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Utility vehicle simulator save game in Title/Summary

Vehicle Simulator

Vehicle Simulator

Vehicle Simulator is an aero-nautical simulator with excellent flight and marine dynamics. This simulator allows you to fly and sail where ever you wish, to explore and customize your planes and boats and to train yourself on all forms of flight and sailing.

  • Publisher: Ilan Papini
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2019
CH46 Seaknight - For Vehicle Simulator

CH46 Seaknight - For Vehicle Simulator

The CH-46D Sea Knight helicopter is used by the Navy for shipboard delivery of cargo and personnel. The CH-46E is used by the Marine Corps to provide all-weather, day-or-night assault transport of combat troops, supplies and equipment. Troop assault is the primary function and the movement of supplies and equipment is secondary.

  • Publisher: Jason Simpson
Master of Magic Save Game Editor

Master of Magic Save Game Editor

Master of Magic Save Game Editor allows you to create custom saves. The software is available from Sourceforge and it has been updated to latest version to meet the latest requirements for the game. You have the ability to create the and edit the savegame just how you please.

  • Publisher: Paweł Grudzień
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2010

Utility vehicle simulator save game in Description

Rigs of Rods

Rigs of Rods

Rigs of Rods is an open-source vehicle simulator based on soft-body physics. It allows you to simulate vehicles, machines and objects in real-time as flexible soft-body objects, giving the simulation an extremely accurate behavior which entirely depends on the physical construction of the vehicles or objects you create.

  • Publisher: Thomas Fischer, Pierre-Michel-Ricordel
  • Home page: www.rigsofrods.com
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2011
SAM Simulator

SAM Simulator

SAM Simulator is a free surface to air missile system simulator. The game provides realistic vehicle controls from inside and outside view. You have the possibility to test a wide range of ground vehicles.

Virtual Racer Demo

Virtual Racer Demo

Virtual Racer is a vehicle simulator for road cars. By using simple vehicle data about the chassis, wheels, tyres, engine and gear box you can assess your cars performance through a series of statistics and graphs without even turning the key. Virtual Racer is ideal for those interested in vehicle performance and car tuning, allowing you to see the results of any changes before you buy the parts.

  • Publisher: HAN Technologies Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
8 Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool

Pool 8-ball is a billiards simulator. The game can be played either against a computer or human opponents on the same PC. Pool Game rules hints for beginners, help ball or direction help for practicing. Free game features: 8-ball pool game; difficulty levels from easy to expert; save and load game feature; game rules hint; help ball, direction help.

  • Publisher: GameTop Pte. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.GameTop.com
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2016
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold Bundle

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold Bundle

Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold Bundle is a game package that includes the Euro Truck Simulator 2 game and the Going East! expansion. In this simulation game you are a truck driver and you can drive to 60 European cities from the UK, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands or Poland.

Additional Utility vehicle simulator save game selection

Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a game in which you can travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances. Your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. You can build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits.

GRID Save Game

GRID Save Game

Trainer options are activated using the NUMPAD on the right side of the keyboard. You will need NUMLOCK 'On' for the hotkeys to works properly. Laptop users may need to plug in a USB keyboard to get these keys. Not all cheats work and not all cheats work with all version of a game. Sometimes the cheats were put in the orginal release of a game and then taken out later with a patch.

  • Publisher: Terrential.com
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2008
Gutterball 2

Gutterball 2

Gutter ball is a great simulation of bowling game, you will have the great feeling of a bowling challenge choosing a single game, a two player game, play versus computer or enter a round of tournament. This game allows you to subscribe and personalize your name.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East!

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East!

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Going East is an extension pack for the Euro Truck Simulator 2 game. Going East! add-on expands the original Euro Truck Simulator 2 map with new destinations for cargo delivery across Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.

Oblivion mod manager

Oblivion mod manager

This is a utility for managing plugins, and also for packing them for distribution. It can be used either as an enhanced version of the oblivion launcher's data files selector, or as a more advanced mod manager when mods are specially packed into omod files.

  • Publisher: niaht
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009
Easy File Undelete

Easy File Undelete

This utility recovers files that have been deleted. It has two methods of scanning: quick, which uses the MFT or FAT and full, which scans each sector of the disk or partition. For most files, the program shows two types of previews: HEX content and an image, text or file list for image files, document files and compressed files respectively.

  • Publisher: MunSoft
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2012
Papers Please

Papers Please

“Papers, Please” is an indie game in which the player works as an immigration clerk in the fictional communist country of Arstotzka. Small mistakes, as well as his simple, everyday work decisions, can greatly affect not only the lives of the immigrants, but even his own life or the lives of his family members.

  • Publisher: 3909 LLC
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2015


Pricepirates is a program that comes in handy to people who wish to get the best prices for the products they wish to purchase from online stores like eBay or Amazon. The application is very intuitive, comes with a powerful search tool, and helps you compare prices from multiple online shopping websites.

GameSave Manager

GameSave Manager

GameSave Manager can scan for and backup the saved games in your computer. It can detect most of the games and new games are added to it with each update. This is a useful tool for every person who doesn't want to play the game from the start in case of a computer problem.

Speed Dreams

Speed Dreams

Speed Dreams is an open-source racing game that comes with 3D graphics and plenty of cool options and features. This neat racing simulator features an accurate physics engine which makes racing as much realistic as possible. Speed Dreams sports numerous improvements and additional advantages.

  • Publisher: The Speed Dreams Team
  • Home page: www.speed-dreams.org
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016