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Verify checksum of intel hex in Title/Summary

Checksum Verify

Checksum Verify

Checksum Verify is an easy to use application to verify and create checksum files. A checksum is a value calculated from the content of a file by special algorithms. These algorithms are designed in a way that even the slightest change in the file will cause an absolutely different checksum value. This information of the checksums can be used for revealing damaged files.

  • Publisher: Phyxion
  • Home page: phyxion.net
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2011
EF CheckSum Manager

EF CheckSum Manager

EF CheckSum Manager is a program designed for the integrity examination of files on the standard formats SFV, MD5, BLAKE3 and SHAx. They can verify existing checksums or create new checksum for your important data.

8051 Hex Code Visualizer

8051 Hex Code Visualizer

8051 Hex Code Visualizer is a little visualization tool for your Intel 8051 microcontroller's Hex Code. It is simply a parsing tool that will parse the Hex code line by line and show you the complete disassembled view. Once you load your Hex code to this little application, basically there is only one thing you can do, click the 'PARSE' button.

  • Publisher: SpiceLogic Inc.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Verify checksum of intel hex in Description

Flash Programmer

Flash Programmer

This program lets you program your Flash EEPROM devices via the On-Chip Debug connector (BDM or JTAG) on your target system using a Macraigor hardware device. This will allow you to test the ERASE, FILL, BLANK CHECK, CHECKSUM, UPLOAD flash content, and VIEW MEMORY functions of the program with your flash devices.

  • Publisher: Macraigor Systems
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2012
SynPromW32 FREE DEMO -

SynPromW32 FREE DEMO -

Main features: -Uses PROM data files which contain your frequency lists, PL tone lists, and also important information about your radio. -Important details about your radio (its frequency RANGE ("SPLIT"), HI or LO side injection,VCO Offset, Number of Channel Banks, type of bank switch, etc.) are included in the PROM data files and can be easily edited also.

  • Publisher: Roger P. Ries, W9FIU
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2011
MP3 Book Helper

MP3 Book Helper

MP3 Book Helper is a complete tool for the integral management of your MP3 and OGG files. Though initially designed for audiobooks, this free open source project helps you to keep all your MP3 recordings organized and tagged, regardless of its content. It supports Vorbis and ID3 tagging (both v1.1 and v2.3), and creates NFO, SVF, and PAR files, together with WinAmp-compatible playlists (M3U).

  • Publisher: MP3 Book Helper
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012
WIZ C Professional

WIZ C Professional

WIZ-C Professional is a complete PICmicro® MCU development, compiler, assembler and simulation package for the C language, with the added optional ability to automatically generate applications with user selected library components linked in to the code. The compiler is fully inclusive of assembler and linker to directly produce Intel Hex format files.

  • Publisher: Forest Electronic Developments
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Pololu Wixel

Pololu Wixel

This is a Windows application that allows you to load apps onto your Wixel. The Wixel Configuration Utility allows you to write and read settings from the Wixel. The program can open app files in either the WXL format or the standard Intel HEX format.

  • Publisher: Pololu
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2013

Additional Verify checksum of intel hex selection

UPA-USB Device Programmer

UPA-USB Device Programmer

The user can add new devices and actions using pascal scripts Over write or insert mode; Support hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary systems; File size up to 2GB (depends on the virtual memory of the computer); Print the whole file or selected part of it

  • Publisher: ELRASOFT
  • Home page: www.elrasoft.com
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2012
010 Editor

010 Editor

010 Editor is a professional text and hex editing program with Binary Templates technology support. This application allows you to edit text files, XML, HTML, Unicode and UTF-8 files, C/C source code, investigate and modify memory from processes, find and fix programs with hard drives, memory keys, flash drives, CD-ROMs, and more.

  • Publisher: SweetScape Software
  • Home page: www.sweetscape.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Matrix PPP

Matrix PPP

The Matrix PPP (PICmicro Parallel Programmer) has been developed by Matrix Multimedia Ltd. to allow easy programming of their PICmicro development systems. PPPv3 will accept 8-bit Intel HEX format files (as produced by MPASM). PPPv3 can be used on it's own as a stand alone program, or it can be incorporated into a programming environment to provide a seamless flow from code to chip.

Hex Edit

Hex Edit

Easy to use, reliable hex editor. Many features:find, compare, clipboard, EBCDIC. Display/edit over 60 values (int, float, date ...). Disk edit, change tracking, background searches, macros, bookmarks, highlight,calculator, templates, >4 Gbyte files.

  • Publisher: Expert Commercial Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Quick Checksum Verifier

Quick Checksum Verifier

Checksum Verifier generates and checks file integrity by secure time proven algorithms like MD5 and SHA-1. You can easily create checksums (the digital fingerprints) of files and verify their integrity in the future. The operation is very easy, just two steps. Load the file and paste the predefined checksum.

  • Publisher: Bitdreamers
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2013
Free MD5 SHA1 Verifier

Free MD5 SHA1 Verifier

Free MD5 SHA1 Verifier is a freeware designed to calculate and verify checksums (hash) of downloaded files. The application supports many hashing algorithms including MD5, SHA-1, HAVAL, MD2, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512. The program has a convenient user interface and can instantly calculate checksum (hash) for any file.

  • Publisher: Keylack Software
  • Home page: www.keylack.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Camtech Checksums

Camtech Checksums

Camtech Checksums is a free program that enables you to check the integrity of your files. It uses two reliable algorithms: MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) and CRC32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) - both of which are used worldwide for checking integrity of the files.

  • Publisher: Camtech 2000
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2009
wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows

wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows

wxChecksums Shell Extension for Microsoft Windows is a shell extension for the Windows' Explorer to process checksums' files with wxChecksums. wxChecksums is a program which calculates and verifies checksums. wxChecksums is able to read and write files in SFV and MD5 format.

Flash Magic

Flash Magic

Flash Magic is a tool for programming flash-based microcontrollers from NXP using serial, Ethernet, CAN bus, or SWD interfaces. It provides a lightweight executable program with a simple interface where you can load the Hex files. After programming, Flash Magic will perform an automatic verification of the burned data.



Fast calculator to compute hash, checksum, HMAC values for file, text and hex string. Supports MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA2, RIPEMD160, PANAMA, TIGER, CRC32, ADLER32 algorithms and the hash used in eMule and eDonkey (eDonkey2000, ed2k) tools.

  • Publisher: SlavaSoft Inc.
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2007