Vbscript maximize ie window in Title/Summary

IE New Window Maximizer
IE New Window Maximizer is a program that will maximize any new Internet Explorer and Outlook Express window. Also, if you press CTRL while opening a new IE window, it will be automatically sent to the background. You can define a key for hiding/closing all IE windows.
- Publisher: Jonatan Dahl
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

VBScript Maker
Create VBScripts That Use Microsoft Sam/Anna To Speak With This Utilaty. VBScript Maker is a handy and easy to use application that allows you to create VBScripts. You can easily input VBScript text just by the push of a button, and even save the project.
- Publisher: Zaplots Games, Inc.
- Last updated: June 30th, 2011

Window Hide Tool
Window Hide Tool 2.0 is a utility that helps you to quickly hide a window of any application. This utility hides windows by clicking an icon in your system tray or using hotkeys, which you can establish on the utility’s preferences window. The installation process is very easy to perform. This utility works on Windows 2000/XP/Vista platforms.
- Publisher: Window Hide
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008
Vbscript maximize ie window in Description

Windows Controller
Windows Controller lets you to use keyboard shortcut key (the hotkey, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+K ) to execute a set of commands which can set the active window's position and size to custom values; move or resize each edge of the active window making it align to other window edges; and execute some Windows actions.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2013

ActiveXperts Scripting Toolkit
ActiveXperts Scripting Toolkit enables Software Developers to run VBScript program or a command-line tool without invoking the Windows Scripting Host or console window. With ActiveXperts Scripting Toolkit, VBScript programs and command-line tools can be invoked from any application or script.
- Publisher: ActiveXperts Software B.V.
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Shock Caption
Shock Caption is a small application to control the whole aspect of your computer’s screen. It is a complete manager of the of the windows’ features that allows you to minimize them so that they only occupy the space assigned to their title bar, to apply them transparency, to hide them completely (even the task bar), to keep them at the top/bottom, etc
- Publisher: docs.kr
- Home page: www.docs.kr
- Last updated: May 10th, 2008

Virtual Screen Maximizer v.0.2.1
Virtual Screen Maximizer is a small portable software program that can be used to maximize the screen estate of the active software application. You might think of using the maximize button in the window’s title bar instead which also has the effect of maximizing the screen. T
- Publisher: CodePlex
- Last updated: April 15th, 2010

LockThis! is a tiny Windows utility that makes it possible to password protect almost any programs or documents that's currently running/open. This tool is perfect for people who often lend their PC to others, because with this tool they can keep the content of some programs or documents from other people eyes without need to close them first. Huge time saver if you really often lend your PC.
- Publisher: Duriosoft Indocor
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2009
Additional Vbscript maximize ie window selection

A Windows automation tool to speed up repetitive Windows tasks. Main uses will be in automating the testing of GUI software as AutoIt can easily simulate keystrokes and mouse movements. It can also manipulate windows and processes. GUI creation is also a major feature along with COM and regular expression support.
- Publisher: AutoIt Team
- Home page: www.autoitscript.com
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Whenever you maximize a window, MaxTo puts that window into a region. MaxTo works with all versions of Windows since Windows 7 (SP1). It fully supports 64-bit and 32-bit programs and works well with UAC. MaxTo works with all your monitors. Even that old CRT that you should have thrown out years ago.
- Publisher: Digital Creations AS
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

IE Zoomer
Have you ever opened up more than one Internet Explorer window only to find that, no matter what you do, they always open up in a restored state? Have you ever wanted to minimize all of your IE browser windows at once, and then maximize them again later? Well, with IE Zoomer you can
- Publisher: Russel O'Neill
- Home page: www.smileytech.net
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

Alchemy Spam Filter for Outlook Express
Get rid of spam with Alchemy Spam Filter for Outlook Express! Using sophisticated Bayes algorithm and set of black and white rules, this spam killer will filter out all your junk email!
- Publisher: Alchemy Lab
- Home page: www.alchemy-lab.com
- Last updated: April 7th, 2010

Actual Window Manager
Actual Window Manager brings additional features to a multi-monitor setup. You will have a fully-functional taskbar for each monitor, separate background images and desktop profiles (including icons), and extra title buttons for Windows. Additional title buttons help you minimize the window to the system tray, move it to the next monitor, and keep it always on top.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Home page: www.actualtools.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Glary Utilities
Glary Utilities is a set of maintenance tools that help you keep a clean and fast system. This program allows you to correct common problems such as slowness, instability and system crashes, that may appear on your PC due to the accumulation of junk files and the fragmentation of your registry and file system, among others. In total, the program offers you more than 40 helpful tools!
- Publisher: Glarysoft Ltd.
- Home page: www.glarysoft.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

PDF Reader for Windows 7
Open, read, view, review, print, and edit PDF files, and convert PDF to TXT, BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, WMF, EMF, EPS, TIFF with this lightweight yet full-featured free PDF viewer as an alternative to Adobe PDF Reader. The free PDF Reader supports zoom in and zoom out, page rotation, and PDF slide show, smart bookmark, mouse wheel scrolling, and it can be added to Windows 7 as native PDF reader.
- Publisher: PDFLogic Corporation
- Home page: www.pdfseven.com
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Advanced scheduler, reminder and automation manager with powerful scripting language. It can start applications, display messages, dial and hang up, shutdown/hibernate and wake up your PC, manage clipboard/files/registry, run tasks as specified user
- Publisher: nnSoft
- Home page: www.nncron.ru
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Actual Window Guard
Actual Window Guard allows keeping all types of windows on the desktop in the size and position you prefer. By means of various rules, the tool helps to organize your workspace in many ways, therefore making your work more comfortable and efficient.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Window Washer
Window Washer removes all traces of your Web browsing history, files that show your computer use, and other files that reveal your activity. Window Washer also removes unnecessary files that consume valuable disk space, such as files in the Recycle Bin or files in temporary folders.
- Publisher: Webroot Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.webroot.com
- Last updated: November 11th, 2010