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Vb calculator base converter code in Title/Summary

Best Base Converter

Best Base Converter

It is a base conversion calculator - it can convert from any base or symbol set you select as it is not limited to standard base formats ex: Binary (Bin), Octal (Oct), Decimal (Dec), Hexadecimal (Hex). Other features: - Can define your own unique symbol set. Default key set: Standard 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - Great for many mathematical operations etc.

  • Publisher: Quality Assurance Software Sys.
  • Last updated: August 11th, 2010
Quick Number Base Converter

Quick Number Base Converter

Quick Number Base Converter is an efficient application that allows you to convert numbers between different measures. The program can convert numbers between decimal, binary, hex and octal. This easy-to-use software will convert the numbers automatically as you type the numbers on the program's main window.

Base Converter

Base Converter

Base Converter is a useful software tool for converting numbers between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal notation.You can chose to group the digits or not. You also have a variety of skins to chose from to customize the program.This program is free.

  • Publisher: Tommy Carlier
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2010

Vb calculator base converter code in Description



The only calculator you will ever need on your PC.Main features:- Easy enough to use every day. - Currency converter with auto rate grab. - Financial & Stats, Graphing calculator. - Full scientific calculator & base converter - Unit converter, Tip Calculator. - RPN, DAL & Algebraic calculator modes. - 5 memory banks with copy/paste.

  • Publisher: Omega One
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012
eCalc Scientific

eCalc Scientific

eCalc Scientific is a very advanced scientific calculator that offers you all the functions to suit your mathematical needs, from the most simple to the most sophisticated, such as trigonometric, logarithmic, and angular functions, fractions, unit conversions, and more. It also includes math helping tools, such as a constant descriptor and an equation solver.

  • Publisher: eCalc.com
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2022
Hattrick Coach Professional

Hattrick Coach Professional

Hattrick Coach Professional (HCP) is a third party assistant tool for the online soccer game Hattrick.HCP helps you manage your team with easy tools, statistics and follow development of players with their attributes and ratings.HCP has a collection of tools like:- ARENA CALCULATOR - ECONOMY CALCULATOR - CURRENCY CONVERTER - SEASON/WEEK CALCULATOR - COMPARE CHANGES - HCP Live!

  • Publisher: H-C-P
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008


TopTools is a set of utilities for web-designers and GUI-developers. It features a screen-loupe and a screen-ruler seamlessly working together, additional are a base-converter, a color-picker and a screen-grabber. The main window has a small footprint and optionally minimizes to the system-tray.

  • Publisher: Willem Jongman
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2011
Technics Music Data Base Converter

Technics Music Data Base Converter

With this free program you can convert the backup data from HD-MEC2000/HD-HSO3000 and HD-SX6 into the new SD card file system for the KN7000. This operation is very simple, with just some mouse click the final transfer to the SD card can be started. The only requirement for the use of the Music Data Base Converter is a current backup file from a previous hard disk drive system of your keyboard.

Additional Vb calculator base converter code selection

DubCen Calculator and Converter

DubCen Calculator and Converter

DubCen Calculator and Converter is a collection of calculators covering various subjects such as Finance, Health, Fun, Maths, Science, and Date & Time. Under Maths Calculators, you get Angle Bisector, Arithmetic Progression, Circle, Circle Sector, Combinatorics, Complex Numbers, Quadratic Equation, etc.

  • Publisher: Abhinav Agarwal
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2016
Scabery Expression Calculator

Scabery Expression Calculator

Scabery Expression Calculator is simple and easy tool to perform arithmetic and trigonometric operations. Calculator content more that 50 functions, history, variables and much more.Main features: - Over 50 built-in functions - Degrees, radians or grads - Stay on top - Copy/Paste

  • Publisher: Scabery
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017
Resistor Color Code Calculator

Resistor Color Code Calculator

Resistor Color Code Calculator is a helpful little utility that allows you to find the value of a standard resistor without memorizing the color codes. Resistor Color Code Calculator also includes an Ohm Law calculator and a resistor color code quiz that it is under development at this time

  • Publisher: Daniel Crowe
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2014
Calendar Magic

Calendar Magic

Regardless of the nature of their interest in calendars and dates, every user will surely have a reason to regard Calendar Magic as a curious, interesting, or even an indispensable tool. With 26 historic and current calendars to choose from, compare, and convert between, this feature-rich free tool will solve all your doubts about dates, years, festivals, etc.

  • Publisher: EuroSoft
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2018
Resistor Colour Code Solver

Resistor Colour Code Solver

Resistor Colour Code Solver is a little program that can calculate the value of a resistor from its colour code and vice-versa. Its colour scheme is easily customizable. Moreover, the program is completely portable and is very low on system resources.



DreamCalc is a scientific, graphing and financial calculator. The application is characterized by its very adaptive interface, which can be customized to your liking and needs. You can use various color schemes, and there’s even a high-contrast skin specially intended for users with visual deficiencies. You can also choose from different layouts. Finally, there are also three input styles.

  • Publisher: Big Angry Dog Ltd
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2016
Source Insight

Source Insight

Source Insight is intended to help programmers edit, analyze and manage source code. In this regard, the program supports dynamic analysis of code written in various programming languages, like C++, C#, Java, Objective-C Perl, and many others. The tool has a Spartan interface that does not have any “bells and whistles”. However, it is easily navigable.

Format Converter

Format Converter

Batch Format Converter is a software tool that allows you to convert different audio formats. This software creates completely new files: no chance of corruption of originals. You can convert a batch of audio files (MP2, MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA) to the format and sample rate (WAV or MP3) desired.

  • Publisher: Code-it Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2013


EasyLanguage is an educational program which allows users to learn new foreign words and phrases. It comes in 3 language versions: French, German and Spanish. Key features are: hand-drawn pictures, pronunciation, quizzes and possibility of creating your own category of words. Trial version provides access to 4 out of 35 groups of words.

C# to Java Converter

C# to Java Converter

C# to Java Converter is a tool designed to convert C sharp code into Java code. It can convert C# delegates and lambdas to Java interfaces and anonymous inner classes and C# ref parameters using Java generics. Moreover, it can produce helpful notes, warnings, and 'to do' comments.

  • Publisher: Tangible Software Solutions Inc.
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2015