Vb6 gui activex in Title/Summary

Extra GUI ActiveX
Extra GUI ActiveX is an extra collection of GUI controls for Basic GUI ActiveX.This ActiveX control contains advanced and ready to use Grid, List Bar, Combo-Box with images, and more… Extra GUI ActiveX 2.0.1 supports many styles of interface (based on the local system!), such as: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Office 2003 and the new OS of Microsoft – Windows Vista.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Basic GUI ActiveX
Basic GUI ActiveX is an ActiveX control for beginners and advancers VB developers. This ActiveX contains a collection of controls, tips, and tricks which allows you to add a progressive interface to your VB programs. Basic GUI ActiveX supports many styles of interfaces, such as win98, win2k, winxp, and office xp, and many
- Publisher: smart-activex.com
- Home page: www.smart-activex.com
- Last updated: May 4th, 2011

MP3 Player ActiveX
MP3 Player ActiveX is an OCX control for software developers to play MP3 audio files and many other audio formats directly from an application. The control can be run from VB6, VB.NET, C++, ACCESS and any environment that support the ActiveX technique.
- Publisher: ocx-activex.com
- Last updated: June 30th, 2011
Vb6 gui activex in Description

Morovia QRCode Fontware & Writer SDK
Morovia QRCode Fontware and Writer SDK is the ultimate tool box to print QR Code symbols.QR Code is capable of encoding large amount of data - 7,089 numeric characters, 4,296 alphanumeric, 2,953 bytes or 1,817 Kanji text. An ActiveX Control that can be inserted into Microsoft Office programs or integrated into your custom application.
- Publisher: Morovia Corporation
- Home page: www.morovia.com
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2011

Morovia PDF417 Fontware and Writer SDK
Morovia PDF417 Fontware and Writer SDK is the ultimate tool box to print PDF417 symbols. PDF417 is a multi-row, variable-length symbology with high data capacity and error correction capacity.This package supports creating PDF417, Macro PDF417 and compact PDF417[1] symbols.
- Publisher: Morovia Corporation
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

Image Converter ActiveX
Image Converter ActiveX 2.0.1 is an OCX control for software developers which can convert JPG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and PNG from one format to another using the GDI+. from a VB6 .NET and Access.This component can display the frames of the TIFF, JPG, and PNG files, get the tags of the image files, set JPG Transformation, set JPG Quality, set TIF Compression, and more.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Home page: www.smart-activex.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Jabaco is a simple programming language with a Visual Basic like syntax. Jabaco enables you to create powerful software for all Java supported operating systems. With Jabaco you write sourcecode similar to VB6 and you can compile it to bytecode which is similar to the output of the Java programing language.
- Publisher: Manuel Siekmann
- Home page: www.makasy.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Audio Encoder Decoder ActiveX
This program is a collection of audio converter OCXs (ActiveX) for programs developers. This collection contains Audio Converter ActiveX (OCX) with the ability to convert MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG and APE from one format to another, ACM Converter ActiveX (OCX) to convert all WAV ACM format from one format to another, CDA Converter ActiveX (OCX) to convert CDA tracks from an audio CD to MP3, WMA, WAV etc.
- Publisher: ocx-activex.com
- Last updated: April 7th, 2008
Additional Vb6 gui activex selection

Chilkat Zip ActiveX
Best selling Zip ActiveX component for VB6, classic ASP, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, and other programming languages that support ActiveX.ZIP64 format extensions supported. No limitations on size for files within a .zip, or the total size of a .zip. Can read/write Zips with WinZip-compatible AES strong encryption.
- Publisher: Chilkat Software Inc
- Last updated: August 10th, 2011

My Command Button Activex
Add appealing visual styles to your applications in all Windows versions with this very powerful button. All new default styles (Vista, Windows XP, Office 2007/2003, Visual Studio 2005, 3D standard, Flat, Explorer, Shaped, Gradient) and themes are supported (blue, olive, silver, royal, black).
- Publisher: Namtuk
- Home page: www.namtuk.com
- Last updated: September 13th, 2011

AddEmail ActiveX
AddEmail ActiveX enable your application to create and send text or HTML email messages with attachments and embedded images using SMTP protocol. AddEmail works with all development environments that support COM objects, ActiveX or OCX controls, such as Visual Basic (VB5 and VB6), Visual C++, VB.NET 2002-2010, C# 2002-2010, ASP, ASP.NET, Access, Delphi, PowerBuilder, FoxPro, etc.
- Publisher: Traysoft Inc.
- Last updated: March 12th, 2011

Video Player ActiveX
Video Player ActiveX is an OCX control for software developer that will allows you to play video files directly from your program, fast and easy. The control can be run from VB6, Delphi, C#, .NET, C++, ACCESS and any environment that support the ActiveX technique.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Home page: www.smart-activex.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Time Date Picker ActiveX
Easy functionality: Time Date Picker ActiveX is an advanced, ready and easy to the use ActiveX control for advancer and beginner developers that can pick the dates and the times thru the programs, fast and easy. System Requirements: - Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, VISTA, Windows 7, or above.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Home page: www.smart-activex.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Wave Player Recorder ActiveX
Wave Player Recorder ActiveX is a small program for developers who need to use the sound card or modem directly. It can play and record audio files through these devices. This is an ActiveX control; an OCX file that is installed in System32 folder. Those who are familiar with Visual Studio could easily include it in their application.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Vb Menu ActiveX
VB Menu ActiveX is an advanced, ready and easy to use ActiveX control Menu for beginner and advancer VB developers. This control can build menus and subs menus with icons and graphics to each item of the menu, in the top of the window or anywhere in the form.
- Publisher: ocx-activex
- Last updated: May 13th, 2008

10Tec iGrid ActiveX Demo
iGrid is a feature-rich ActiveX grid control. It provides developers with a lightweight and easy-to-use ActiveX grid, which is customizable and ideal for creating unbound grids. It fits any VB/VBA development environment, such as the classic VB6 (Visual Basic 6) and MS Office VBA.
- Publisher: 10Tec
- Home page: 10tec.com
- Last updated: November 28th, 2016

Easewe FTP ActiveX Control
Easewe FTP ActiveX Control is a powerful and easy-to-use ftp activex component. The program supports all standard ftp features,such as upload/download file or folder with resume capability, proxy, and SSL connection. It can be easily integrated into any development environment that supports activeX control, such as VB6, PB, Delphi, .NET, etc.
- Publisher: Easewe software
- Home page: www.ftpocx.com
- Last updated: July 27th, 2017

Sonic Click Pro Button ActiveX Control Demo Studio
Sonic Click Pro Button ActiveX Control is an universal component that is used to create appealing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in the sortest time. You can change the Themes and Functionalities of the clickable buttons. This Pro control is specially designed for high end Graphics applications with built-in support for PNG and 32-bit Alpha Transparent Images.
- Publisher: SWJ Soft®
- Last updated: January 31st, 2012