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Visual exam manager backup history in Title/Summary

Visual CertExam Manager

Visual CertExam Manager

Visual CertExam Manager is a test engine designed specifically for certification exam preparation. It allows you to take practice tests in an environment very similar to a real exam. Visual CertExam Manager is designed for taking exams created with Visual CertExam Designer.

  • Publisher: Visual CertExam Software
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2010
Visual Data Manager

Visual Data Manager

Visual Data Manager is a program that enables users to manage various databases. This application was made with the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 in 2012. Visual Data Manager can be used to administer database accounts and perform different advanced queries.

Backup Manager

Backup Manager

Backup Manager offers a 2 Week Free Trial of its automated, encrypted, offsite data backup service. Download the software and upload your data in minutes. Full customer support online or toll-free telephone. Eliminates unreliable CD's or tapes

  • Publisher: Backup Manager Corp
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2010

Visual exam manager backup history in Description

LogMeIn Backup

LogMeIn Backup

LogMeIn is a program that allows you to backup files remotely via internet with encryption, file compression, you can have different versions, allow backup to complete with errors, make backups in the same computer (but you will be warned to make the backup in a different computer to avoid data loss), and schedule backups.

  • Publisher: LogMeIn, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 20th, 2011
JS Backup

JS Backup

JS Backup is a backup tool pursuing good design and usability. The standard application data, Android application, picture, music, video and document can be backed up and recovered. The backup data can be kept in cloud storage. The backup history can be confirmed on Web (PC) and backup data stored in cloud storage can be downloaded by using backup history server.

  • Publisher: Johospace Co.,Ltd.
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2014
Automatic Folder Backup Software

Automatic Folder Backup Software

Periodically backup entire folders. Backups can occur every 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2010
Minecraft - Last days

Minecraft - Last days

The goal of LAST DAYS is to take Doku's brilliant foundation work and bring it to its logical conclusion; a full scale, game changing, texture and sound overhaul which takes full advantage of the existing mechanics of Minecraft and brings them into a post-apocalyptic setting.



NeoTheme is a small project created by a user of the Neowin community that is focused on Windows XP users who like to download and install a variety of visual styles or themes for Windows XP. It only supports files with the .msstyles extension. You can also view a list of installed themes and delete some of them.

  • Publisher: Neowin.net
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2008

Additional Visual exam manager backup history selection

AOMEI Backupper Standard

AOMEI Backupper Standard

AOMEI Backupper Standard, free and easy-to-use software for Windows PCs & Laptops, which supports system/hard disk/partition/files backup, restore and clone as well as provides schedule/incremental/differential backups, UEFI boot and GPT disk backup.

  • Publisher: AOMEI International Network Limited
  • Home page: www.ubackup.com
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2025


TradeManager is an easy-to-use chat messaging application. Main Features: - Manage contacts: Now you can organize your contacts by groups or easily remove them from your list. - Message box: Messages are displayed by time in a user-friendly view. - TradeManager login history: View login history and IP address for account safety. - History manager: Chat history is displayed by time.

  • Publisher: Alibaba
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2017


HDClone cre­ates phys­i­cal or log­i­cal cop­ies (clones) and file im­ages of hard disks and oth­er mass stor­age me­dia. HDClone is the per­fect tool for back­ups and for cre­ating cop­ies of en­tire soft­ware or operating system in­stal­la­tions. A spe­cial Safe­Rescue mode makes HDClone an in­valu­able tool for res­cu­ing de­fec­tive hard disks and oth­er me­dia.

Linux Mint KDE

Linux Mint KDE

Featured improvements in this release: KDE Network Manager, new applications, 30,000 applications catalogued and reviewable both online and in the new software manager, brand new incremental backup tool for both data and software selection, USB and Windows installers, 3 years support, look & feel improvements.

  • Publisher: Linux Mint
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2010
Droid Manager

Droid Manager

Droid Manager is a professional Android managing tool. This application gives you complete control over the content of your Android phone. You can manage your apps, edit Android built settings, add scripts to improve your phone's performance and much more.

  • Publisher: Omar Bizreh
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2015
ReGet Deluxe

ReGet Deluxe

ReGet Deluxe is software conveniently designed for making the user feel more comfortable with the entire system of downloading. This software is used for faster and organized downloads. Platforms like Windows Vista and XP make use of it. ReGet Deluxe is basically another version of ReGet with advanced features and more convenient as a download manager

  • Publisher: ReGet Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Remo Outlook Backup & Migrate

Remo Outlook Backup & Migrate

Remo Outlook Backup and Migrate helps you move all your Outlook data to another PC or to higher Outlook version securely. It can be any Outlook data like profiles, emails, settings etc., the tool lets you transfer all of them or only the required ones using its customized options.



Use IvyBackup's simple to use interface to stay organized and manage your backup jobs, backups and tests. View your entire backup history, filter backups by date. Test, delete, restore or add notes to any backup with ease. Changing machines? Install IvyBackup on your new machine and import your previous jobs, backups and settings.

  • Publisher: Kudu Computing Ltd
  • Home page: www.ivybackup.com
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023


Preserve your files, folders, apps, drives, physical servers, Hyper-V hosts and guests, and more. The BackupAssist software supports all modern backup destinations. Backup directly to local drives, network locations (NAS), HDD, RDX, USB Drives, iSCSI, tape, public cloud (Microsoft Azure, AWS, WebDAV) or private cloud (WebDAV or rSync).

ALLPassword Manager

ALLPassword Manager

ALLPassword Manager is integrated with the web browser, to free you from the task of remembering logins/passwords or from having to use one username and password everywhere. After installing the application, the user creates a profile and enters the master password to the program. Then select the security level.

  • Publisher: Artur Majtczak
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2012