Visio water supply shapes in Title/Summary

Visio (R) Network Equipment
Create detailed rack and data center diagrams using this set of 2,000 shapes representing network equipment from 3Com, APC, Cisco, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nortel, Panduit, and Sun Microsystems. These shapes are exact replicas of the network devices and are drawn to scale with port-level details. Front and rear views are included for most devices.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

EPANET is a software program destined to be used by professionals who analyze, simulate and manage water distribution piping systems. It can be used to evaluate alternative strategies for improving water quality, to design and upgrade the performance of a hydraulic system, or to realize assessments about consumer exposure.
- Publisher: EPA's Water Supply and Water Resources Division
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

PIPES++ is a program that does Single Balance or Extended Period Simulations of flow and water quality in a town water supply system. You draw the network on screen using lines to represent pipes and pre defined symbols to represent pumps, valves, reservoirs etc.
- Publisher: Watercom Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2010
Visio water supply shapes in Description

Panduit Design Tool for Visio
Panduit Design Tool for Visio is a free add-in designed to work with the Visio 2013 application. The program includes all current Panduit Visio data center shapes, plus a bill of materials generator and cable routing fill calculator. The add-in doesn't support the 64-bit Visio 2013.
- Publisher: Panduit Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 4th, 2014

Plumber is a program specifically created for the calculation and design of water supply systems in buildings, for public (non-residential) or private (residential) use. It is possible to design the water supply system in any type of building, allowing you to import information from a drawing file and, additionally, you can generate plans and isometric drawings of the plumbing system.
- Publisher: HidraSoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 25th, 2015

If you're looking for a full featured domestic supply water pipe sizing program then S-Pipe is what you want. It has lots of built-in pipe and fitting data, plus the flexibility to let you enter your own data, plus direct links with Autodesk Building Systems and AutoCAD MEP.
- Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 11th, 2010

HEC-ResSim is a program used to model reservoir operations at one or more reservoirs for a variety of operational goals and constraints. The software simulates reservoir operations for flood management, low flow augmentation and water supply for planning studies, detailed reservoir regulation plan investigations, and real-time decision support.
- Publisher: Hydrologic Engineering Center, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Last updated: June 24th, 2014

S-Pipe is a program that offers you built-in pipe and fitting data, the flexibility to let you enter your own data and direct links with 32-bit Autodesk Building Systems and 32-bit AutoCAD MEP. You can sizes both hot and cold water supply systems using the ASHRAE and ASPE procedures.
- Publisher: Elite Software Development, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 30th, 2018
Additional Visio water supply shapes selection

Hydroflo is a powerful software tool that assists piping system designers in the modeling and analysis of single source/single discharge, re-circulating and gravity flow piping systems. These systems are commonly found in industrial process, water supply, wastewater treatment, fire protection, chemical process, mine de-watering, irrigation and HVAC applications among others.
- Publisher: Tahoe Design Software
- Last updated: February 21st, 2011

Instal-therm HCR
Instal-therm is a component of the InstalSystem package, which also includes Instal-heat&energy for calculating heat losses and seasonal heat demand in buildings, an optionally also Instal-san for designing indoor cold and hot water supply systems and sewage systems in residential and public buildings.
- Publisher: InstalSoft
- Last updated: August 17th, 2012

Akua is an application for water supply, sewer and storm drainage design. Easy to use, it has all the professional features possible. It is designed to be user friendly, serves both for new designs and to model existing systems. At minimum times optimal designs and final plans ready to work can be achieved.
- Publisher: Mesofts.Inc.
- Last updated: September 19th, 2013

Wilo-Select Classic
Wilo-Select-Classic shows you everything at a glance:Hydraulic configuration with selection of the ideal pump in seconds;Economic efficiency calculation;Payback calculation;Data export to all usual formats;Project management;Information about the pump: product descriptions, installation and operating instructions, specification texts
- Publisher: Wilo Pumpen Intelligenz
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

SolarPathfinder Assistant
SolarPathfinder Assistant provides mathematical precision for accurate shading assessment by eliminating gross errors in structure orientation, solar system sizing and PV/collector placement. It allows the user to input all the necessary information in order to determine the potential hot water supply for their system.
- Publisher: SolarPathfinder
- Last updated: April 11th, 2011

Surdev is a surface irrigation software for design, operation and evaluation of basin, border and furrow irrigation. The purpose of the program is to supply water in the right quantity, at the right time, and in an even layer, to achieve a uniform crop stand and minimize water losses.
- Publisher: Wageningen University & Research
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 16th, 2011

TSOL basic
T*SOL basic is a program that offers accurate calculations and convenient planning features for a solar thermal system project. The program offers 20 types of systems for hot water supply and space heating plus nine types of outdoor pool systems for the simulation of solar swimming pool heating.
- Publisher: Dr. Valentin EnergieSoftware GmbH
- Last updated: January 31st, 2014

Silvestro is a program designed to help planners in the creation of water supply and waste systems. Thanks to its ease of use it allows the Valsir products to be easily adopted in any project. Silvestro is composed of various modules, combined in one single planning suite and each has a specific application.
- Publisher: Valsir S.p.A.
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2015

Simulate the transient behaviour of water supply distribution networks. The specialised tool simulates most enclosed pipe hydraulic installations likely to be met in practice. It is most often used to assess and protect systems from damage caused by pressure surges.
- Publisher: HCP

IDSCU is a software that can help you modeling a sample farm. The CU Model is a windows 95/98/NT interface with monthly and daily ET estimation methods, a soil moisture budget, water supply components, and the ability to query information stored in HYDROBASE (maintained by the State of Colorado).
- Publisher: Integrated Decision Support Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011