Video capture device argus-h in Title/Summary

NCH Debut Video Capture Software Pro
NCH Debut Video Capture Software Pro is a program that enables you to record video from a webcam, recording device or screen. You can capture video directly to your hard drive, record the videos as AVI, WMV, FLV, MPG, MP4 and MOV, record audio from your microphone and speakers simultaneously.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2017

AVerMedia C727 PCIe HD Capture Device
Record 1080i HD Video via HDMI Connection* AVerMedia DaryCrystal HD Capture SDK supports HDMI connection for capturing and monitoring video up to 1080i resolution. You can easily capture or record HD video or gameplay from PS3, Xbox 360, Blu-ray play and digital camcorders. No matter what you want to capture, it can fulfill your desire!
- Publisher: AVerMedia TECHNOLOGIES, Inc.
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Power Video Capture
Power Video Capture allows you to capture video and image in real-time from any analog source device. You can capture video and image from DV, TV tuner, and other devices like USB Cam. You can edit media files already saved in your computer. It also has the function of motion detection to set alarms
- Publisher: Color7 Tech Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 28th, 2008
Video capture device argus-h in Description

VISCOM Motion Detection SDK ActiveX
Capture Video from capture card, tv tuner, dv cam, dvd player to AVI or WMV 9, WMV8 file format. Draw multi overlay image, text on live video or save to video file. Support motion detection,drawing freehand line, circle, rectangle,add video frames.
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 8th, 2013

Virtual VCR
Virtual VCR is a DirectShow video capture application that allows you to capture Audio and Video to your hard drive in the AVI file format. This utility lets you use your PC as video recorder. With Virtual VCR, it is extremely easy to save your favorite TV programs (TV turner board required) and digitalize your VHS or Beta video tapes.
- Publisher: digtv
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

VideoCap SDK ActiveX
Capture Video From web cam, capture card, TV Tuner to AVI or Streaming file format (WMV file).Capture Video stream From IP Camerea. Frame grabber to memory or clipboard. Refresh audio pin when audio device changed.
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 7th, 2015

Stop Motion Animator
Stop Motion Animator is a program for creating stop-motion videos. It allows you to capture video through your webcam or any other digital or analog capture device. Individual frames are captured by pressing the "Grab" button. When the video is finished, the program will save it in an AVI file.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

K!TV is a video-capture application for watching TV on your computer. It taps into a video capture device plugged into your computer and displays the video feed on your screen. It also offers some key features that set this application apart from the mere video-capture software. For example, there are several window modes, including full-screen and a no-border modes.
- Publisher: K!
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Additional Video capture device argus-h selection

Freez Screen Video Capture
Freez Screen Video Capture 1.2 is an application that allows you to record and capture your own screen's movements and save them into an AVI file. When using this program, you will be able to record your cursor's movements and narrate the actions you are taking by using a microphone.
- Publisher: Smallvideosoft
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Magic Video Capture/Convert/Burn Studio
This program brings together three of the main functions when working with video files. Instead of using one program for recording audio and/or video, another for converting your files into different formats, and yet another to burn videos into DVD or VCD discs, this program lets you do all these three things in an easy and convenient way.
- Publisher: Magic Video Software
- Last updated: March 9th, 2011

Webcam Video Capture
Webcam Video Capture can record video directly from your screen. The tool has a neat and compact interface that anyone can use without any difficulty whatsoever. It allows recording the whole screen as well as the selected window or a specific region. Moreover, it can be set to capture the mouse pointer.
- Publisher: Webcam Simulator
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Replay Video Capture
Replay Video Capture can record anything playing on your screen, including online video. Using this program is quite easy; just press the Get Video button to automatically detect the video window on your screen, then click Record to start. Replay Video Capture allows you to choose between high video quality (MPEG-2) and compact file size (WMV).
- Publisher: Applian Technologies Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Free Screen Video Capture by Topviewsoft
Very few screen-recording utilities are as straightforward and easy to use as Free Screen Video Capture by Topviewsoft. It can easily capture all the activity taking place on your desktop or in a section of it, allowing you to produce your own tutorials, gameplays, presentations, etc., with just a few mouse clicks. The resulting videos can be saved as AVI, MPEG4, or DivX files.
- Publisher: TopviewSoft Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 24th, 2010

Open Video Capture
Open Video Capture is a small application that will help you capture video from different devices like webcams, TV Tuner cards, digital video, digital cameras and more. You can set audio and video compression codecs, output frame size and rate, and take snapshots with a hotkey.
- Publisher: DigitByte Studio
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 30th, 2011

Sonne Screen Video Capture
Sonne Screen Video Capture will capture your screen and record video files. It will not only capture any part of your screen, or the full screen, but it can grab video and images from DV, TV Tuners and other capture devices, like your webcam. It can save snapshot to .BMP and .JPG files, and videos as .AVI files. You can choose to use different video and audio codecs.
- Publisher: Sonne Software Solution
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Elgato Video Capture
With this program, you can transfer video to your PC from a VCR, DVR, camcorder, or any other analogue video device as a high quality H.264 file. It's a easy way to digitise home video to playback on your computer, to sync with an iPad or iPhone, to edit in iMovie or Windows Live Movie Maker, or to upload to YouTube.
- Publisher: Elgato Systems GmbH
- Last updated: December 11th, 2014

WinAVI Video Capture
WinAVI Video Capture is a multifunction application that will be really useful for all the users who enjoy watching video files on their computers. With this program, you will enjoy the benefits of recording your favorite TV shows to watch them whenever you want on your computer in any media player.
- Publisher: ZJMedia Digital Technology Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Easy Video Capture
Easy Video Capture is a program that will let you record your screen activity. It will save what happens in any section of the screen into AVI video files, in real time. You can set the program to include or ignore the audio, or the pointer of your mouse. It is even possible to use this program to record a video file that you play on your computer, and save the recording as an AVI file.
- Publisher: Video Capture Info
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024