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Voices tyros 1 voices in Title/Summary

Galactic Voices

Galactic Voices

For all those who feel that the normal human voice isn’t really what they wanted, and fancy being blessed with an option to sound like out-of-this-world creature, the MorphVOX Galactic Voices 1.3 is just the right kind of deal, which comes as a free add-on for the MorphVOX Pro Voice Changer software.

Personality Voices

Personality Voices

The MorphVOX Personality Voices 1.0 is another cool add-on for the MorphVOX Pro Voice Changer software, which provides voice-changing capabilities of various personalities, right from a cool dude down to a matured elderly lady. This tool can be used for adding fun and comedy to instant messaging and voice-overs.

Tyros Registration Memory Editor

Tyros Registration Memory Editor

The purpose of this program is to be able to manage selected resources and features used in Tyros, Tyros2, Tyros3 and Tyros4 registration files. The program will only allow editing of existing registration banks already stored in the registration file. Adding of new banks has to be done on Tyros itself.

  • Publisher: KWTools
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2012

Voices tyros 1 voices in Description

Deep Space Voices

Deep Space Voices

The users of the MorphVOX voice changing software had been longing for few additional effects, and in comes the solution, in the form of the MorphVOX Deep Space Voices 3.3 It is a dedicated add-on program for all the MorphVOX Pro users, allowing them to sound as though they have been taken back into the ancient world.

  • Publisher: Screaming Bee
  • Last updated: May 3rd, 2012
Cepstral Allison

Cepstral Allison

Cepstral Personal voices bring your computer to life with a natural voice that speaks to you. Personalize the voice with fun Speech FX filters like Dizzy Droid, Old Robot and Spacetime Echo. Cepstral Personal voices are for personal use only and are NOT licensed for audio distribution.

  • Publisher: Cepstral LLC
  • Home page: cepstral.com
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2014
Talking Desktop Clock

Talking Desktop Clock

While most desktop clocks are very simple applications that come with only a few, basic options, Talking Desktop Clock is the complete opposite. It’s one of the most comprehensive and feature-rich clock applications one can find, offering much more than just a display of the time on your desktop.

  • Publisher: Cinnamon Software Inc.
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2015


f we apply the YAMAHA keyboard as master and an expander, synthesizer or another keyboard as slave, it will be advantageous to revoice voicefiles with native voices of the slave and to assign these to voice parts like Right1 at the master. With an appropriate MIDI Setup we are able to generate the native sound of the slave.

Tyros Registration File Composer

Tyros Registration File Composer

Tyros Registration File Composer allows you to mix registration banks from different registration files into one. The app has support for: Tyros, Tyros2, PSR-s910, PSR3000 and Tyros3.

  • Publisher: KWTools
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2011

Additional Voices tyros 1 voices selection

IVONA MiniReader

IVONA MiniReader

Whenever you may need a small, easy to use tool that enables your computer to read any text aloud to you, this application it could prove suitable for the job. This is the light version, of the IVONA Reader, a complex feature stripped version. To say that the interface is intuitive and easy to use, it is an understatement.

  • Publisher: IVONA Software
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2014
Ham-Apps Sounds

Ham-Apps Sounds

Ham-Apps Sounds is a free application that enables you to download and install male and female voice packs. The program is designed to work with the Ham-Apps JT-Alert and you can choose to install the female or the male voice sounds depending on your preferences.

  • Publisher: Ham-Apps by VK3AMA
  • Home page: Ham-Apps.com
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2013
Fantasy Voices for MorphVOX

Fantasy Voices for MorphVOX

Fantasy Voices for MorphVOX is an add-on for MorphVOX that enhances your role-playing experience. Now you can play the part of the Gruff Dwarf, the Mighty Giant, the Beautiful Warrior Princess, or the Whiney Squire. Have fun with this selection of fantasy inspired voices.

Innoetics TtS Reader

Innoetics TtS Reader

innoetics TTS Reader is a program that brings you quality synthetic voices, with additional unique features that make it a powerful solution for any application or platform integrable with SAPI 5. It contains advanced features such as processing of Greeklish or Latin-transliterated texts and native pronunciation of English.

  • Publisher: Innoetics
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2014
Garmin Express

Garmin Express

Garmin Express helps you set up, register, and manage your Garmin device. Desktop notifications and step-by-step instructions make it easy to update your devices. It lets you get the latest detailed street maps for better navigation. You also get updates for golf courses and nautical charts.

  • Publisher: Garmin Ltd.
  • Home page: www.garmin.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2024
Loquendo TTS: Speech Synthesis

Loquendo TTS: Speech Synthesis

Loquendo is the very first company to bring expressive synthetic speech to the market: new, high-quality voices guarantee Loquendo's market leadership in quality, efficiency and portability as well as in pronunciation accuracy, natural timbre and intonation.

  • Publisher: Loquendo
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2022
Voxal Voice Changer

Voxal Voice Changer

Voxal Voice Changer lets you modify, change, and disguise your voice in any application or game that uses a microphone. Voxal seamlessly works with other applications so that you don't need to change any configurations or settings in other programs. Simply install and start creating voice distortions in minutes.

MorphVOX Junior

MorphVOX Junior

MorphVOX Junior is a free program that will modify your voice to match your personality. MorphVOX Junior is optimized for online games, but is also great for prank calling friends via instant messaging and VoIP. The program has built-in voices and sound effects that make this voice changer convenient to use.

  • Publisher: Screaming Bee LLC
  • Home page: screamingbee.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
AT&T Natural Voices Crystal

AT&T Natural Voices Crystal

TextAloud is Text to Speech software for the Windows PC that converts your text from MS Word Documents, Emails, Web Pages and PDF Files into natural-sounding speech. You can listen on your PC or create audio files for use on iPods, iPhones, and other portable audio devices. TextAloud even has automatic iTunes syncing.

  • Publisher: NextUp Technologies, LLC
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2011
Cepstral David

Cepstral David

Cepstral David offers realistic synthetic voices that can say anything, anywhere, with personality and style. From the smallest device to large installations and high-end interactive media, Cepstral voices can bring fresh content to your ears, on demand.

  • Publisher: Cepstral LLC
  • Home page: www.cepstral.com
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2013