Vb.net modern grid editor in Title/Summary

AXMEDIS GRID Content Processing Tools
AXMEDIS Content Production Tools: AXMEDIS editor and GRID AXCP tools, PnP, DRM editor, etc., all you need to create AXMEDIS objects and process any kind of content manually and automatically: SMIl, HTML, content adaptation, fingerprint, crawling.
- Publisher: AxMediaTech S.r.l.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Rizek Qss Editor
Rizek Qss Editor is a modern and very handy qss editor. Rizek Qss Editor include: - Customizable Syntax Highlighting - Comfortable completion - Auto indent - Preview your qss project - Search mistakes(beta) - Working with resources And many others things and function witch make develope very fast and convenient.
- Publisher: Salahutdinov Rustam
- Last updated: November 8th, 2011

TMS Grid Pack for Delphi 2007 & C++Builder 2007
TAdvStringGrid, TAdvColumnGrid, TAdvSpreadGrid, TAdvGridExcelIO, TAdvGridRTFIO, TDBAdvGrid in one money and time saving pack.TAdvStringGrid: highly supercharged string grid TAdvGridDropDown: A multi column combobox on steroids TAdvGridWorkbook: multisheet version of TAdvStringGrid TAdvColumnGrid: string grid with flexible column oriented property management
- Publisher: TMS Software
- Home page: tmssoftware.com
- Last updated: April 21st, 2010
Vb.net modern grid editor in Description

CFD GridEditor
CFD Grid Editor is an application used to edit two-dimensional meshes using friendly point click approach. This editor can also be used to complement other software developed at SINMEC, like the CFD Studio and TransCal (Heat Transfer educational software).
- Publisher: Sinmec
- Home page: www.sinmec.ufsc.br
- Last updated: June 17th, 2016

CRiSP is a modern day editor which provides a powerful and efficient way to edit files.CRiSP allows an arbitrary number of files to be edited (each of which can be an arbitrary size).CRiSP is not just a programmers editor but a replacement for the many other editors on your system
- Publisher: Foxtrot Systems Ltd
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012

Caditor '09 Daylight is a modern text editor built for productivity, It implements features found in world-class IDEs but is as fast as WordPad and is 100% portable. The main features of the application include, but is not limited to: encryption, syntax highlighting, tabbed document interface, FTP download/upload, a plugin system, a theme editor, and also line numbering.
- Publisher: Caglow
- Home page: caditor.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: March 19th, 2010

TRSoccerbots is a free educational program that uses teleo-reactive programming to expose the fundamental ideas involved in the creation of autonomous agents to high school and college students.This software package consists of two modules: a code generating graphical user interface that guides the user through the creation of behaviors.
- Publisher: Mykel Kochenderfer
- Last updated: October 26th, 2008

FlexCell Grid Control Designer
FlexCell is a flexible and easy to use grid control, it provides comprehensive functions,such as export to Excel/CSV/HTML/PDF/XML, import from XML, print, preview, owner draw, sort, chart, barcode, virtual mode, etc. FlexCell grid control contains a grid designer that allows you to design report templates and user interfaces with very little code.
- Publisher: FlexCell Technologies
- Home page: www.grid2000.com
- Last updated: September 14th, 2012
Additional Vb.net modern grid editor selection

MarkdownPad is a full-featured Markdown editor for Windows. You can instantly see what your Markdown documents look like in HTML as you create them. Color schemes, fonts, sizes and layouts are all customizable so you can turn MarkdownPad into your perfect editor.
- Publisher: Evan Wondrasek
- Home page: markdownpad.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2015

Prog-Studio is a modern, comprehensive, and very productive micro-controller development environment for industry standard 8051 (MCS-51) microcontroller architecture chips. Features: - Project Manager: Central Project Management and Multi-Processor Systems. - Powerful Source Code Editor: Program more efficiently. - Integrated Documentation Editor: Documentation “up to date”.
- Publisher: Batronix
- Last updated: September 1st, 2014

Tibbo IDE
Tibbo IDE is a program that enables you to create IoT applications in Tibbo BASIC, Tibbo C, or even a combination of the two languages. You can set breakpoints, watch variables, inspect the stack, and step through your code. It provides all the tools necessary for convenient debugging.
- Publisher: TIBBO Technology Inc.
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015

BCGControlBar Professional Edition
BCGControlBar ("Business Components Gallery ControlBar") is an MFC extension library that allows you to create Microsoft Office and Microsoft Visual Studio-like applications with full customization options (Ribbons, Customizable Toolbars, Menus and more) and a rich set of professionally-designed GUI controls such as Chart, Calendar, Grid, Editor, Gantt and many others.
- Publisher: BCGSoft
- Home page: www.bcgsoft.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Blockbench is a free, modern blockmodel editor .Move, rotate, flip or retexture multiple elements at once. Or create groups for easier management. Don't waste your time changing numbers and reloading the resource pack. Blockbench has it all built in!
- Publisher: JannisX11
- Home page: www.blockbench.net
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
This image editor is specialized in creating icons and cursor files (both static and animated). Given the small size of the install kit, it's impressive how many features are included. Although the program is of medium complexity, it doesn't take a long time to get familiar with its functionalities.
- Publisher: Balázs Szalkai
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Junior Icon Editor
Junior Icon Editor will allow you to create personalized icons for your applications. Although it is true that designing an icon is not a common task, it is also true that most common painting applications do not support creating icons; so Junior Icon Editor may well come in handy.
- Publisher: SibCode
- Home page: www.sibcode.com
- Last updated: February 17th, 2016

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is a free PDF reader that lets you open and print PDF documents. Using an online Adobe account, you can easily store, view, and share PDF files with others. Acrobat Reader also facilitates form-filling, adding signatures, highlighting, and addition of comments or text-boxes to documents.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Home page: get.adobe.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.
- Publisher: Don HO
- Home page: notepad-plus-plus.org
- Last updated: December 15th, 2024

PCM Fast Editor
The UI is hopefully self explanatory. If you want to disable some of the UI goodies (like the list editor) you can do that in the Settings menu by choosing "Use Lists In Grid"This software allows you to create customized content with a few mouse clicks and then view it on your monitor. You can supply up to 5 players on an associated editor with content.
- Publisher: PCM Fast Editor
- Home page: www.tomcloos.com
- Last updated: July 12th, 2011