Vbnet drive icon default icon in Title/Summary

Drive Icon Changer
Drive Icon Changer belongs to a type of applications that were developed for adding some tiny useful features to Windows operating system. Using this small utility you can change default icons of your hard drives to recognize them better. For example, you can set a special icon for the system drive or for a drive that you use for keeping files of a certain type.
- Publisher: The Tech Turf
- Last updated: June 7th, 2008

My Drive Icon
My Drive Icon is a quick and safety way to customize the drives icons. You should select an icon file, select the drive, enter a drive label (optional), and apply. You will need to refresh the view (F5) at your computer to see the result. In case you don't like the result, you can restore the default in one click.
- Publisher: LeeLu Soft
- Home page: leelusoft.blogspot.ro
- Last updated: August 8th, 2012

Vista Drive Icon
Vista Drive Icon, changes the drive icons shown in Windows "My Computer", to a nearly Vista drive icon, showing the drive's free space with a smooth colored horizontal bar. Well, not only that they have a more stylish look, but they also show the drive’s free space with the help of a bar placed underneath the icon.
- Publisher: artArmin
- Home page: drvicon.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: July 4th, 2020
Vbnet drive icon default icon in Description

Mp3 To EXE Converter
MP3 to EXE Converter is a free-to-use application for Windows OS that helps you to convert your MP3 files to EXE format. Main features: - You can choose the icon (default icon or select an icon from your system) for executable files. - User-friendly interface.
- Publisher: FreeConvertSoft
- Home page: www.freeconvertsoft.com
- Last updated: October 21st, 2016

IconCool is a powerful tool to manage, extract, convert, modify, search, create, enlarge or reduce icons. An icon library with dozens of sample entries is included and accessible through a tree-style organizational system, allowing you to categorize icons and create new libraries within them. You can search icons in the library by keywords, and even add or edit the keywords of any icon. An icon search, extraction and conversion tab lets you view icons within files and save them in various sizes as ico, cur, gif, jpg, bmp or png format images. You can also convert images from 25 formats to icons. You can export a total icon library to an ICL file. You can move icons easily using the powerful Drag and Drop functions. IconCool has some special and fascinating functions: A.) It can enlarge or reduce a transparent icon, and the new icon will be transparent too; B.) It can convert any part of a picture to a transparent icon by simply dragging your mouse; C.) It can change the color depth of icons easily; D.) The smart image capturing tool can be used to capture images of various sizes from your desktop or any other software. A third tab includes a large directory of 400 icon web sites and allows you to edit, delete, and add sites. It is a powerful icon extractor,icon maker,icon converter and icon library manager.
- Publisher: erasoft
- Last updated: January 12th, 2011

Perfect Business Icons
Enhance your accounting or business-oriented software with readily available professional Perfect Business Icons. 424 professionally designed and carefully crafted icons representing various financial and business objects and symbols are included.
- Publisher: Aha-soft
- Home page: www.aha-soft.com
- Last updated: February 9th, 2015

Business Icons
Enhance your accounting or business-oriented software with readily available professional Business Icons. 424 professionally designed and carefully crafted icons representing various financial and business objects and symbols are included.
- Publisher: Aha-soft
- Home page: www.business-icons.com
- Last updated: May 5th, 2015

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download
The Windows USB/DVD Download tool allows you to create a copy of your Windows 7/8 ISO file on a USB flash drive or a DVD. To create a bootable DVD or USB flash drive, download the ISO file and then run the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool. Once this is done, you can install Windows 7 or Windows 8 directly from the USB flash drive or DVD.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: January 26th, 2010
Additional Vbnet drive icon default icon selection

Dr. Folder
Dr. Folder can search and replace the standard icon of a folder. It can make your folders lively using various icons that you can select. This program helps you differentiate folder icons of local directories with network or shared folders. You can also add special icons for important folders that must not be removed.
- Publisher: YL Computing
- Home page: www.ylcomputing.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Arm Icon Extractor
Arm Icon Extractor allows you to explore or extract Windows icons from inside of EXE, DLL, DRV, SCR files on your computer and save them into ICO and Icon Library file. An extra tool is provided for BATCH conversion of Icon to Image with many filtering effects.
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software
- Last updated: October 10th, 2009

PC Icon Extractor
With this program you can extract all Windows icons from EXE, DLL, DRV, OCX, SCR, VBX, ICL, NI, and IL files and save them into BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF, WMF, EMF, PNG, PCX, J2K, TGA, RAS and ICO files. The utility supports different icon sizes and colors such as Monochrome (1 bit), 16 Colors (4 bits), Grayscale (8 bits), 256 Colors (8 bits), True Color (24 bits) and even the XP Alpha Channel.
- Publisher: Program4Pc
- Last updated: February 12th, 2010

Seanau Icon Toolkit
From the first time you open the program, it comes as a user-friendly application that displays hints and tips to guide you through the editing process. The workspace is neatly disposed, being coated with menus on each side, in order to allow you to easily access Seanau Icon Toolkit's features and options.
- Publisher: Seanau
- Last updated: November 30th, 2015

Axialis IconWorkshop
Use the industry standard to make, edit, convert icons for Windows, MacOS and Toolbars. It supports all formats up to Windows 11 and OSX 14 Sonoma. Hundreds of features permit to produce high quality icons using a professional tool.
- Publisher: Axialis Software
- Home page: www.axialis.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

FolderIco offers a hassle-free, quick way to customize and organize folders on your computer. Tired of the standard yellow Windows folder icon? This is your solution. With just a single mouse click, FolderIco allows you to colorize your folders and decorate them with a range of attractive icons, making file classification more intuitive than ever before.
- Publisher: Shedko
- Home page: www.folderico.com
- Last updated: January 31st, 2025

Toolbar Icons for Windows 8
A package of 281 popular toolbar icons for Windows 8 is a perfect choice for a busy Windows 8 developer. This product includes all the icons you will ever need to create a user interface in in accordance with strict Microsoft guidelines.
- Publisher: ArwebDesigns
- Last updated: April 6th, 2015

Icon Searcher
Icon Searcher is intended to search local hard disks for icon images. It supports independent icon files but it also extracts available icons from various file formats. The program has an easy-to-use multi-language interface. The first time you run this application, it performs an automatic quick search and shows a list of the files found.
- Publisher: SoftPlus
- Home page: www.icontool.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Image Icon Converter
Image Icon Converter is a powerful and handy application that allows you to easily convert BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG, TGA, TIF and PCX formats into Windows icons. This incredible program helps you edit digital images into icons, and also does the reverse, transferring icons into digital images.
- Publisher: JosesSoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Folder Icon Changer
If you wish to customize your folders’ icons, this is the best tool to use. Folder Icon Changer enables you to personalize the icons of each and every folder or file. This application is highly useful when it comes to exporting your icons from the ICO format to other image formats, like JPG, BMP, JPEG, and GIF.
- Publisher: Silver Eagle Software, Inc.
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2009