Vocabulary memorize in Title/Summary

Memorize His Word
This program is an excellent aid for memorizing Bible verses and passages. It has a simple yet attractive interface which can be used by almost anybody. If you are a cleric, a preacher or a serious Bible reader, then this program will be very useful for you.
- Publisher: Memorize His Word
- Home page: www.memorizehisword.com
- Last updated: February 26th, 2011

Vocabulary Blast
Vocabulary Blast is a Vocabulary Building software, aimed mainly at helping you with your GRE/SAT preparation. It has many useful features, it is simple to use and is compact in size. Vocabulary Blast has a dictionary of 2850 words, all selected from GRE/SAT text books (Barron's and ETS).
- Publisher: Kashif Manzoor
- Last updated: May 15th, 2012

Vocabulary Manager
Vocabulary Manager is a multimedia vocabulary learning tool; like an electronic flash card system with audio. VM allows you to create a database of vocabulary items with an image and two audio recordings (one for a 'citation' form and one for the 'in context' form) for each item.
- Publisher: SIL International
- Last updated: March 12th, 2012
Vocabulary memorize in Description

QB - Text Analyzer
Meet QB - Text Analyzer. This new program for Windows can help you build and advance your vocabulary the smart way. Just paste any text into this user-friendly program and in a few seconds you can see the frequency of every word in that text.In addition, the program includes several features that make it easy to see each word in context and to translate each word and sentence.
- Publisher: Sierra Vista Software.
- Last updated: January 20th, 2009

Multilingual dictionary and words trainer MemoPump helps to increase vocabulary during learning foreign language. Fast translation of a foreign word from any application with using Hot Keys.
- Publisher: GooZz Software
- Home page: www.memopump.com
- Last updated: October 11th, 2009

Mesius Leitner Box
It can be used to classify, organize, study and finally memorize any large database such as a course formulas or any language vocabulary and specially those databases which grow and get larger any minute. Mesius Leitner Box is a very simple and comprehensive program which can help you memorize things based on Leitner method.
- Publisher: Mesius
- Home page: mesiusf.blogspot.ro
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012

QuickMem Greek
QuickMem Greek has been used by thousands of people worldwide over the last fifteen years. - Quickly memorize New Testament Greek vocabulary with this flash card program - Frequency lists from Bruce Metzger's Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek - Covers all words occurring ten or more times in the New Testament For iPhone- QuickMem Greek for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
- Publisher: HeadThirst.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Learn Chinese 2007
With this Chinese language program, you can work on reading, writing and memorizing your customized character selections. It also provides character grid-search, translation, pronunciation, handwriting exercises and a dictionary (English, Fr, De)
- Publisher: Lchinese
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008
Additional Vocabulary memorize selection

StudyMinder Flash Cards
StudyMinder Flash Cards is a flash cards maker for Microsoft Windows. It gives you the power of a full featured word processor for designing and printing your own custom flash cards. And it includes powerful flash card study features to help you learn them faster.
- Publisher: StudyMinder Student Planner
- Last updated: September 17th, 2012

ABBYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x3 will help you to get the right meaning and pronunciation of unknown word and memorize it. It includes a great collection of 152 dictionaries. Lingvo x3 provides accurate translations from Russian to 11 languages and back of each word or phrase and example sentences.
- Publisher: ABBYY Software
- Last updated: October 31st, 2010

Vocabulary Worksheet Factory
Vocabulary Worksheet Factory helps you improve and reinforce the vocabulary skills. The app is designed for educators as a resource to support classroom instruction, but ideal for anyone interested in making word searches, crosswords, word jumbles, and other vocabulary puzzles and activities.
- Publisher: Schoolhouse Technologies Inc.
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

Vocabulary Wizard
Vocabulary Wizard serves as an effective tool for the preparation of English vocabulary related exams. A built-in dictionary is set up with the examination point of view which is easy to use and an effective tool for a user to prepare for the examinations. This dictionary serves as a user friendly interface. The existing data can be edited and one can add his/her own data in the dictionary.
- Publisher: Prosigner
- Home page: www.prosigner.com
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Ultimate Vocabulary
Improve Your Vocabulary And Success. Mony Back Guarantee. Ultimate Vocabulary Is the only vocabulary building technology that gives you 7 easy strategies to boost your vocabulary by 1000 words or more in as little as 10 minutes per day.
- Publisher: eReflect Software
- Home page: www.ultimatevocabulary.com
- Last updated: December 17th, 2010

WordQuiz is an easy-to-use application that is meant to help you study words or concepts. It is based on the idea of using flashcards to memorize words or phrases. You can start by filling a two-column table in which you pair words or phrases. In addition, you can attach multimedia information to the table cells in the form of audio or pictures.
- Publisher: Peter Hedlund
- Last updated: May 31st, 2012

Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher
Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher has been designed to make life easier, and instruction more efficient, for those who teach English or English as a Second or Foreign Language. In a matter of minutes and with a few mouse-clicks, teachers can create gap-fill exercises to introduce, review/reinforce and test vocabulary.
- Publisher: Gerry Luton / Martin Holmes / Creative Technology
- Home page: www.cpr4esl.com
- Last updated: September 20th, 2011

Lingoversity is a language learning tool for Windows. It has a few tools that could help users in the process of learning a foreign language. All of the modes are accessible from the main window that acts as a sort of launcher. The modes are Glossary, Learning Center, and Flashcards.
- Publisher: Lingoversity.com
- Home page: www.lingoversity.com
- Last updated: December 5th, 2014

VocabTest strengthens your spelling and helps you to memorize new vocabulary quickly and easily! It is ideal for students studying for standardized tests such as the GRE, TOEFL and SAT, and is also perfect for anyone looking to expand his or her vocabulary effectively.
- Publisher: VocabTest
- Last updated: September 19th, 2011

ActivityMaker Vocabulary Suite
ActivityMaker Vocabulary Suite is an all-in-one vocabulary worksheet and puzzle creator, making over three dozen different types of worksheets from your words and definitions. You enter a list of words and definitions (or use lists from Vocab Arcade), then follow the simple steps to create various quizzes, crossword puzzles, shaped word searches, and more.
- Publisher: Gepeto Software
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2010