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Upsmon 2.742 in Title/Summary



UPSmon is a multiplatform client-server software tool that enables remote monitoring of the UPS with SNMP, HTTP, and UDP. It features: local and remote shutdown, cascade monitoring and cross-platform interoperability with other servers, UDP communication with client software, HTTP communication with standard internet browsers, and more.



Both graphic interfaces can be customized to the demands of the manufacturer. This allows for an adaptation of all UPS systems with all different kinds of functions. UPS systems with serial interfaces often contain a variety of measured values and status information.

  • Publisher: Generex GmbH

Upsmon 2.742 in Description

Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder

Magical Jelly Bean PasswdFinder

PasswdFinder is a neat freeware utility that helps you find your lost passwords. Once installed, it will show you passwords saved by web-browsers, instant messengers and other programs. Currently, following programs are supported. - Web-browsers: Apple Safari, Flock, Google Chrome 1.x - 6.x, Internet Explorer 4.x - 9.x, Opera 6.x - 11.x, Mozilla Browser, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey.

Additional Upsmon 2.742 selection



When UPSMAN starts, it collects the protocol messages from the UPS as a background program (service). UPSMAN interprets received messages and makes them available to the client module, a webserver interface UPS View, the WINDOWS UPSMON, JAVAMON or to any other SNMP application. The data communication to the client modules is achieved via TCP/IP or SNMP.

  • Publisher: Generex