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V-day sim date cheats in Title/Summary

V-Day Sim Date

V-Day Sim Date

It is February, 14th, and you still have no date. You should find a girl (there are lots of them all around) and give the right answers to their questions. The right answers are not the most logical ones; they are those that the author of the game, obviously a male teenager, believes the girls would approve. The whole purpose of the game is to get the girls almost naked.

  • Publisher: Intrepid Dusk
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2009
Blackd Safe Cheats

Blackd Safe Cheats

Blackd Safe Cheats is a free app that brings you basic cheats for Tibia. Main features: - Undetectable as cheat. - Customizable light intensity. - Customizable light colour. - Watch Tibia map structure. - Avoid disconnection. - Easy and userfriendly GUI, combine cheats with ease.

  • Publisher: Blackd Tools
  • Home page: blackdtools.com
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2015
club penguin pure cheats Toolbar

club penguin pure cheats Toolbar

Club penguin pure cheats Toolbar is full of games like Sudoku, Invaders and Backgammon and other useful gadgets like Calorie Calculator, Unit Converter and Show My IP. You cand join the club penguin pure cheats community chat directly from your toolbar.

  • Publisher: club penguin pure cheats
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2022

V-day sim date cheats in Description

Multi Game Trainer

Multi Game Trainer

The application scans the memory for trained games. It detects and reacts if games are started and terminated. When a trained game is found it activates the cheats and information for that game only, everything else remains hidden It updates itself (if an update is available) to ensure that it always have the latest cheats and fixes etc. (Always up to date for new and existing games)

  • Publisher: Mr. X
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2010
PhoneFile PRO

PhoneFile PRO

PhoneFile PRO provides a convenient and universal way to access and manage the contacts database stored in your GSM mobile phone. Edit names and numbers, add new ones, reorganise using drag and drop, automatically convert to international format. Save, print and exchange your contacts data with other popular software packages.

  • Publisher: Pipistrel Software Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Data Doctor Recovery - SIM Card

Data Doctor Recovery - SIM Card

Data Doctor Recovery – SIM Card specializes in retrieving various types of information from functional or even defective SIM cards. The application has an easy-to-use interface whereas the only complication you will probably face will be to select the type of technology standards used by your SIM card reader.

  • Publisher: Pro Data Doctor Pvt. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.datadoctor.in
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2012


KONIK introduces SIM (System Intelligent Management) a new innovative thermal solution. The concept of thermal solution is not new, however SIM brings something new for PC enthusiasts. The difference with IKONIK and other existing solution is the independency of SIM. Taking into consideration the number of brands available nowaways,

  • Publisher: IKONIK
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2011
Sim Card Manager

Sim Card Manager

SIM Card Manager is an open source program that enables you to read SIM card information and content. It can read SIM card information such as ICCID, IMSI, Pin states and SIM card content: phone book (ADN), Fixed dialing (FDN) and SMS messages. It also enables you to authenticate with PIN when activated and export SIM card content to text files.

  • Publisher: Mounir IDRASSI
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2009

Additional V-day sim date cheats selection

Naruto Dating Sim

Naruto Dating Sim

Naruto Dating Sim is another great freeware game from Softendo. A truly interesting game especially for Naruto fans but not only. Chakra is needed to answer questions, dates, etc. HP is needed to work, train, etc. and is lost when you upset someone..

  • Publisher: softendo.com
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2018
Sim Aquarium

Sim Aquarium

Sim Aquariun is a program that brings the most realistic coral reef aquarium to your computer screen. The program has stunning, photo realistic graphics, it recreates a 3D fish swimming environment, with live clams, swaying sea life and reefs. It also contains 30 species of fish and two seastar species.

  • Publisher: Ladislav Vojnic
  • Home page: simaquarium.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016
The Sims 4 Create A Sim Demo

The Sims 4 Create A Sim Demo

The Sims 4 Create A Sim Demo is a program that allows you to create new Sims and customize their appearance, fashion, walk styles, aspirations and personality traits. You can directly manipulate your Sims with precision to create the most unique and detailed Sims yet and share your creations.

  • Publisher: Electronic Arts, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2014
USB SIM Card Reader

USB SIM Card Reader

GSM sim card damaged SMS recovery tool rescue contact name numbers quickly and safely. Utility recovers format text SMS short message services from inbox, outbox sent items and draft of your sim card. Tool fetches sim provider name & IMSI number

  • Publisher: Unerase Files
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
EXIF Date Changer

EXIF Date Changer

Many digital photographs carry a set of metadata with information about when and where they were taken, with what camera, on what light conditions, etc. They are usually stored following the EXIF standard, and they can be easily modified using EXIF Date Changer. This simple utility can update selected EXIF information in bulk, be it an entire folder or a user-defined batch of pictures.

Advanced Date Time Calculator

Advanced Date Time Calculator

A full-featured date time calculator that used to get result date time, calculate differences and count the days of week, weekdays, weekends between two dates/times, get the conversion between various time elements/zones, calculate UNIX date.

  • Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
  • Home page: www.TriSunSoft.com
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2021
MOBILedit! SIM Clone

MOBILedit! SIM Clone

MOBILedit! SIM Clone allows you to make copies of SIM cards without even knowing the PIN number. It also helps you create new SIM cards with any ICCID or just format your SIM card to renew for the next use. This program works simultaneously with multiple SIM card readers.

  • Publisher: COMPELSON Labs
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2015
Dekart SIM Manager

Dekart SIM Manager

SIM Manager is an advanced SIM card management tool, that organizes the address-book, SMS archive, list of fixed dialing numbers, last dialed numbers, and other data on a SIM card. SIM card manager is fully compatible with GSM, Nextel, R-UIM and 3G SIM cards.

  • Publisher: Dekart
  • Last updated: June 9th, 2018
Date Calculator

Date Calculator

Date Calculator performs a variety of calendar related functions, useful in business. It will display a perpetual calendar (a calendar for any month of any year). It will calculate the number of days between two dates, optionally not counting certain days of the week, such as Saturday and Sunday.

Date Time Counter

Date Time Counter

A 100% FREE countdown timer/time tracker for counting years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds of your important events based on current time. Such as birth, marriage and anniversary.

  • Publisher: TriSun Software Limited
  • Home page: www.TriSunSoft.com
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2021