Vb.net 2008 time tracking software in Title/Summary

Easy Time Tracking Pro
Easy Time Tracking Pro is a time tracking application that allows users to track the time spent doing certain activities to later charge their customers accordingly. You can enter tasks and projects, and you can customize the name, customer, project, status, start and end date, estimated hours, hourly rate, and description.
- Publisher: Logic Software Inc.
- Home page: www.easytimetracking.net
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Complete Time Tracking Std
Complete Time Tracking is an advanced time tracking tool which enables you to easily record the time that you spend working for customers, projects and tasks. Features: - Easy and Automatic Recording - Accurate Time Tracking - Bill Customers With Confidence
- Publisher: Backslash Pty Ltd
- Last updated: September 20th, 2012

Easy Time Tracking
Easy Time Tracking (ETT) is a small yet powerful time and expense tracking, billing & timesheet software product. It has everything you will ever need to help you track your both billing and ‘slack’ hours to make your business profitable as never before.
- Publisher: Logic Software Inc.
- Home page: www.easytimetracking.net
- Last updated: October 14th, 2011
Vb.net 2008 time tracking software in Description

TimeSheet System
TimeLive - Web Based Timesheet system for project management, time tracking, employee timesheet, employee attendance, expense tracking. Free downloadable and online cloud(ASP) version.
- Publisher: Livetecs LLC
- Last updated: December 8th, 2014

Screenshot Monitor
Screenshot Monitor is a time tracking software for employees that are working remotely, in a local office or by themselves as freelancers. If Autostart option is selected, the program will start whenever employees start using their computers. The program will also automatically stop tracking if there is no activity.
- Publisher: Screenshot Monitor
- Home page: screenshotmonitor.com
- Last updated: April 1st, 2019

OfficeTime is a professional time tracking software for Windows OS.Main features: - Your time and expenses tracked, reported and organized ready to be invoiced or submitted for reimbursement. - Export any screen, any report easily to Excel or your favorite spreadsheet. - Change timings without leaving your favorite software. Focus on the task, not on time tracking.
- Publisher: OfficeTime
- Home page: www.officetime.net
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

XiXi Work Time Tracker
An easy to use working time tracking software to trace time consumption of your works exactly by hours, minutes, seconds, days, even weeks, months, years. All numbers (hours, minutes...) are refreshed automatically, you can also adjust the frequency.
- Publisher: XiXi Software
- Home page: xixisoftware.com
- Last updated: November 7th, 2014

Mycroft TimeCard
TimeCard is the program for you if you need to track time and attendance. Enter your employees' times in and out for your specific pay period and this time tracking software does the rest. Once the time off reasons and benefit rules are entered for your company, TimeCard calculates the number of regular hours and overtime hours employees have worked and tracks benefit hours employees earn and use
- Publisher: Mycroft Computing
- Home page: www.mycroftcomputing.com
- Last updated: March 16th, 2011
Additional Vb.net 2008 time tracking software selection

actiTIME is a free time-tracking software for management and billing. This web based timesheet provides intuitive interfaces for collecting time expenses, reporting and invoicing. Free support is available!
- Publisher: Actimind
- Home page: www.actitime.com
- Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Hubstaff is time tracking software built to run on desktop computers running Windows, Linux, and OS X operating systems. Hubstaff makes managing and paying remote teams simple.
- Publisher: Netsoft Holdings, LLC
- Home page: hubstaff.com
- Last updated: January 29th, 2015

DeskTime is a real-time automatic time tracking software that tracks and analyzes your productivity by sorting the different applications that you or our employees use into the categories “productive”, “unproductive” or “neutral”. It runs quietly and unobtrusively in the background, requiring no user input.
- Publisher: Idea Bits, LLC
- Home page: desktime.com
- Last updated: April 4th, 2013

TopSolid'Finder 2008 by Missler Software
TopSolid'Finder is software provided by Missler software which is used to search for documents created with solutions from the TopSolid product line. The search criteria can be defined by the user. TopSolid'Finder is an independent program that runs without an installation of TopSolid.
- Publisher: Missler Software
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2011

Time Doctor Pro
Time Doctor is a productivity app that helps you to get a lot more done each day, and eliminate distractions. It's great for teams or individuals that want to increase their productivity.
- Publisher: Time Doctor LLC
- Home page: www.timedoctor.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Chrometa is a time tracking software tool for Windows users. The program's time trackers will help you capture how you spend time every minute working on your PC. This includes time spent reading and responding to emails, writing documents, researching on the web, and more.
- Publisher: Chrometa LL
- Last updated: August 17th, 2016

ScreenMeter Client
ScreenMeter Client is an employee time-tracking software with automatic screenshots. Your remote or office employees start and stop monitoring themselves using a lightweight desktop application. They create a task, and the program automatically tracks time and screenshots for this task. This information is then securely sent to ScreenMeter.com for you to see in real time.
- Publisher: Build80 Software
- Home page: www.screenmeter.com
- Last updated: September 30th, 2016

GPS Tracking software
GPS Tracking software is a professional Web-based GPS tracking software.A lot of customers from all over the world are using this software to provide live tracking service to their clients, it is stable enough with rich functions. You can build your tracking platform with your domain name, company name, logo, contact email, language and other customize information.etc.
- Publisher: Bofan
- Last updated: August 24th, 2022

TraxTime is a great personal punch clock program for keeping track of the time that you spend on different projects. This product allows you to get a handle on exactly how much time your employees (and you) spend on your organization's projects. Thanks to its simple interface, TraxTime is the time tracking software solution that's easy to implement in your workplace.
- Publisher: Spud City Software Co.
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

TimeCard is the program for you if you need to track time and attendance. Enter your employees' times in and out for your specific pay period and this time tracking software does the rest. Once the time off reasons and benefit rules are entered for your company, TimeCard calculates the number of regular hours and overtime hours employees have worked and tracks benefit hours employees earn and use
- Publisher: Mycroft Computing.
- Home page: www.mycroftcomputing.com
- Last updated: May 5th, 2011