incrementing numbers, replace a string, change case of the file names and also use macro variables to build new names.

  • Publisher: KenSoft
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2010


ExtraRenamer is a program that was designed to help you rename various files and folder. In addition to this, it is able to change various ID3 tags for MP3 files. It was created to offer an easy way of renaming files, but comes with many flaws. Although its developers claim that this version of ExtraRenamer comes with an improved interface, it should be mentioned that it doesn't work as expected.

  • Publisher: Reflection Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2010
febooti fileTweak Case

febooti fileTweak Case

Febooti fileTweak Case module is a freeware utility that can be used either as stand alone utility or as a module of fileTweak. Case module expands Windows properties pages by adding a batch file case renaming possibility that allows to change filename and directory letters (characters) case automatically.

  • Publisher: febooti software
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2010
spacetornado Renamer

spacetornado Renamer

spacetornado Renamer is a Windows program that renames mass amounts of files in batches. You can search and replace text, remove a certain number of characters, change the case to lower, upper or First Letter Capital, and add text to the beginning or end (append/prepend) of every file name.

  • Publisher: spacetornado
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
Password Generator 2013 Professional

Password Generator 2013 Professional

Password Generator 2013 Professional is capable of generating unlimited passwords according to your specifications. In fact, this tool can build any kind of random strings you may need, such as usernames, passwords, ID numbers, key codes, etc. The program can generate strings of up to 100 characters and a list of 100,000,000 strings at once, but this will depend on the kind of license you acquire.

  • Publisher: BinaryMark
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2013
Photo Merge and Rename

Photo Merge and Rename

With Photo Merge and Rename 2.4 we can add multiple images in one picture, so we can make collage from our pictures too. When we open the program we can see one Menu Bar, one toolbar, one panel where we can see the photos that we choose and other panel at the right where we can handle our photos.

  • Publisher: Photo Utilities
  • Home page: www.photoutils.com
  • Last updated: December 16th, 2009
MS Access Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

MS Access Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to change the text case of records in MS Access tables. There are features to change case to upper, lower, title (also called "proper") or sentence case. Access 2000 or higher required.

MS SQL Server FoxPro Import, Export & Convert Software

MS SQL Server FoxPro Import, Export & Convert Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables and queries between their SQL Server and FoxPro databases. This software will generate the necessary SQL commands for importing and exporting for you.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 17th, 2008
eXcel Change Case

eXcel Change Case

Excel Change Case is a useful add-in. It helps you to convert case of the text as Uppercase in Excel, Lowercase in Excel, Title Case in Excel, Sentence Case in Excel just like MS-Word change case. It can process thousands of cells text in a few minutes.

  • Publisher: Lantech Soft
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2015