Usenet engine 2.0 in Title/Summary

Usenet Radio
Plays mp3 files directly from Usenet newsgroups like a radio. Install, enter your account information and it starts playing mp3 files automatically. It's that simple. Stop, pause and play using familiar media player controls on the main window.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 26th, 2010

Secret Usenet Client
Reluva Usenet Client is a special tool to download binaries from the newsgroups without the need to download article headers anymore. This app is capable to process NZB index files which allow you to download articles from newsgroups without having to download the headers for that group.
- Publisher: Reluva AG
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2011

WrenSoft Zoom Search Engine
Zoom is a software package that creates a search engine for your website, intranet, CD, or DVD. It provides fast and powerful full-text searching by indexing your website in advance with an user friendly desktop application that allows you to configure and index your site, from the convenience of your Windows computer.
- Publisher: Wrensoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 1st, 2009
Usenet engine 2.0 in Description

PlexMailer is a cross-platform anti-SPAM application that comes with built-in email application and can work with other email applications. Block 90% of SPAM or Unsolicited Commercial Emails (UCE). It supports Bayesian Filter and all of major blacklists such as ORBS, SPEWS, SPAMCOP, SpamNet/Vipul's Razor, etc.
- Publisher: PlexObject Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2011

NewsBin Pro
NewsBin ProNewsbin can download files from Usenet Newsgroups. An account with a Usenet News Server is required to use Newsbin. It can search over 2300 days worth of Usenet based on your search criteria. You can also search your locally stored headers by keyword or using Regular Expressions.
- Publisher: DJI Interprises
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022

TLNews Newsreader
TLNews 2.0 is a Usenet newsreader designed for downloading from your favorite binary newsgroups. All you need is a Usenet service. provider and you'll be ready to enjoy such benefits as: Download using multiple connections and across servers. Get headers using new and innovative download methods. Easiest Usenet download program around!
- Publisher: Tech Logic, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 19th, 2011

SnelNL is a Usenet Provider with its very own Streaming Newsreader. SnelNL gives users access to Usenet and the ability to download. The streaming media player comes free with a SnelNL account. While downloading a file from Usenet with SnelNL you won’t have to wait until it’s finished because you can stream your media while you download.
- Publisher: SenlNL
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2015

GetNZB is a Usenet client designed to make downloading binary files easy. The program allows you to preview all images and videos, unpack all known types of archives, handle NFO and similar Usenet files or automatically open NZB files and repairs incomplete Usenet binaries.
- Publisher: GetNZB
- Last updated: August 1st, 2017
Additional Usenet engine 2.0 selection

Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine helps you figure out how a game or application works and make modifications to it. It lets you manipulate any running program including administrator applications. Cheat Engine is ideal for winning offline games that can be installed in Windows PCs.
- Publisher: Darkbyte
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2024

Rhapsody Player Engine
Rhapsody Player Engine is a browser plug-in that gives you access to RealNetwork's online music service. This incredible plug-in allows you to play up to 25 songs per month for free, select the songs you want from millions of songs in RealNetwork's music library and play 25 premium Rhapsody Channels without limit.
- Publisher: RealNetworks
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

Charity Engine
Charity Engine takes enormous, expensive computing jobs and chops them into 1000s of small pieces, each simple enough for a home PC to work on as a background task. Once each PC has finished its part of the puzzle, it sends back the correct answer and earns some money for charity - and for the prize fund.
- Publisher: The Worldwide Computer Company Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2023

UseNeXT offers fast, easy and unfiltered access to the Usenet with over 2,500 terabytes of data available and 6,000 Gigabytes added daily.
- Publisher: Tangysoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2021

SteelSeries Engine
SteelSeries Engine is dedicated to all the SteelSeries products. With SteelSeries Engine you can upgrade the drivers of your SteelSeries Engine mouse, you can configure your mouse sensitivity, change the color of it's led color, create macros and so on.
- Publisher: SteelSeries
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is a free program that offers you full support for executables. The Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine allows your browser to display VIs embedded in Web pages. The program permits you to run executables that you build with the Application Builder in LabVIEW 2013.
- Publisher: National Instruments Corporation
- Last updated: October 31st, 2013

Corsair Utility Engine
Corsair Utility Engine (iCUE) lets you configure all your Corsair devices such as RAM, keyboard, mouse, an headset. It can be used to change the RGB lighting patterns of your gaming keyboard, mice, and memory modules. You can downloaded dynamic lighting effects and create unique lighting combinations.
- Publisher: Corsair
- Last updated: November 7th, 2018

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine
Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine (MSDE, also Microsoft Data Engine or Microsoft Desktop Engine) is a relational database management system . The initial release of MSDE also included the Data Transformation Services Wizard, which provided the ability to use OLE DB and ODBC data sources to transfer data between SQL Server 7and MSDE.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: June 20th, 2023

Test Engine
TheCourse is conducted in open enrollment classes at university associates, on-site at client facilities, and online through colleges throughout the United States. Licenses to our online course and test engine add extra value for each classroom student.
- Publisher: University Learning Institute
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010

Steganos Live Encryption Engine
This file is used to install the Live Encryption Engine separately in case it doesn't work when installing the program itself. Save this file on your desktop, and start the setup with double clicking on it. Please be sure to close all running programs, including the ones in the systray (bottom right, near the clock) and to have administrative rights on your computer.
- Publisher: Steganos GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 20th, 2015