Voice pattern memory in Title/Summary

Pattern Memory II
Pattern Memory II is a memory game in which you have to paint blocks according to the shown pattern. The game is comprised of 20 levels of increasing difficulty, in which more blocks of different colors will appear as you advance. When you start every level, you are shown the pattern of blocks with their respective colors for only a few seconds.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Pattern Memory
Pattern Memory is a mental enhancement game. With simple and effective exercises, you'll learn to remember patterns quickly and with high accuracy. If you wish to enhance your memory skills, try practicing the game a few minutes a day, and each time you reach your limit don't forget to write down your score and compare it to previous results.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Home page: www.novelgames.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Memory Stick Voice Editor
Memory Stick Voice Editor is a very interesting tool with many features. Main features: - You can access and execute the menu commands form the menu bar. - Toolbar contains the buttons for common menu command tasks, providing a quick way to do tasks. - Folders and messages stored in your computers hard disk are displayed.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: December 19th, 2009
Voice pattern memory in Description

Pattern Generator
The PPG12500 is a 1-13 Gb/s single-channel Programmable Pattern Generator. Key features such as 24 Mbit user-programmable pattern memory and two-tap de-emphasis provide the capability for compliance testing in Backplane, Copper and Fiber applications e.g. PCIe, USB3.0, SAS, 802.3ap 10G Ethernet, and Displayport testing.
- Publisher: Centellax
- Last updated: December 11th, 2010

Use your PC to record, track and email meetings, phone calls, dictations, interviews, voice messages and audio reminders. Language translation and text to speech. Add keywords for easy searching. Video Email. Import/Export from/to MP3,WAV,WMA,OGG.
- Publisher: Azam International Technologies Ltd
- Home page: www.azamit.com
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

Meetings, passwords, birthdays, anniversaries, medical appointments, etc., tend to pile up on our memory until it can’t take any more. Then is when we start forgetting some of them. TotalReminder is that feature-rich software tool specifically designed to give our memory a rest. It comes with all the tools, utilities, and functions we need to never forget an important date, appointment, or event.
- Publisher: Béla Bokor
- Home page: brain2cpu.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

UltimaSound II
With UltimaSound spectrogram software and a laptop, you can see a vivid picture of your voice and music in frequency domain in real time. The application is easy to install, easy to use and has a friendly user interface. This utility can be used for science fair and teaching in middle/high school to better understand the elements of sound/voice/music: frequency, amplitude, pattern, spectrum.
- Publisher: Ultimaserial
- Home page: www.ultimaserial.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Process Piglet
Process Piglet is a tool that lives down in your system tray and monitors the memory use of running processes. When it first sees a new application, it spends about 30 seconds observing its average memory use that establishes a baseline memory use pattern for the application.
- Publisher: DonationCoder
- Home page: www.donationcoder.com
- Last updated: April 10th, 2014
Additional Voice pattern memory selection

All-in-one Voice Changer
All-in-One Voice Changer is an interesting audio application which can play prank calls online on your friends. When you are speaking with your friends through IM tools, it can change your voice pitch in a funny way during the call.
- Publisher: AthTek Software
- Home page: www.athtek.com
- Last updated: November 12th, 2014

Sony Digital Voice Editor
The Digital Voice Editor is an integrated program designed to import messages from a Sony IC recorder, and to manage a variety of operations such as playing, transferring, and editing imported messages. The Digital Voice Editor allows you to exchange messages between your computer and IC recorder or “Memory Stick”.
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Last updated: October 6th, 2011

Sony Digital Voice Player
This is free, dedicated software for use with Sony® IC Recorder files. This program supports the following file types: -DVF (Digital Voice file): [filename].dvf-ICS file (Sony IC recorder Sound file): [filename].ics-MSV file (Memory Stick Voice file): [filename].msv-WAV file (WAV FILE - 8kHz/11kHz/16kHz, 8bit/16 bit monaural file): [filename].wav
- Publisher: Sony Corporation
- Home page: esupport.sony.com
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

MixPad records, edits, and mixes an unlimited number of audio tracks in a professional way. It comes with an interesting array of features and utilities that will allow you to create and edit midi files, add filters and effects to your mixes, burn your audio files to CD, upload them to SoundClourd and Dropbox, and even design your own surround sound.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Last updated: October 24th, 2017

Music Memory
Music Memory is a small Flash game that puts your memory to the test and challenges you to remember the musical notes. The game is free to download, and there is also an online version that you can play. A nice little game to play when you have a few minutes to spare.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Home page: www.novelgames.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

AV Voice Changer Software DIAMOND
Alter and modify voices in real-time; enhance voice quality; compare and analyze voice characteristics; record with a microphone; capture online audio stream; compatible with most environments; supports various formats: mp3, wma, wav, ogg.
- Publisher: Avsoft Corp.
- Home page: www.audio4fun.com
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2015

Bangla Voice Clock
Bangla Voice Clock 3.37 is a time announcing and alarm clock. Bangla Voice Clock can announce the time in selectable intervals of 15, 30, 60 minutes. You can preset six alarms and schedule as many events as you like, specifying when should you be reminded.
- Publisher: SMP Systems
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

DDR Memory Card Recovery
DDR Memory Card Recovery comes in handy when you need to recover lost files. Although the name of the tool may suggest that it supports retrieving lost data from cards only, it can actually rescue files from other types of external devices, such as memory sticks and hard disks.
- Publisher: Pro Data Doctor Pvt Ltd.
- Home page: www.datarecoverysoftware.com
- Last updated: September 20th, 2015

Voxal Voice Changer
Voxal Voice Changer lets you modify, change, and disguise your voice in any application or game that uses a microphone. Voxal seamlessly works with other applications so that you don't need to change any configurations or settings in other programs. Simply install and start creating voice distortions in minutes.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nchsoftware.com
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Wise Memory Optimizer
Wise Memory Optimizer automatically calculates and displays the used, free and total memory of your computer upon deployment, along with a pie chart. You can learn your PC memory usage at a glance. Single click the "Optimize Now" button, the program can free up memory in several seconds. This intuitive user interface makes it really easy to use for both novices and experts alike.
- Publisher: WiseCleaner
- Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024