Vocalizer direct voices in Title/Summary

Vocalizer Direct Anna Premium High
Vocalizer Direct Anna Premium High is a female German language pack for JAWS 14 and MAGic 12. This voice pack will read any text with a clear and realistic voice and it offers an improved performance, especially in the areas of latency and speech quality.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: November 26th, 2016

Vocalizer Direct Serena Premium
Vocalizer Direct Serena Premium is a English British female voice pack for use with JAWS 14 and MAGic 12 screen-reading programs. The voice pack can read any text with a clear and realistic voice. Also, it offers an improved performance, especially in the areas of latency and speech quality.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: September 19th, 2017

KobaSpeech With Vocalizer Samantha - English
KobaSpeech 3 is a speech synthesizer that can be installed on your computer with speech output and text-to-speech. Most screen reader programs are supplied with standard voices of low quality. Moreover, these programs don’t contain all available voices.
- Publisher: Koba Vision BVBA
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2018
Vocalizer direct voices in Description

Vocalizer Expressive Damayanti Premium High
Vocalizer Expressive Voices are the voice addons for JAWS 15 or later and MAGic 13 or later. JAWS is a Windows-based screen reading program for the visually challenged. MAGic helps to magnify the screen for effective reading. Damayanti is an Indonesian voice addon. The premium voice offer very good speech quality and a smaller file size.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: March 6th, 2015

RealSpeak Solo Direct Karen
RealSpeak Solo Direct Karen is a great voice software for Freedom Scientific Products. RealSpeak Solo Direct voices work exclusively with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of JAWS 10 or later, MAGic 11 or later, OpenBook 9 or later, and WYNN 6 or later. An MP3 file plays when you select a Sample link. It may take a moment for your media player to launch the file
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific, Inc.
- Last updated: May 21st, 2010

RealSpeak Solo Direct Agata
Freedom Scientific products have helped people worldwide to achieve their goals. Agata is a voice module for Freedom Scientific Products.Solo Direct voices work exclusively with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of JAWS 10 or later, MAGic 11 or later, OpenBook 9 or later, and WYNN 6 or later.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: September 17th, 2010

KobaSpeech 2 With Vocalizer Simona - Romanian
KobaSpeech 2 is a speech synthesizer with the possibility to include all voices from Nuance Vocalizer. The High Quality voices 22kHz have a standard SAPI-5 interface for Microsoft Windows.To use a computer for voice output and text-to-speech, you need a program like: - Zoomtext Magnifier/ScreenReader (magnification with speech), - LunarPlus (magnification with speech), - Jaws (screen reader)
- Publisher: Koba Vision BVBA
- Home page: www.kobaspeech.com
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011

KobaSpeech With Vocalizer Damayanti - Indonesian
KobaSpeech With Vocalizer Damayanti - Indonesian is a free-to-use add-on for KobaSpeech. This add-on add the Indonesian language to the KobaSpeech application. The voices will be available in your 32-bit and 64-bit applications. KobaSpeech installs the 32-bit voices by default.
- Publisher: Koba Vision BVBA
- Last updated: March 15th, 2017
Additional Vocalizer direct voices selection

Vocalizer Daniel from Claro Software
Vocalizer Daniel from Claro Software is a voice pack software tool for ClaroRead Plus. You must already have ClaroRead Plus or Pro for the voices to work. This voice pack will read any text in a human quality voice from word processors, e-mail software, certain PDF files and internet browsers.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: April 11th, 2012

Vocalizer Julie from Claro Software
Vocalizer Julie from Claro Software is a voice pack software tool for ClaroRead Plus. Also for using this powerful software you must have ClaroRead Plus or Pro for the voices to work. This voice pack will read any text in a human quality voice from word processors, e-mail software.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: April 28th, 2014

Vocalizer Ellen from Claro Software
Vocalizer Ellen from Claro Software is a voice pack software tool for ClaroRead Plus. You must already have ClaroRead Plus or Pro for the voices to work. This voice pack will read any text in a human quality voice from word processors, e-mail software, certain PDF files and internet browsers.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: May 14th, 2014

Direct MP3 Joiner
You can join two or more MP3 files together in several ways with this handy tool. Direct MP3 Joiner provides you with four helpful joining modes, including one for batch processes. It allows you to manage the ID3 tag information of your MP3 files, and it includes its own MP3 player. You can sort the files on your list very quickly by duration, file length, bit rate, or by any available ID3 tag.
- Publisher: Piston Software
- Home page: www.pistonsoft.com
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2012

Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter
Direct MIDI to MP3 Converter transforms the data in MIDI files into playable and recordable full-fledged audio files. This versatile tool can convert any MID, RMI, and KAR (karaoke) file not only into MP3, but also into WAV, Ogg, and WMA audio files. The program supports SoundFont 2 specifications, and allows you to add ID3 tags to the resulting MP3 files.
- Publisher: Piston Software
- Home page: www.pistonsoft.com
- Last updated: November 26th, 2012

Vocalizer Nuria from Claro Software
Vocalizer Nuria is a female voice extension in Catalan language for ClaroRead. ClaroRead is a text to speech application that has the ability to read aloud text in Windows programs such as MS Word and Internet Explorer. It has support for 30 languages, with 80 different voices.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: December 2nd, 2014

KobaSpeech With Vocalizer Iveta - Czech
Vocalizer Iveta - Czech is a female language pack for the KobaSpeech program. KobaSpeech is a SAPI 5 program that combines RealSpeak voices under a speech software. This language pack will read any text in a human-quality voice within the RealSpeak program.
- Publisher: Koba Vision BVBA
- Last updated: February 28th, 2017

Vocalizer Expressive Ewa Premium
Vocalizer Expressive Ewa Premium is a set of premium quality text to speech voice in Polish language. This addon can be used along with with JAWS 18 or later. JAWS enables people with vision loss to independently use a computer with a keyboard, speech, or Braille display. The high premium voices are larger files, offering the highest quality speech.
- Publisher: Freedom Scientific
- Last updated: December 31st, 2016

DSD Direct
DSD Direct is a tool that enables users to convert music files in WAV format (*.wav) to high-quality DSD data. This application also allows you to create music files in DSD format (*.dsf). Users can create DSD files just by adding WAV files to a list and clicking a button.
- Publisher: Sony Electronics Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
- Last updated: February 16th, 2008

DSD Direct Player
Working in tandem with Sony's Sound Reality chip to deliver professional playback and recording capabilities, DSD Direct Player allows you to enjoy the superior sound of a Super Audio CD (SACD) and record your very own DSD discs. Playback is made possible via real-time conversion of PCM to DSD and WAV to DSF, while CD rips also feature Gracenots MusicID support.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: October 11th, 2008