Vb6 rss news feeds in Title/Summary

Market News Analyzer
The power tool to read and analyze news. Knowledge mining from news. Features: RSS news feeds, Stock Navigator, Stock Research, News statistics, Rating news, News Statistics and News Rating Charts. Automatic monitor of more than 8000 stocks.
- Publisher: OLSOFT
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

JavaScript RSS News Ticker Plus
JavaScript-producing design tool for creating scripts to fetch news from RSS feeds and display on web pages.The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify border, size, color, link and more to script. It is unnecessary to write any code manually. SCP will generate all necessary codes automatically.
- Publisher: USINGIT
- Last updated: March 24th, 2009

OEC RSS News Feed
OEC RSS News Feed was introduced to support stocks, ETFs, options, and mutual funds and is not a mandatory upgrade. However, to trade these instruments you must use OEC Trader. This software has fixed: Bug in refreshing Extended ListView with aggregated positions; Bug when cancelling order from Open Orders Window.
- Publisher: Open E Cry, LLC
- Last updated: July 20th, 2010
Vb6 rss news feeds in Description

RSScrawler displays your favorite RSS news feeds as a flicker-free ticker bar on your Windows Desktop. RSScrawler keeps you always informed in the same way as those ticker bars known from various TV stations. Never miss any breaking news!
- Publisher: mirabyte GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2022

mirabyte Feed Writer
Feed Writer is a powerful RSS editor for professionally creating and maintaining editorial RSS news feeds and podcasts. The feed editor supports all common feed formats and syndication specifications such as RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92, RSS 2.0, Atom and feeds with multimedia attachments such as podcasts.
- Publisher: mirabyte GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: September 19th, 2013

mirabyte Feed Writer Premium
Feed Writer is powerful tool for professionally creating and maintaining editorial RSS news feeds and podcasts. It supports all common feed formats such as RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92, RSS 2.0, Atom and offers a lot of unique productivity features. Feed Writer supports all common feed formats. Additionally you can convert feeds between various formats with one click.
- Publisher: mirabyte GmbH & Co. KG
- Last updated: November 10th, 2011

StockwareLite is a free stock market technical analysis and portfolio management software. It has unique technical analysis and portfolio management tools to reliably predict and track market movements.
- Publisher: StockwarePro
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014

Browser PA your personal assistant on the Internet
Browser PA will be your personal assistant to many different tasks you perform on the Internet, whether you are searching the Web, gathering RSS News Feeds, organizing your Favorites or History items, analyzing your Website or Surf sessions, Browser PA will be there to assist you.
- Publisher: MatirSoft
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2010
Additional Vb6 rss news feeds selection

Protopage RSS Reader
This extension for Chrome browser gives you quick access to your Protopage where you can view all of your RSS news feeds, bookmarks and widgets. You can use it to read your own selection of news and blogs, keep bookmarks, to-do lists, sticky notes, and much more. If you click the extension while you are visiting a web site, you can easily add it to your Protopage as a news feed widget or bookmark.
- Publisher: protopage.com
- Home page: chrome.google.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2015

This program lets you transfer songs, videos, and playlists, from iOS devices to your computer or iTunes. It can preserve play counts, user ratings, last played dates, playback position, etc. while copying. It also give you the option of syncing the metadata information.
- Publisher: Purple Ghost Software, Inc.
- Last updated: October 31st, 2015

RSS Feed Creator
This application is an RSS feed maker which allows creating, modifying, viewing and publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. Simply enter the information you want to broadcast to the Net (by filling fields on a form), and RSS Creator will generate and publish an RSS feed for you.
- Publisher: JitBit Software
- Home page: www.jitbit.com
- Last updated: December 20th, 2010

iPod Agent
iGadget has replaced iPod Agent. iGadget is a brand new program by Purple Ghost Software, written by the same developer that created iPod Agent but is written from the ground up to more easily support functionality that would have been impossible with iPod Agent.iGadget will enable you to realize the full potential of your iPod.
- Publisher: iPodSoft
- Home page: www.ipodsoft.com
- Last updated: August 11th, 2008

eSobi is a very useful tool that includes a powerful RSS reader (with a lot of channels), an Internet Meta Search and a Doc Clipping Personal. With these information management tools, all of them in one application, the process of information collection and customization will be very easy for you.
- Publisher: esobi Inc.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2013

FeedDemon is a handy RSS reader that keeps you up-to-date with the latest news, articles and contents from your favorite blogs and websites. You will no longer have to use a browser and visit these websites on a constant basis in order to discover the latest changes.
- Publisher: Nick Bradbury
- Home page: www.feeddemon.com
- Last updated: May 18th, 2012

AOL Desktop
This program helps you stay connected with AOL Mail, chat on AIM with your family and friends and be in the know with AOL.com. You can customize your toolbar and have access to your most frequently visited websites. The program gives you the ability to manage and view your files downloaded from the web.
- Publisher: AOL Inc.
- Last updated: June 17th, 2020

Times Reader
Times Reader is a program that allows you to read the famous New York Times daily newspaper - not only the current day's issue, but also those up to six days older. If you do not have time to read, you can watch news in videos or pictures. You can also print and email your favorite articles.
- Publisher: The New York Times Company
- Home page: timesreader.nytimes.com
- Last updated: September 8th, 2011

FeedReader is a popular application that provides you with the latest news and articles from your favorite websites and blogs. It’s a powerful syndicated Web content aggregation solution that not only delivers the latest information to you, but also lets you easily read and organize it.
- Publisher: FeedReader
- Home page: www.feedreader.com
- Last updated: April 15th, 2010

RSS Bandit is an open-source RSS feeds reader that is also able to handle Atom feeds and newsgroup subscriptions. In addition to this, you can use the program to download various podcasts which you can listen to directly from your computer. It works well even on old computers and does not require a lot of RAM.
- Publisher: RSS Bandit
- Home page: rssbandit.org
- Last updated: July 17th, 2010