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Utility check device status in Title/Summary

mt:s Check Account

mt:s Check Account

mt: s Check Account is a simple gadget to check the status at the mt: s service, tested the 3G modem ZTE MF-622 and HUAWEI E1550. The program does not abuse your trust and spending money from your bank account or anything like that. Gadget is actually a small set of commands that are routed to the modem and is allocated only a certain part of the answer.

TOSHIBA Battery Check Utility

TOSHIBA Battery Check Utility

TOSHIBA Battery Check Utility is a free-to-use application for Windows OS that allows you to check if your battery pack is affected and qualifies for a replacement. Please Remove the battery and find the battery part number and serial number. The app is very easy-to-use.

  • Publisher: TOSHIBA Corporation
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016
Check Point - Full Disk Encryption Dynamic Mount Utility

Check Point - Full Disk Encryption Dynamic Mount Utility

Full Disk Encryption’s Dynamic Mount Utility is used you need to access information on the hard disk of a Full Disk Encryption - protected machine and do not want to access this information by performing a recovery, for example, if you need to access a disk for forensic reasons or because a failure of the operating system makes it impossible to retrieve data on a disk.

  • Publisher: Check Point Software Technologies LTD
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2010

Utility check device status in Description

PNR Status Buzz

PNR Status Buzz

We have created this App for the sole purpose of spreading knowledge of PNR status, train schedule, seat availability, & station code enquiry over the web. Passengers who used to travel regularly via train or flight will be benefited by this.

Memory Media Utility

Memory Media Utility

Memory Media Utility shows information about SxS memory cards and Sony portable storage devices. It can provide the device type and model name, available free space, device status check results, file system and recording modes, available recordable time, etc.

  • Publisher: Sony Corporation
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2018
Hard Disk Sentinel Pro

Hard Disk Sentinel Pro

There are many software tools to recover data lost due to a disk malfunction, but there is only one way not to get that far – monitor your hard disks to detect any potential damage well before it happens. Hard Disk Sentinel Pro is a tool designed for IT professionals who want to keep an eye on their drives’ behavior and performance and thus foresee any potential malfunction ahead of time.

Geeksnerds Drive Check

Geeksnerds Drive Check

Geeksnerds Drive Check is a free software tool, which check the status of a drive whether a drive is healthy or not. The drive test utility is helpful in those cases where data is lost and user wants to know the status of the hard drive that whether it is healthy or not.

  • Publisher: Geeksnerds
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2010
NetSpot Console

NetSpot Console

NetSpot Console is a web-based installation and management utility capable of installing and managing Canon network systems on most customer networks. Through NetSpot Console, network administrators are provided with a convenient, platform-independent utility to install and manage Canon devices from anywhere within the enterprise.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2010

Additional Utility check device status selection

Canon Quick Menu

Canon Quick Menu

this program gives you access to the main functions of your Canon printer in an easy way. shows shortcuts to different functions in two arms forming an L-shape. It also has an expanded view with all your printer's functions sorted by categories. If you have a Canon printer, this program will be useful for you.

  • Publisher: Canon Inc.
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2020
Intel (R) PROSet/Wireless Software

Intel (R) PROSet/Wireless Software

The Intel PROSet/Wireless Software is used to set up, edit and manage network profiles to connect to a network. The program features: automatic detection of and connection to wireless access points based on adapter preferences, detection of access point security levels, easy and secure switching between networks, and more.

  • Publisher: Intel Corporation
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
HD Tune Pro

HD Tune Pro

HD Tune Pro is a hard disk / SSD utility with many functions. It can be used to measure the drive's performance, scan for errors, check the health status (S.M.A.R.T.), securely erase all data and much more. Main features: - Basic tests: added option for continuous testing - Erase: range can be specified - Monitor: transfer sizes of 128 KB to 2 MB added

  • Publisher: EFD Software
  • Home page: www.hdtune.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


ALSEDI Pinger is a small FREEWARE utility displaying connection status to specified site/host. It uses standard Ping (ICMP) protocol to check host availability, so it can be used to monitor connection status to any site, like google.com or any computer in your home/office network.

  • Publisher: ALSEDI
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2020
AusLogics BoostSpeed

AusLogics BoostSpeed

Is your internet or computer running slow? Auslogics BoostSpeed can help! This award-winning PC optimizer runs disk cleanup, defragments disks & registry, speeds up internet, and keeps your PC glitch-free. Don't let a sluggish computer hold you back.

  • Publisher: Auslogics Labs Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
Avira System Speedup

Avira System Speedup

Avira System Speedup comes with 40 different optimization tools for your Windows PC. It provides a simple interface with a one-click "optimize" button that does all the repair process. It can remove junk files, repair registry entries, manage startup programs, and optimize browser settings.

  • Publisher: Avira Operations GmbH & Co. KG.
  • Home page: www.avira.com
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2022
Printer Status Monitor

Printer Status Monitor

Printer Status Monitor is a utility dedicated for Sharp printers that is compatible with the SNMP protocol version 1. It lets you check the status of a printer - to see if it has sufficient paper and toner - before starting the job and without leaving your desk. It eliminates wasted trips to the machine by notifying you when your job has been completed.

  • Publisher: SHARP
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2013
Smart Organizing Monitor

Smart Organizing Monitor

Smart Organizing Monitor enables you to view and change printer settings, check supply levels, etc. from your computer, as well as print configuration and test pages.You can also use Smart Organizing Monitor to check printer status. Supported operations: displaying printer status or settings, making input tray settings, changing the factory-set default settings, among others.

UpdateStar Drivers

UpdateStar Drivers

UpdateStar Drivers optimizes your computer performance and experience with a powerful driver management. It is important that you use only the most recent drivers on your computer.

Device Utility

Device Utility

Device Utility is a free program that enables you to manage and configure the Pelco cameras. The application also allows you to update the camera firmware, to restart the device in case of functioning errors and to you can apply custom scripts to your IP camera.

  • Publisher: Pelco, Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2014