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Venus hostage save game in Title/Summary

Master of Magic Save Game Editor

Master of Magic Save Game Editor

Master of Magic Save Game Editor allows you to create custom saves. The software is available from Sourceforge and it has been updated to latest version to meet the latest requirements for the game. You have the ability to create the and edit the savegame just how you please.

  • Publisher: Paweł Grudzień
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2010
GRID Save Game

GRID Save Game

Trainer options are activated using the NUMPAD on the right side of the keyboard. You will need NUMLOCK 'On' for the hotkeys to works properly. Laptop users may need to plug in a USB keyboard to get these keys. Not all cheats work and not all cheats work with all version of a game. Sometimes the cheats were put in the orginal release of a game and then taken out later with a patch.

  • Publisher: Terrential.com
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2008
Venus 1500

Venus 1500

Venus 1500 helps you to control and create display messages. The software offers advanced users with time, training, and talent the features they need to create extraordinary content with sophisticated scheduling and easy control of several displays.

Venus hostage save game in Description



Shadowgrounds is a top-down action game set in a sci-fi story. The player must stop an alien attack on humans. The game creates a great atmosphere with its graphics and sounds. With nice weapons and a good range of enemies to kill, this is an excellent action game.

PCM Dashboard

PCM Dashboard

With PCM Dashboard, you can change practically everything you need to change in a save game, and this is done through a very easy-to-use interface. PCM Dashboard is also very handy when it comes to story writing. With the tool, you can extract all sorts of data from the game, so they are ready to be posted at the forum.

  • Publisher: Jape
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2008
Moraff's MahJongg 2009

Moraff's MahJongg 2009

Moraff's MahJongg 2009 12.0 is the latest version of the popular and ancient Chinese solitaire mahjongg game to play in our computer. We can download and test the fully featured version before buying it. We can purchase the game in a CD or by download which is much cheaper. The free trial version for a single player allows us to play 14 matches.

  • Publisher: Software Diversions, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2008
The Sims 3 Neighborhood Workshop

The Sims 3 Neighborhood Workshop

It's the first incarnation of the save game editor with an attempt at a friendly interface. Right now all that it can do in a friendly manner is modify still life portraits your sims have painted. The full editing and viewing capabilities are still there as well, but there are numerous ways that using the advanced editor mode can screw up your games if you don't have backups.

  • Publisher: Tyger Stripe Software
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2010
Magic Reversi

Magic Reversi

Logic games... This games first appeared many centuries ago. The rules of the game are so simple that won't require any extra strength when memorizing them. But this doesn't make the game boring; on the contrary, Reversi is one of the most captivating and at the same time, simplest game.

  • Publisher: Dmitriy Apraksin
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2021

Additional Venus hostage save game selection

Insider Tales The Stolen Venus

Insider Tales The Stolen Venus

Enjoy Insider Tales The Stolen Venus. This game and adventure will capture your attention and will provide you with entertainment. You will find different puzzles and challenges where you must find items, treasures, clues, collect special items and the most important, find the stolen Venus.

8 Ball Pool

8 Ball Pool

Pool 8-ball is a billiards simulator. The game can be played either against a computer or human opponents on the same PC. Pool Game rules hints for beginners, help ball or direction help for practicing. Free game features: 8-ball pool game; difficulty levels from easy to expert; save and load game feature; game rules hint; help ball, direction help.

  • Publisher: GameTop Pte. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.GameTop.com
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2016
Oblivion mod manager

Oblivion mod manager

This is a utility for managing plugins, and also for packing them for distribution. It can be used either as an enhanced version of the oblivion launcher's data files selector, or as a more advanced mod manager when mods are specially packed into omod files.

  • Publisher: niaht
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2009
GameSave Manager

GameSave Manager

GameSave Manager can scan for and backup the saved games in your computer. It can detect most of the games and new games are added to it with each update. This is a useful tool for every person who doesn't want to play the game from the start in case of a computer problem.

GTA V Save Editor

GTA V Save Editor

GTA V Save Editor is a free-to-use program that allows you to edit your GTA 5 saves. Main features: - Open and view all GTA V saves on Xbox 360 formatted devices. - Edit each character's cash, wanted level, health (includes god mode), armor, special ability, buy & get all weapons (includes DLC), skills, location, buy all clothing items, tattoos, and main vehicles.

  • Publisher: XB36Hazard
  • Home page: x3t-infinity.com
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2022
Sudoku – Beautiful Mind

Sudoku – Beautiful Mind

The famous Japan puzzle with great art, 3 difficulty levels, load/save game progress and user friendly interface. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 boxes (also called blocks or regions) contain the digits from 1 to 9 only one time each.

  • Publisher: MyPlayCity, Inc.
  • Home page: www.MyPlayCity.com
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2009
FM Modifier

FM Modifier

FM Modifier is a free-to-use saved games editor for Footbal Manager 2008 that lets you change finances, stadiums, kits, players, heal injuries, contracts and lots more with ease, while the game is loaded. It has a user-friendly, simple-to-use interface.

  • Publisher: Jpee
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008


NetChess is a chess program that allows you to play with opponent over internet/intranet or on the local computer. Features include chat, load/save game,chess-clock, move logging, coordinate system.

  • Publisher: RS Software Lab
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Black Chocobo

Black Chocobo

Black Chocobo is a free save game editor written in Qt. Available for Windows, Linux + Mac Os. Black Chocobo can open and write both PC and PSX save game formats as well as saves for most emulators. Also Supports Converting Save Formats to PC or PSX. With Black Chocobo you can even export your ps3 saves.

  • Publisher: Black Chocobo Dev Team
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2018
Space Engineers Toolbox

Space Engineers Toolbox

Space Engineers Toolbox is a comprehensive 'world' Save Editor for the 'Space Engineers' game. The primary focus of the Toolbox is to allow importing of images and 3D models, and editing of save game content. Features: - Edit Positions of everything. - Drag-n-Drop to copy ships from one 'world' to another, to keep linked ships together. - Export multiple items, ships/stations to .sbc file.

  • Publisher: Mid-Space Productions
  • Last updated: May 2nd, 2022