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Virtual forensic computing price in Title/Summary

Virtual Forensic Computing

Virtual Forensic Computing

VFC seamlessly and expeditiously re-creates a virtual scene from either the original evidence drive itself or the forensic copy of the suspect's system. The VFC process normally takes less than a minute, with average system start up times of the virtual clone ranging from between 2-5 minutes.

  • Publisher: MD5 Ltd
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2012
MMORPG Virtual Currency Price Checker

MMORPG Virtual Currency Price Checker

The system regularly checks each gold website to ensure the price in database is up-to-date.Prices for virtual currency change almost everyday. The same store is not always the cheapest. Bookmark and check back to compare prices everytime you want to make a purchase.

  • Publisher: MMOShift
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2011
Visible Virtual Machine

Visible Virtual Machine

The Visible Virtual Machine (VVM) is a visual based, virtual computing environment that allows the student user to create a program, and then to actually view the execution of the program within the (virtual) CPU of the VVM machine. The system is based on the well-known Little Man Computer (LMC) model of computing.

  • Publisher: Stu Westin, University of Rhode Island
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2008

Virtual forensic computing price in Description

Simple Carver Suite

Simple Carver Suite

Simple Carver Suite is a collection of unique tools designed for a number of purposes including, but not limited to, forensic computing, data recovery and eDiscovery. This set of tools can assist you in: data recovery, file analysis, file identification, file management, file classification, and data research.

  • Publisher: Filesig Software Solutions
  • Home page: www.simplecarver.com
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2013


mRemote is a full-featured, multi-tab remote connections manager. It allows you to store all your remote connections in a simple yet powerful interface Currently these protocols are supported: * RDP (Remote Desktop) * VNC (Virtual Network Computing) * ICA (Independent Computing Architecture) * SSH (Secure Shell)

  • Publisher: Felix Deimel
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2008


mRemoteNG is a useful application that allows you to view all of your remote connections in a simple yet powerful tabbed interface. mRemoteNG supports various protocols such as RDP (Remote Desktop/Terminal Server), VNC (Virtual Network Computing), ICA (Citrix Independent Computing Architecture) and much more.

  • Publisher: Riley McArdley, Felix Deimel
  • Home page: www.mremoteng.org
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2013


VNCon is an easy to use remote administration tool which allows you to connect, view and take control of any computers running VNC (Virtual Network Computing) on your network. The list of computers can be obtained using various methods, either probing your domain, scan a set of ip ranges, or entering each computers details manually.

  • Publisher: Alastair Burr
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2008


zoomVNC is a cutting edge VNC (Virtual Network Computing) client for PocketPCs, allowing you to access machines remotely while out on the road or simply away from your desk. Also the program support multiple simultaneous connections, you can manage multiple systems without disconnecting from any.

  • Publisher: Colin Munro
  • Last updated: February 8th, 2010

Additional Virtual forensic computing price selection



TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC (Virtual Network Computing), a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines. TigerVNC provides the levels of performance necessary to run 3D and video applications, and it attempts to maintain a common look and feel and re-use components.

  • Publisher: TigerVNC Team
  • Home page: tigervnc.org
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
Cocoon for Internet Explorer

Cocoon for Internet Explorer

Cocoon is an all-in-one plugin that makes everything you do online secure, virus-free and private. Without Cocoon websites and hackers have access to your computer to leave cookies or infect it with viruses and malware. You even get protection on open Wi-Fi access points. Cocoon is an all-in-one plugin that makes everything you do online secure, virus-free and private.

  • Publisher: Virtual World Computing
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2013


Cocoon is a Firefox based web browser with variety of security features that can protect you from online tracking, malware, and identity theft. It uses an isolation technology that keeps away malware from your hard drive using anti virus scanning. You can also get toolbar extensions of this program for other browsers such as Internet Explorer.

  • Publisher: Virtual World Computing, LLC
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
VNC Manager

VNC Manager

VNC Manager can automatically discover any host running VNC Server on a given network. The original VNC Manager is a free VNC server TCP scanner. It's intended to automatically discover any host running VNC Server on a given TCP/IP network. VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a complete remote control solution. It's a freeware of AT&T Research Labs.

BackTrack Suite

BackTrack Suite

With the BackTrack Suite software the analyst can locate the sources of the blood by carrying out a Directional Analysis of the bloodstain patterns. Don't make the mistake of going to court with a bloodstain evidence report that lacks a proper BackTrack analysis of the scene.

  • Publisher: Forensic Computing of Ottawa Inc
Virtual Dj Studio

Virtual Dj Studio

Virtual DJ Studio redefines the concept of DJ and Karaoke software on the PC. VDJ offers features you simply will not find in other programs, at a price the competition simply cannot match. Virtual DJ Studio is not like all of the other DJ programs out there. While other programs limit you to two players with a Cross-Fader, Virtual DJ Studio provides you with an entire studio.

  • Publisher: Next Generation Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.vdj.net
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2022
WinArchiver Virtual Drive

WinArchiver Virtual Drive

WinArchiver Virtual Drive is a free Virtual CD/DVD ROM utility. It can mount not only all popular CD/DVD image files, but also all popular archives. You can run programs or access the files from a virtual drive without original cd/dvd discs. The virtual drive works 200x faster than traditional cd/dvd rom drive.

  • Publisher: WinArchiver Computing, Inc.
  • Home page: www.winarchiver.com
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2012
Virtual DJ

Virtual DJ

Virtual DJ lets you mix audio and manage your DJ playlists. It supports a variety of audio, video, and karaoke formats. You can entertain your guests with stunning visuals, video mixing, and host karaoke events. Virtual DJ can be interfaced with popular controllers and mixers on the market.

  • Publisher: Atomix Productions
  • Home page: www.virtualdj.com
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2024
CutePDF Writer

CutePDF Writer

CutePDF Writer can create PDFs from almost any application. It allows you to change document properties, add passwords with security settings and do much more. It also can password protect PDF documents with 256-bit AES encryption. Creating a PDF with this free PDF converter couldn't be easier.

  • Publisher: Acro Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.cutepdf.com
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2021
StarWind Virtual CD

StarWind Virtual CD

Virtual CD creates a virtual DVD-ROM drive locally to extend your computing infrastructure. A Virtual DVD-ROM emulation allows you to use virtual optical drives when and where you need them. You can create an ISO or MDS image from your CD/DVD or Blu-Ray/HD-DVD drive with any disk grabbing utility and save it to your hard drive.

  • Publisher: StarWind Software
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2010