Utility prevent in Title/Summary

Prevent : 1. Stops Cut 2. Stops Paste 3. Stops Copy 4. Stops Delete 5. Stops Copy To 6. Stops Move to 7. Stops Send To 8. Prevents renaming 9. Disables Task Manager‘s End Process button. Also it doesn’t allow you to right click on process name and click on end process. It also grays out the context menu items, disable Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V and/or stops the process.
- Publisher: Ritesh Kawadkar
- Home page: www.thewindowsclub.com
- Last updated: September 19th, 2009

Prevent Recovery
Prevent Recovery is an application designed to make deleted files and folders unrecoverable. The program will overwrite all free space on your hard disk(s) that contain fragments of deleted files with random data to avoid any possibility of recovery. It uses several security algorithms that replace deleted data with random characters, digits, spaces, etc.
- Publisher: Yuri Saprykin
- Home page: clean-space.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2017

Windows Startup Utility
Windows Startup Utility Utility is a free utility working at Windows startup and to clean a number of cases as well as the cleaning of the registry. Once Windows Startup Utility starts, it remains visible in the Windows traybar in the form of an icon from which it is possible to configure tasks to be performed, start the software with Windows, run the selected tasks and close the utility.
- Publisher: WebKeySoft
- Home page: www.webkeysoft.com
- Last updated: September 26th, 2008
Utility prevent in Description

USB Lock Down
USB Lock Down is a tiny tool that may be used to prevent users from writing information to USB Portable devices. Just two clicks must be done to prevent writing to USB Keys, USB card readers or Memory Sticks. The main issue discovered: the program is not able to prevent writing to a Sata Hard disk connected to a USB port.
- Publisher: Cyntrigal
- Last updated: December 17th, 2008

If you share your computer with others, or even if it is only occasionally accessed by other users, there are certain files and folders that you will likely want to keep private. However, there is no easy way to do this without relying on a third-par
- Publisher: R.T.G STUDIOS
- Last updated: March 9th, 2018

Hard Disk Sentinel Professional
Though we’re all advised to back up our data regularly to avoid losing sensitive information in case of disk failure, that is a good habit that is as hard to make as bad habits are to break. Hard Disk Sentinel Professional will monitor how your drives are doing (be them internal or external, HDD or SSD) and will provide you with that heads-up that we all need to prevent massive data loss.
- Publisher: H.D.S. Hungary
- Home page: www.hdsentinel.com
- Last updated: June 13th, 2018

Excel Files Data Cleaning Utility
Excel Files Data Cleaning Utility is an essential MS Excel Add-In. You can clean or remove data in excel easily by using its commands. You can remove extra spaces, digits, alphabets or any text from selected cells or records.
- Publisher: Window India
- Last updated: January 14th, 2016

Adblock Pro
This utility was created for people who use Google Chrome on a daily basis and wish to block ads while browsing the web. The application takes a very small amount of time to be installed, features easy-to-configure settings, and is localized in multiple languages.
- Publisher: Adblock Pro Team
- Home page: www.adblockpro.com
- Last updated: June 1st, 2017
Additional Utility prevent selection

TOSHIBA Password Utility
TOSHIBA Password Utility adds additional password security to your Toshiba computer. After registering a user password, you will be required to input it when booting the computer or starting the Password Utility. You can change or delete the user password at any time.
- Publisher: TOSHIBA Corporation
- Last updated: August 21st, 2020

Intel Driver Update Utility
Intel Driver Update Utility allows you to scan your computer for outdated drivers and patch them using the latest up-to-date drivers available from Intel. It's a handy tool that keeps your Intel drivers up-to-date and in top shape, ensuring that the Intel drivers won't cause any problem to your system.
- Publisher: Intel
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2020

ThinkVantage Communications Utility
ThinkVantage Communications Utility is a free program that enables you to change all settings for the integrated camera, microphone and audio functions at one place in order to optimize the Video and Voice over the Internet (VOIP) experience. You can mute the camera during the video chat and share your screen during a VOIP conference.
- Publisher: Lenovo
- Last updated: March 6th, 2014

TOSHIBA Display Utility
TOSHIBA Display Utility is a program that allows you to change the text size on the display and in the title bar of windows. Also, it gives you the option to automatically change the mouse pointer speed based on the text size setting and provides automatic control to optimize display color.
- Publisher: TOSHIBA Corporation
- Last updated: June 29th, 2020

Samsung SideSync
You can spend the whole day jumping from your laptop or PC to your Samsung Galaxy phone or tablet, or you can connect them together using Samsung SideSync. This free and simple Samsung utility will let you put your mobile device and your PC or laptop in connection with each other so that you can use your phone from your computer just as if it were one more of your apps.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Home page: www.samsung.com
- Last updated: June 24th, 2020

EPSON Copy Utility
EPSON Copy Utility allows you to use your scanner and printer together; it can print a scanned image in just a single step. It allows you to configure color and monochrome copying, enlarged and reduced copying, etc. You can also make use of its image adjustment functions.
- Publisher: SEIKO EPSON CORP.
- Home page: esupport.epson-europe.com
- Last updated: June 8th, 2017

Sony Picture Utility
Initial investigations indicate that the Sony Picture Utility is some kind of editing package included with Sony Digital Cameras.With This program you can add and edit images and you will discover many more features like video editing and slideshow maker.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

Fujitsu Hotkey Utility
Fujitsu Hotkey Utility is a free software application that provides on-screen indicators for hot keys (Fn+F3, F4, F6, F7, F8, F9*).When starting Windows after changing display settings or displaying screen saver, there are no Hotkey indicators with Hot Keys (Fn+F3,F4,F6, F7,F8,F9) operation; however, the Hot Keys will still function. Disk3- Driver for Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP
- Home page: support.ts.fujitsu.com
- Last updated: February 4th, 2016

Fujitsu MobilityCenter Extension Utility
Fujitsu MobilityCenter Extension Utility is a utility software specially designed for Fujitsu laptops. It helps you extend the features of Windows Mobility Center. The program requires Windows 7 or Vista operation systems. Now you can easily access your mobile PC settings in one convenient location.
- Last updated: April 24th, 2011

Fujitsu System Extension Utility
The Fujitsu System Extension Utility is a software that supports system extension functions for the Fujitsu Lifebook Series notebooks. You must first log in as the Administrator in order to install this software. Before installing the Fujitsu System Extension Utility, the FUJ02E3 device driver (Version 1.00 or newer) must be installed separately.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2012