Vertical pump selector in Title/Summary

Robbco Pump Selector is a powerful pump sizing/selection program. Using Robbco Pump Selector, users can quickly search across Robbco Pumps centrifugal pump catalog to identify the "best pump" for the required application. Selections are based on a number of user inputs such as system design point, fluid properties, motor sizing, and NPSH calculations.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2015

Irrigation Pump Selector
The Irrigation Pump Selector assists a user in making pump selections based on design requirements of the application. The user will input the head and flow requirements and the selection software will provide pump options that meet the application’s design criteria. Additional features include the ability to provide detailed pump reports, cost analysis, and VFD application curves.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Last updated: March 1st, 2013

National Pump Selector
National Pump Selector is a free program that enables you to quickly search across National pump catalog and identify the pumps available for the required application. You can select and evaluate centrifugal and air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps from manufacturers' electronic catalogs.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 19th, 2013
Vertical pump selector in Description

TESS Component Libraries
Each of the component libraries comes with a TRNSYS Model File (*.tmf) to use in the Simulation Studio interface, source code, and an example TRNSYS Project (*.tpf) that demonstrates typical uses of the component models found in that library. With the release of the TESS Libraries version 17.0, over 90 new models with many new examples have been added from the previous version 2.0.
- Publisher: Thermal Energy System Specialists, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2010

For an underground heat pump piping calculation program, versatility is crucial. You need to handle vertical, horizontal or slinky configurations; you need built-in heat pump performance data files, built-in data for several pipe types, and built-in soil type data. Our Earth Coupled Analysis program has got it all. Plus, you can expand on all of the built-in data and enter your own.
- Publisher: Elite Software
- Last updated: December 24th, 2011

Drives and Soft Start Selection Guide
Schneider Electric is pleased to provide you with the latest release of our HVAC/Pump & Fan "off line" selector guide. Not only is this a selection and pricing guide, current documentation is also provided. Save the file to your hard drive and you do not have to be connected to the web.
- Publisher: Schneider Electric
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Leland Legacy
DataTrac Software is a "must have" accessory if you are using a Leland Legacy sample pump. Only DataTrac, with your PC, allows you to operate your pump from a PC, program the pump for single or multiple sample runs in the field, and manage pump sampling data for complete documentation of sampling history.
- Publisher: SKC Inc
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

CBN Selector
Use CBN Selector to re-color your images. Visualize any color applied to your photos with shocking realism! Fun and powerful tool for seeing how different color options look on your walls, clothing, autos and more. Your imagination is the only limit!
- Publisher: CBN Systems
- Last updated: September 25th, 2007
Additional Vertical pump selector selection

DAB DNA Pump Selector
DNA (Dab Navigator Application) is the DAB's software that allows you to find in a few seconds the pump model best suited to your needs. The program uses two different selection criteria, by hydraulic performances or by pump model. Also, it provides spare parts lists as well as all DAB technical literature.
- Publisher: DAB
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 28th, 2016

WITT Select
WITT Select is a pump selection tool that allows you to choose the type of pump for your needs. You can change the unit system in which the program calculates and displays data between SI, English and American. You can change whenever you want as you will not lose any data. Displayed and already entered data will be converted between the systems.
- Publisher: WITT, Lycares IT
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 28th, 2017

Thumbnail Selector
Thumbnail selector is an easy to use software tool that allows a thumbnail of images taken with up to five WT-4 equipped cameras to be viewed wirelessly on one computer. With this software the computer user can choose which pictures are downloaded from each camera.
- Publisher: Nikon
- Last updated: May 4th, 2012

Fan Selector
Fan Selector is an application to help you analyze, review, and order selected fans. Whether you need a small fan for your office, home or local or you are in charge of the installation of these products, this application will give you literally everything you need. This application is definitely a must-have for any person requiring professional help when selecting a fan.
- Publisher: Twin City Fan Companies, Ltd.
- Last updated: August 4th, 2011

Picto Selector
Picto Selector is a freeware windows application and contains over 22000 pictos. Start Picto Selector en choose "File" > "New Pictosheet", or select "New" from the right mouse button from the list of pictosheets. Or the shortcut Ctrl+N. The Picto Selector download includes pictos created by Scelera, Mulberry and Arasaac. Currently there are over 20000 pictos.
- Publisher: M.C. van der Kooij
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

PUMP-FLO is the perfect tool to select, evaluate, and analyze centrifugal pumps using manufacturers' supplied electronic pump catalogs. With PUMP-FLO you can be sure that the desired pump meets your system's requirements for optimum efficiency, therefore minimizing maintenance and pumping costs.
- Publisher: Engineered Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2011

Nuaire Fan Selector
The Fan Selector program from Nuaire contains every variation of every product in the extensive Nuaire range. It is a Windows based application that is easy and quick to use. All the fans that meet the duty and pressure you have selected are displayed.
- Publisher: The Nuaire Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 31st, 2017

AccessData Language Selector
AccessData Language Selector shows in the language selection drop down list all languages which you have in blog wp-content/languages and wp-content/plugins directories. It is possible to setup different back-end languages for different administrators.
- Publisher: AccessData
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 9th, 2011

Easton Shaft Selector 2011
Easton Shaft Selector is an utility made for bow owners. It helps you choose your arrows, bows, calculate distances and types of hunting. It can be used for bows that suits a certain age. Easton Shaft Selector is a software in need for all bow owners who want to hunt properly
- Publisher: Easton Technical Products

PES 2016 Selector Tool
PES 2016 Selector Tool is a free game editor for Pro Evolution Soccer 2016. Main features: - Final match sound. - Allow to disable network check. - Enable free side select. - Enable free first player. - Enforce picture quality (allow to set high for low-end PC). - User-friendly interface.
- Publisher: Miftahul Ginda
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 29th, 2016