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Visual hotel program manual in Title/Summary

Creating Your First Visual Basic Program - Full

Creating Your First Visual Basic Program - Full

“Creating your first Visual Basic Program”, created by MSDN, is an easy and fun way to get started programming on this language. This lesson on video format will guide you step by step in creating a Visual Basic project, designing and creating the user interface, and testing your program. In about 10 minutes, you’ll have your first application up and running, in this case, a Web browser.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: March 23rd, 2008
MarshallSoft Client Mailer for Visual Basic

MarshallSoft Client Mailer for Visual Basic

Send personalized text or HTML email with attachments to clients or customers from your Visual Basic application program, programmable database or spreadsheet. Check for bounced email or replies (REMOVE, CONFIRM, OPT-OUT, etc.). Royalty free.

  • Publisher: MarshallSoft Computing
  • Home page: www.marshallsoft.com
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2015
Kendall-Theil Robust Line Program

Kendall-Theil Robust Line Program

This is a Visual Basic program for calculating and graphing robust nonparametric estimates of linear-regression coefficients between two continuous variables. You can use it in stochastic data modeling with local, regional, and national hydrologic data sets to develop planning-level estimates of potential effects of highway runoff on the quality of receiving waters.

  • Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
  • Home page: pubs.usgs.gov
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2011

Visual hotel program manual in Description

Devart dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server

Devart dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server

dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server allows users to build complex SQL queries via an intuitive visual query building interface easily and without manual code writing. Work with complex subqueries and manage them as simple queries with visual query building tool for SQL Server. Using the tabbed window, you can edit subqueries in separate windows and easily access the main query.

  • Publisher: Devart
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2016


Learn how to use C# with ADO.NET Data Provider for SQLite to create a program that keeps a database of C# code snippets. The SQLite database included with the free program contains C# programming tips and techniques.

  • Publisher: ICT eBooks by Yeoh HS
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2010


Text2GED is a computer program that accesses and extracts genealogy data from the internet. Text2GED quickly and accurately converts genealogy data displayed in a web browser into standard GEDCOM 5.5 file format. Text2GED bridges the gap between genealogical information found on the internet and your genealogy database program.

  • Publisher: gedmagic
  • Home page: www.gedmagic.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2008
Visual Math

Visual Math

A set of 12 mathematical programs, providing useful tools for students, teachers, and engineers. The Visual Probability program can be used to compute and graph probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, etc. Visual Calculus helps you to calculate and graph limits, derivatives, 3D vectors, and other calculus-related data.

  • Publisher: GraphNow Software
  • Home page: www.graphnow.com
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2014


PalaceChat is a visual chat program which lets you move around rooms, change appearance, chat in text bubbles that come up next to your name, and play games on some servers. PalaceChat connects you to Chat Palace, a multi-language hub for all users using PalaceChat.

  • Publisher: Created by Jameson Heesen
  • Home page: pchat.org
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2022

Additional Visual hotel program manual selection

Abacre Cloud Hotel Management System

Abacre Cloud Hotel Management System

This is a cloud hotel/motel management system with a website and a Windows application. Separate interfaces are available for managers and receptionists. For managers, there is a set of reports that shows a complete picture of hotel operations and life cycles: sales by room, sales by room type, sales orders in restaurants or retail, payment methods, and automatic tax calculations.

  • Publisher: Abacre Limited
  • Home page: www.abacre.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
New Astronomy CCDCalc

New Astronomy CCDCalc

CCDCalc allows you to select from a wide range of telescopes and cameras and visualize how they work together to image the sky. Includes nearly every camera made, and a wide selection of telescopes. This is a Visual Basic program that you can install on your computer, and is much more full-featured and flexible than the original online version.

  • Publisher: Ron Wodaski
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2008
ABF Outlook Express Backup

ABF Outlook Express Backup

ABF Outlook Express Backup is a powerful backup and synchronization tool for Outlook Express mail client. This incredible program allows you to backup and restore email messages, address book contacts, mail and news accounts, message rules, blocked senders lists, signatures, stationeries and even your Internet Explorer favorites.

  • Publisher: ABF software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.abf-soft.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1

Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX provides more than 90 ASP.NET controls that can be used in Visual Studio. It can be used to create applications that work seamlessly across various devices and browsers. It features HTML5 rendering, CSS support, SharePoint integration, and professional quality skins.

  • Publisher: Telerik AD
  • Home page: www.telerik.com
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2017


POP2OWA is a small Visual Basic program that allows you to access to an Exchange server through the POP3 protocol, using the Outlook Web Access (OWA) server. It provides the standard POP interface to your mail client (Outlook Express, Netscape or Mozilla Mail, Thunderbird, Pegasus). In addition, it allows you to send e-mails through OWA service, like a standard SMTP (outgoing mail) server.

  • Publisher: Carlos Garcés
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2014


FuzME is a PC Windows program for calculation of Fuzzy k-means with/without extragrades. It is written in Fortran and compiled using Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6 under PC Windows environment. The program needs a "control file" which details the parameters for the fuzzy k-means algorithm and a "data file" containing the data. The program only works on system running under Windows 95/ NT or later.

  • Publisher: ACPA
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2009
3Shape CAMbridge

3Shape CAMbridge

Simply click or drag & drop items into CAMbridge™ and it automatically updates the build platform. CAMbridge™ also allows visual inspection and manual editing of placement (nesting), item orientation and vertical placement. Designs can be automatically and optimally placed in the blank to optimize material utilization.

  • Publisher: 3Shape
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2010


NeoTheme is a small project created by a user of the Neowin community that is focused on Windows XP users who like to download and install a variety of visual styles or themes for Windows XP. It only supports files with the .msstyles extension. You can also view a list of installed themes and delete some of them.

  • Publisher: Neowin.net
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2008
Fomine NetSend

Fomine NetSend

Fomine NetSend is a package that contains two utility tools for sending messages via SMB protocol. This first tool NetSend.exe is a console application. The second utility tool NetSendGUI.exe has a simple and user-friendly visual interface.

  • Publisher: FOMINE SOFTWARE
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017
Guest Tracker

Guest Tracker

New extensive reporting software Suite allows unlimited property management reporting - helps manage daily transactions. Property management software includes advanced group billing management, City Ledger, and Group Leaders. reservation software reporting for extended stay reservations and unit owners reports!.

  • Publisher: TCS Reservation Software
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2008