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Vista remote lock shutdown in Title/Summary

Shutdown Lock

Shutdown Lock

The easy way to hibernate-enable any software application.

  • Publisher: X-Ray Application Software.
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2008
Vista Shutdown Timer

Vista Shutdown Timer

Vista Shutdown Timer is a practical, small and free shutdown manager that will let you shutdown, restart, or hibernate your machine at a specific hour. The program is easy to configure and use, and it will display a text message or a sound before restarting or shutting down your machine.

  • Publisher: ToFlo.de
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Transparent Screen Lock PRO for Windows XP 2003 Vista 2008

Transparent Screen Lock PRO for Windows XP 2003 Vista 2008

Transparent Screen Lock delivers system security measures that are essential in today's open-concept corporate offices with free movement of employees and visitors, as well as in high security environments such as financial institutions and banks, hospitals and pharmaceutical research facilities, government offices and military installations.

  • Publisher: e-motional.com software
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2014

Vista remote lock shutdown in Description

Remote Task Manager

Remote Task Manager

RTM is a systems control interface that can be run from any remote Windows NT/2000/XP computer.



LanShutDown is made for computer shutdown and/or reboot under Windows 2000/XP/2003 control both locally or in the net. In addition you can write a message to be shown before shutdown.

  • Publisher: LanTricks.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020


With GetByMail you can stay at home and have access to your office computer and vice versa simply through your e-mail accounts. You can get remote directory listings and tree view, download/upload files and directories, perform change dir, make dir, rename and delete operations, capture remote computer desktop screens, run remote applications, shutdown, reboot and logoff remote computer.

  • Publisher: GetByMail.com
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2009


CPUOff monitors average CPU load and initiates computer shutdown if the CPU load has been below a specified percentage for a specified length of time. Requires a registration code to run.

  • Publisher: JSutils
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2009
Shell Extensions

Shell Extensions

Windows shell extensions do exactly what they claim, they extend the Windows shell (the user interface that is based around Explorer), by providing additional property pages or additional context-menu options for a shell item (file, folder, drive, printer, etc.).

  • Publisher: Synesis Software
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Additional Vista remote lock shutdown selection

Simple Shutdown Scheduler

Simple Shutdown Scheduler

Simple Shutdown Scheduler (also named SSS) is a light and useful tool to schedule shutdowns, reboots, etc. for any computer in your network. Main features: - All passwords are saved encrypted, and passwords are never readable as text in memory. - Intuitive interface.

Shutdown Automaton

Shutdown Automaton

With this utility you can schedule a shutdown, hibernation and other power actions for your computer. It supports scheduling based on: specific time point (once, daily or weekly); time countdown; period of user or computer inactivity; change of file attributes or process exit.

  • Publisher: Giannikos
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2014


RemShutdown allows a user who has administrative access to the remote computer to shut down or restart it. It can be configured to show a warning for a specified time before shutting down the system. A shutdown command can also be canceled using this program. This is useful for those who finds it difficult to use the Windows command line tools.

  • Publisher: Nsasoft LLC
  • Home page: www.nsauditor.com
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2012
Win8 Controller

Win8 Controller

It enables you to control your Windows 8 PC through your smartphone or tablet. You can easily shut down, restart, sleep, hibernate, lock your PC with just one tap. This is the server component of the pack, the one you need to install on your Windows 8 to allow access.

PC Inspector task manager

PC Inspector task manager

PC Inspector Task Manager is an easy utility to add programs to the start routine so that they run at certain times. Tasks included as standard in PC Inspector Task Manager are Logoff, Reboot, Remote Reboot, Shutdown, Remote Shutdown, but you can also add your own routines.

  • Publisher: Convar Deutschland GmbH
  • Home page: www.pcinspector.de
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Good Night PC

Good Night PC

Good Night PC is a small and effective utility that allows you to shutdown, restart, log off, suspend, hibernate and lock your computer automatically. There are also some unique features that make this application necessary for everyday activity. You can configure the exact time you want the program to execute your tasks up to seconds.

  • Publisher: DigiApp
  • Home page: www.digiapp.com
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009


SysAdmin makes it so much easier to administer Active Directory-based networks by providing a single tool to do whatever you need — use it to manage domains, servers, computers, users, and groups.Main features:- Quickly search for a computer in the list of computers - View and edit properties

  • Publisher: RIA-Media
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
SysAdmin Anywhere

SysAdmin Anywhere

SysAdmin Anywhere makes it so much easier to administer multidomain Active Directory-based networks by providing a single tool to do whatever you need - use it to manage domains, servers, computers, users, and groups. The program lets you make an inventory of all software and hardware installed on computers in the network.

  • Publisher: RIA-Media Software
  • Home page: ria-media.net
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017
Auto ShutDown XP Professional

Auto ShutDown XP Professional

The most advanced Auto ShutDown application on the market.Functions include Schedules, Conditional shutdown, Security, Prevent PC Restarts, Quick Shutdown, Remote systems shutdown, user guide and lots more.

  • Publisher: Gill Information Technology
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2008


QL Shutdown is the power management software. It allows companies to manage power state for each PC across a network and enables scheduling for daily, immediate or one-off actions: wakeup (Wake-On-Lan), shutdown, restart, hibernate, standby, logoff, lock.